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Everything posted by Bearofdistinction

  1. I get all same prices and sales as in the store === Any problems driver is back within an hour to bring replacement. I can send notes to the shopper like --- "I Want 2--- 1.25lb New York Strips -- Please Ask the Butcher to cut a Pocket into the Steaks I am grilling stuffed." I order soda/cases of water/heavy stuff etc. --- the $16.00 service charge to Shop - Deliver - Bring into the Kitchen - Stack Cases in the Garage - is well worth the fee and the cost. Or I drive to the Market - fight for parking - spend 90+ minutes shopping and standing in line checking out -- Packing the bags - loading the cart - finding the cart - loading the truck - driving home and unloading the truck - carrying everything in to the kitchen and garage - then unpacking ---- TIME + 150 minutes Shopping on computer and unpacking groceries in the kitchens 30 Minutes Worth the fee Yes or No? HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My time bills out at a hell of a lot more than $16 an hour and leisure time -- PRICELESS!
  2. When I was a landlord (up until 2 years ago) I put low end Frigidaire units into my rentals. They cleaned well - lasted 10+ years and were never a problem. I had one that came with a duplex building I bought for myself and lived in the larger unit for 2 years - it did a great job. For Hard Commercial Use I used Kitchen Aid Dishwashers behind the bars the took almost constant use and lived 3-6 years
  3. Put your towel down next to a hot guy(s) then say Hi - My Im hi end Toyota - my friends call me Avalon! His name LA-Vander and he is an investment banker -So if he steals your money it will be well invested. You ask him to watch your stuff he agrees -- by the time you know it you two are making out under his beach blanket.
  4. Based on these stories I should be grateful than on our 13th anniversary my EX had a hissy fit over a restaurant/bar tab. I was trying to pay the large share because I had dinner and he had lots of drinks at the bar, He went off on how I was embarrassing him in front of all these people (The bar was empty it was 4pm) He took out his Titanium/Diamond Encrusted/Black" I am a Superior Corporate Human" AMEX and threw it at the Bartender after waiving it in my face and Said "I got this" and sneered at the BT and at me!!!! Fine Im heading home ---- he arrived about 90 minutes later -- more drinking time -- Yay -- and started to curse at me and threaten me -- (Now include in the Picture . . .) I am partially disabled and on those arm Crutches with the ring you slide your arms into --- And as I try and settle him down and try to get him into bed --- He punches me in the face and blackens my eyes and swings for my Nose. I Duck and push him away and trip him with a crutch, he falls back almost onto the bed --- but he has caught my collar bone = I close the door and sleep in the guest bedroom -- in the Morning in addition to the black eye the bruise on the neck/collar bone and chest are purple and hurt like hell and are the size of a lunch plate (Take Pics Mary of the bruises and send them out to friends telling them what happened - create a record don't be a double asshole). Two hours later he came out of the bedroom and wanted me to go to brunch with him - like NOTHING Happened . . . . I told him if he ever touched me again he would leave the house in handcuffs or a bodybag or both. YES I KNOW --I SHOULD HAVE CALLED THE COPS! We own vacation property together which is the location of the assault. We have not spoken since and only communicate by email regarding the business of the property. AINT LOVE GRAND __ HAPPY ANNIVERSARY ASSHOLE!!!!
  5. You know Sam if you wanna promote horrible criminal acts of torture - How about from 2 days ago An African American father in Reno Nevada - Murdered his 14 year old son after the 2 argued over the son having a boy friend and being Gay. The boy had previously abused o the point where he no longer lived with his father and at 14 resided in his own apartment, The father sought the child out at his apt and after loud argument shot his only son numerous time - The child was pronounced Dead on the Scene. The Childs former Foster Mother told Police that the father had repeatedly said on numerous occasions "Better a Dead Son than a Gay Son". Since the original report 2 days ago this MURDER has received no National Media attention whatsoever. This is horrifying, heartbreaking and so disgustingly homophobic that I who doesn't generally support the Death Penalty would gladly torture the father to death after several long days - and dry raped by several Bike Clubs. Sam would that provide enough horrifying sub human behavior to arouse your interest? Disgusted and Angry and not even sure at whom! https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/nevada-father-murdered-son-being-gay-former-foster-mom-claims-n817906
  6. I thought he was talking Rubbing Alcohol -- "Okay sweeting - now this may feel cold and wet and then you will feel a Little Prick: by MarcusWelby MD
  7. The Kimptons are such lovely people === I love there show - KICKING THE SHIT OUT OF THE KARDASHIANS!
  8. What do you use after the alcohol - Brillo Pads?
  9. Very walkable - METRO everywhere - Neighborhoods someone else can weigh in on I have not stayed over in years -
  10. Hey Boo Welcome Just Pick a Couple of guys - reach out - tell them you are a first timer and what you are interests are -- And see how you feel by the reaction pick one - make an appt. And go have fun! If you don't like the first guy - then try another one!! And if that Pic is of you in a jock you will get lots of smiles from Gentle Callers and Gay/Bi men wherever you go
  11. You can do as suggested above -- Or IF you really like and care about her then wait for a special occasion - Xmas/Landmark Birthday/St. Swithins Day -- If the cost is not an issue then why not buy her a "Starter Piece" to build her own collection? And phrase the card in a way that makes it clear that it is a Starter Piece Then you have done something nice for a friend that she would really appreciate. I also never lend anything of value to friends or family including money that I cannot afford to not get back.
  12. Except in Hasidic or Extreme Orthodox Judaism - Adult male converts are not CUT as adults in America these days! - A drop of blood is drawn from the "area" or could be Arayan . . . So it is possible to have uncircumcised male Jews running around the bars and bookstores wearing yamakahs and foreskin. OY VAT JOY! A nice Jewish Boy with Blond Hair Blue Eyes a lil turned up nose - And a Foreskin hanging down to his knee!
  13. You can reach out in writing - Whatever they do you have made the gesture to share about your OLD Friend - and express sorrow for their loss. And you have soothed yourself . . . Sorry for your lost and your loss
  14. ME TOO! Some previous employers at the time gay-centric businesses
  15. Thank you Greg!!! I could not think of the name PORTILLO's but the Italian Beef - Chicago Dogs and Sausage !MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
  16. Francaise? Marsala? Cajun Breaded and Fried Or in Moms Stew with Dumplings?
  17. Check for Master Wayne/Sir Wayne in Chi -- Mr Robertson -- DOM TOP also Raul G Manzo of Chi is well reviewed here and makes his own impact and tools of torment.
  18. And he is only on RM for about 3 months. Does he look like a Dom to you? I have seen hamsters that are more butch than this guy
  19. About as much as youd miss Jock Itch in a prickly heat storm while wearing wool draws!
  20. I have read about that in Readers Digest -- "Hi I am Josie's Whoo-Whoo" while I was waiting for mom at the Hairdressers
  21. Next time ask them to add Ice Water drops = not knowing makes it erotic
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