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Posts posted by Bearofdistinction

  1. Imo the romance, the affection, the touching, the holding, the kissing, the foreplay are as important as the sex itself. If all one wanted was sex one could just masturbate.


    That's why so many escorts advertise "the boyfriend experience".


    I love an aromatic man as well as a Romantic Man. From Kink to Cuddle - All G0o0od!

  2. This might belong in another forum, but didn't want it to get lost, so here it is.


    I'm 54 now and used to have a CRAZY sex drive......recently diagnosed with high blood pressure and since taking pills to control that, I've noticed that I'm hardly horny and even if I force myself to watch a porn, it takes a little bit to get hard...I still do but just seems weird it's not immediate, I also take propecia to help prevent loss of hair and this has resulted in such a decrease in cum, sometimes I wonder if I actually came, lol. Also have read that this side affect will remain even if I stop the medication and that there are lawsuits about this, smh


    I'm going to see my Dr. the end of the month and ask him and see if there are other options or pills to change to...I'm even getting swelling in one of my legs and I've read that this could be a side affect of one of the pills.


    what I take now for Blood Pressure is = Losartan/HCT 100-25 AND Amlodipine 5mg , the 2nd one is what I think is causing the leg swelling. I used to take Lisinopril before the Losartan, but after a few weeks I started with an annoying dry cough, even after switching off of it, the cough lasted for 3 more months, wtf.


    I've started to think it might be better to stop the meds, probably die earlier, but enjoy those last years to the fullest.....




    There is a LOT of experience from the members here in life in general, not just whoring, so I know there might be some good advice from some of you.....


    I have taken Losortan for years with no trouble -- Amlodipine however effected my sex drive and sent me to the ER and a week in the hospital for med reactions

  3. Recently an escort I haven't met before asked me to send two photos and my "full name", so he could verify my identity before he would agree to meet. I said no and explained it was for privacy reasons. He replied he wanted to know for security reasons. He is apparently new to escorting, but I wondered if there could be some entrapment attempt involved.


    For whatever reason, have any of the providers here asked for a client's full name? I wanted to make sure I haven't slipped into a parallel universe where this is standard practice.




    I Just Tell Him -- I am ACHMED ABBUBU AHMIR!!

  4. http://78.media.tumblr.com/4b591d98ea00f0e609bcdb01a74ccd3e/tumblr_owz0guJ0aD1sxq2tro1_1280.jpg























































    Those may be dangling but they are FULL iciples

  5. The other thing that fucking pisses me off, when people call me...as we’re trying to set up a time, they holler about having stuff to do and can’t wait more than 30 minutes to meet. Well why the fuck did you call me then? That’s not my problem you have stuff to do.


    People act like they’re calling a tire store or appliance store or something. Dehumanizing. Just no kind of respect or common sense about shit. I’m not a fucking store. Call me as if you’re calling any other sort of private professional or setting up a date with a busy corporate professional. Those plans would have been made well in advance.


    And the other thing, everybody so scared and unwavering nowadays. You ask them any little question or ask them to do anything out of their comfort zone, they want to get all up the ass about shit. I had one guy in D.C. pay me $280 CANCELLATION FEE, because he decided to cancel simply because I wanted to know a little about what he was looking to get into...because he hadn’t told me that previously. Fortunantely we did reschedule the next day and had the most awesomest appointment I’ve had in a long time. But still...that caused me to temporarily go crazy for a couple of hours, and he almost landed a permanent place on my twitter flake list.


    And now a week later, 3 mother fuckers pulled that shit today, all for different reasons which were just trivial. I ask a guy to meet me at the hotel in 30 minutes because I’m driving and on my way there, he cancels.


    People have this unrealistic expectation that we’re just sitting somewhere doing nothing with ourselves but waiting for them. But then, when you actually do that, the mother fuckers don’t call.


    Too Bad the OLD Bitchatolla Mocha is back

  6. Loved Lex Luger - Read somewhere he is wheelchair bound living in Florida with another retired wrestler. Hated Rick Flair - Had a huge Crush on Paul Roma and Kerry Von Erich along with Brett Hart.


    I was at the First WrestleMania at Madison Square Garden ring side seats === Close enough for the Hot Furry Canadian Ruggo Brothers to spray sweat on me --- Have not watched in probably 20years. Hated Vince McMahon . . . and his Nazi Demon spawn Linda.



  7. I ordered from a take out restaurant which I use about once a week. Today I called, and was told the delivery would be there in 30 to 45 minutes. Usually the order is early. Today, after about 1.5 hours, I called to see if there was a problem and I was placed on hold for about 10 minutes and disconnected. I called back and I was told that there was a bit of a mix up and that the order was on the road. It should be noted I live about 5 minutes from the restaurant. About 10 minutes later, there is a knock on the door and the delivery person is there with the beverage I ordered. He apologized for the forgotten beverage but when I asked about my food, he said it should have been delivered already and that the other delivery person should arrive shortly. I called again after waiting 1/2 hour and was asked which was the order for which I was waiting and then someone else got on the phone and told me the my order, an incorrect order was on its way.. I corrected the order and was told my order would be remade and would be on the house. I refused the free meal. 20 minutes later, almost 2.5 hours after my order, the food and a beverage arrived. The delivery person told me that she would pay for 1/2 the meal and I told her that I had been offered and turned down a free meal. I paid her.

    15 minutes later, she was back at my door with my order and told me that one was on the house.

    So would anyone have taken the first meal as a freebie? Anyone would have taken the second meal as a freebie? Would anyone have tipped either of the delivery persons. IF so would you have tipped the second delivery person who came twice each time they came?


    Tip the Driver - The screwup is likely at the Restaurant. Food Delivery is generally not a first career choice. It also sounds like the restaurant did a good job of trying to make amends.

  8. I ordered from a take out restaurant which I use about once a week. Today I called, and was told the delivery would be there in 30 to 45 minutes. Usually the order is early. Today, after about 1.5 hours, I called to see if there was a problem and I was placed on hold for about 10 minutes and disconnected. I called back and I was told that there was a bit of a mix up and that the order was on the road. It should be noted I live about 5 minutes from the restaurant. About 10 minutes later, there is a knock on the door and the delivery person is there with the beverage I ordered. He apologized for the forgotten beverage but when I asked about my food, he said it should have been delivered already and that the other delivery person should arrive shortly. I called again after waiting 1/2 hour and was asked which was the order for which I was waiting and then someone else got on the phone and told me the my order, an incorrect order was on its way.. I corrected the order and was told my order would be remade and would be on the house. I refused the free meal. 20 minutes later, almost 2.5 hours after my order, the food and a beverage arrived. The delivery person told me that she would pay for 1/2 the meal and I told her that I had been offered and turned down a free meal. I paid her.

    15 minutes later, she was back at my door with my order and told me that one was on the house.

    So would anyone have taken the first meal as a freebie? Anyone would have taken the second meal as a freebie? Would anyone have tipped either of the delivery persons. IF so would you have tipped the second delivery person who came twice each time they came?


    Tip the Driver - The screwup is likely at the Restaurant. Food Delivery is generally not a first career choice. It also sounds like the restaurant did a good job of trying to make amends.

  9. You couldnt be more wrong my friend. When you are dealing with beta men that applies. Not when you are dealing with actual alphas. One day when you run into an alpha you will understand.


    See Boo Boo Kitty there is a HUGE DIFFERENCE Between a Real Dominant/Alpha and a Bully - And what YOU are describing is a COMMON Bully/Hater --- So if that makes your Pantyhose Puffy - Then enjoy and hope you get out of the Hospital Soon!

  10. Goodness gentlemen!


    I do not expect any of you will ever understand fully what was involved in the case you're undoubtedly referring to here, but I'll begin by inviting any of you to call me. You can reach me through my ad. I welcome your comments. I believe that you'll discover I'm not the villain so easily imagined by the exchange here.


    To the contrary, those who know me best, those who continue to authentically arrange time to meet me for equally authentic experiences, would paint an entirely different image.


    The said individual who contacted me caused me to lose a considerable amount of time and money. He was able to do this by contacting me weeks in advance, being dishonest, and winning my trust. Like several others who've done this before, he waited until only minutes before the arranged meeting and then ceased all communication. Apparently, some individuals who do this enjoy the sense of exhilaration experienced by setting up a meeting time and place. One guy admitted that he used the excitement to masturbate; look him up on the Bad Boy Report (I believe he went by 'Tim in Cincinnati). He was especially proficient in the nuances of prevarication


    Typically, we simply absorb the loss and chalk it off to experience. It isn't glamorous. Even worse are the experiences of my fellow colleagues who are physically mistreated, some after driving hours to arranged meeting places and never compensated. I'm not appealing to any sense of pity, simply your understanding.


    I can count the number of times I've spoken up about my experiences with flakers on two fingers. This is one of them.


    For those of you who think it's to be expected and that we should just accept it, I ask you to reflect a moment. What might you suggest in this case? I'm willing to listen, apply your advice, and let you know how it works.


    I invite those of you still reading to check out the reviews guys have written after meeting me. Some of them have met me multiple times and still have plans to do so in the future.


    Lastly, check out the track record of professionalism that I've established with the various directors and production companies that I've worked with for over four years. Talk to the performers and production assistants that can vouch for me in this regard. And if you are still not convinced, post a comment on Twitter asking fans about the personal correspondence I've had with them over the years. I'm willing to stand up to the test.


    In the meantime, I'm currently trekking through the Northeast and available.





    P.S. Have any of you heard about the wicked popcorn flavored protein shakes that I make. Ask Mike Gaite about them.


    You were Great as the Second Darren in BEWITCHED!!!

  11. I was sort of wondering the same thing. For those who practice this, is it something I would learn while making an appointment? Or after our time together has begun ?


    The reason I ask is that it’s not something I prefer and, while I’ve only encountered it with one gentleman, I’d have liked to have known about it in advance.


    Dude glad you practice safer sex -- does that mean you require condoms when I swallow your cock down to the pubes>????

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