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Posts posted by Merboy

  1. Some straight men can be very in touch with their girly side. Just yesterday, in fact, I met a guy - I was totally expecting him to say he had a boyfriend when he said he was going on a date with "my significant other" but then he said "She and I have been dating for a few years now." o_O He likes dolls, Shirley Temple movies, Bath & Body Works, and has the best hair on the planet - beautifully coifed. So ya never know.

  2. Not EVERYTHING of course --- as my grandma told me years ago, "Men are a dime a dozen, dollface" (she was a lot like the grandma in Pippin -- to my musical theatre fans, I happen to be watching this on Broadway HD), but An AWFUL LOT.



    Anyway, please post a picture of that heavenly man...and also answer the question if you might --- "What about him makes you really go berserk?"



  3. Anything beautiful.


    I remember a sad moment when I was maybe 10 or so and I was driving in the mountains with my male cousins who were just a couple years older than me. I said something like, "Oh these mountain views are so beautiful." And they chastised me for saying that, because "beautiful" is only something girls say. I should say the view is awesome or something.


    Probably when I realized I wasn't like the other boys but in retrospect it's sad that they had such a limited view of masculinity.

    Too many boys growing up really don't have the freedom to even say how they feel...as if a word could make you "queer"... because to be girly/queer is the "worst thing a boy could be" as so many of us have heard over and over again. Very sad. ??

  4. I would definitely say my mother has set the standard of what I consider beautiful or attractive in a woman -- natural aging, warm inner glow, big smile, wavy hair, soft makeup... even though I have never been attracted to women in that way, I feel that straight women and gay men are very comfortable talking about women they find attractive.


    But do our fathers also set the standard for us (all those attracted to men) of what we might subliminally like or desire in a man?

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