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Everything posted by Bearofdistinction

  1. Easy Stayed in the Closet - While Gay Men Died -- Had respect and a loyal following in the Xtian Religious Community where he could have done some good. He was already an established as a star - had millions -- and his Macadamia Plantation in Hawaii and was living and loving another man -- He only came out after he retired -- I have the same kind of feeling for other similarly situated celebrities Well Gomo-Homo Glad you got to get married on the carpet of bloody gay corpses who fought and died for your rights (Hock Spit)
  2. WOW -- Who would have thought it possible. . .
  3. Does it Come with a Case of LaBatts?
  4. Vile Old Closet Queen -- I Hope He Rots in Hell
  5. She is and always has been a Warrior Princess!
  6. Yes Folks Grab your Mayberries ! Gomer Pyle died today at 87 --- The pathetic old closet queen leaves his husband of several year and partner of nearly 40 years. I hope he fucking Rots in Hell http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2270681/Gomers-gay-Jim-Nabors-actor-best-known-playing-TV-character-Gomer-Pyle-1960s-marries-male-partner-38-years.html
  7. Lots of Single Soldiers -- What is rare to Find is that Triple Treat - 3sys hung to the kneesys!
  8. Wearing ITs Bandanna in that manner facilitates a triple lining of aluminum foil - the shape helps Redirect the Alien Mind Control rays from ITs home Planet --- Into a Hamster Death Beam to Keep IT safe from the Demonic Hamster King! (Patent Pending)
  9. Not Sure -- I have searched - He could be a contender to go into the will!
  10. Yet Get What You Get -=-= - So Long as Mr Happy Gets up and off then Don't Worry Be Happy!
  11. And you thanked him and offered to show him your magic underwear -= right?
  12. Try putting ads on Recon.com and Collarspace.com
  13. Honey if he can do that -- He can likely suck and fuck himself!
  14. Depends on the Ass and the Escort. . .
  15. Just send in a Mini Haz-Mat Team!
  16. Yes I did reach out -- The original plan was to spend the day with my Friend and regular local Gentleman Caller. Right before the post his plans changed an had to work his fulltime job. Just waiting for the Hens to finish Cooking - I like to cook them low and slow to allow the flavors from the stuffing and the bird to meld and moisten each other. I did receive several replies but the scheduling and the personalities did not match
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