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Everything posted by MartyB

  1. No one hotter in his prime. Greatest actor there was and his influence on all that came after is evident. He had issues for sure but damn what a man!
  2. Not a ghost. He survived his hospital stay.
  3. I would appeal to Rentmen but if they can't I would write another review with a check off on the photo accuracy.
  4. I may not be every hot guys cup of tea but when a hot sexy gorgeous man gets a hard on and sticks dick my butt what could be more satisfying than that? Unless I flip and do it to him? No games no what if bullshit.
  5. And sometimes I want them to "fuck" me.
  6. There's a pattern of lateness and cancellations on this guys part. When he cancelled on me the last minute he did repeatedly text me to set something up but I just didn't go there. The one thing you don't want to do in this business is build a bad reputation no matter how hot or good looking you are. It will come back to bite you in the ass.
  7. Just saw this and would be very willing to meet up. Xoxo. Marty
  8. I wish I could shoot and hit the ceiling like in my 20's that's for sure. Did i look better of course. I look back now and think damn I was pretty good...lol However I hire escorts and my self image is good and these men have made a lot of difference and Viagra helps as well. But the most important thing when I'm having sex now is how experimental and open I am to try and have a mutually great time. That comes with age. If only I knew then what I know now. As Edith Piaf would say no regrets.
  9. He quoted me 350. Told him too high for me never responded back.
  10. MartyB

    NY options

    He is not a smoker...Has he at one time not sure but not over the past 16 months that I know him absolutely not. He's truly elite. You will not be disappointed.
  11. Never asked that question. However, When an escort became a regular over a long stretch it was inevitable we would talk about futures especially escorts who are/were on the mature side of this business. It was always mutual never butting in on my part.
  12. I'll reply to several who have stated the same philosophy that I have about posting reviews here. The escort that has provided me with a great time and made me feel sexy and happy has earned my ability to help him out. I have never experienced an escort that I see on a regular basis who I have given a positive review not provide me to time. Just the opposite. There have been times where I've actually reviewed an escort multiple times here because they have relocated and it would help their business.
  13. MartyB

    NY options

    Thank you my friend for helping me out here. Much appreciated..xoxo
  14. MartyB

    NY options

    If I could add a link I would do it here. But you can't go wrong with Tarrek. He's on Rentmen NYC. Love him.
  15. Good to know.. I've always thought he looked and sounded great. Is he located in Brooklyn? Thanks
  16. MartyB

    Anal Eaze

    I agree. It was just the first time I tried it. It was good and very effective.
  17. MartyB

    Anal Eaze

    Guys it was my first time I ever used it. Inalos never had issues bottoming with a a knowledgeable top. But as a one time experience it was just fine.
  18. MartyB

    Anal Eaze

    When I've bottomed never used it. But the other day a little dab and damn I was ready for business. It was liberating. I'm a fan. Lol
  19. Loved this series. It was hilarious and the cast was perfection. Ian McClellan was sensational
  20. My first rule when it comes to masseurs is do you want me to post a review on this forum? Since the content of the review has to be sanitized I refer to the experience as an erotic massage and don't elaborate on details. I also allow the masseur the ability to review prior to submission. This clears the way for both of us that we're good to go on this forum. Now if my fellow members DM me for further details depending who that member is I will provide additional information or respond to their direct inquiries. If I've never had any interaction with the forum member I just kindly state you will not be disappointed in what erotic elements are offered.
  21. I did know him and as I said earlier in another post saw him for a stretch of time. He was a great bottom a great escort fun sexy hot and always professional. I can't speak for what happened after that time. It saddens me what's happened here and he seems to have "pissed" off a lot of people.
  22. I have the reverse situation.. Several escorts on Twitter including one I've reviewed here has really upped his twitter account with some great pics and I love following him there. It's kind of fun to know that the man so many admire I've had great sex with and will continue to do so.
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