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Everything posted by MartyB

  1. Binged watched here in NYC with the storm on this fabulous series. Funny interesting great cast with great social changes coming. I think it's based on Joan Rivers. Next going to watch Mozart in the Jungle.
  2. I would love this man. But he doesn't do in calls in NYC. He's so hot. He was very nice and professional when I reached out to him. My loss.
  3. Tarrek, British Touch & MichaelNYC. Elite
  4. Love sex in storms. Plus it helps to have Netflix and Amazon prime. Lol
  5. Best film I've seen this year. A moving and beautiful film with far reaching overtones. Loved it.
  6. Not pleasurable for me in a condom. I'm so used to it from receiving or giving it's become status quo for me and my escorts. If I did BB then I would come in his ass. But I don't.
  7. I've sort of given up on an escort cumming inside my "ass". I prefer he comes on my ads chest or in my mouth. Even with my regulars most of the time I'm the one to "cum" due to the escorts calendar more than likely. As for me I always pull out because I don't like cumming in a condom. I like to release in his mouth or on his ass.
  8. I only do in calls to escorts and I'm in NYC. I have had the greatest sex in tiny apartments and a bit messy. The connection that was made between us made those places magical. Great memories. If an escort informs me which part of town their in that doesn't matter either. Walk up studio etc. All ok. What is not ok if it's filthy or I have no privacy.. I don't want roommates or friends being there when I arrive. I have traveled to Brooklyn Staten Island etc. But that was for the exceptional Russ and Stevo. Those guys could be living in a shanty and my ads would be there. Lol
  9. I thought about it. Trust me. I go with my instincts and I moved on. Still see his ad and damn he is fine.
  10. I don't normally do this but I'm amongst friends here. I booked a session with him some months back. He was very nice and texting was cordial and we set up parameters of what to expect. I was on my way in the NYC transit system (Always a challenge) when I got out and walking to his apt. I get a phone call that he couldn't keep our appointment because he got a modeling gig and had to cancel. I was two blocks away left work and coordinated this. He apologized but I was really pissed. He did reach out several times to reschedule but I never took him up on that offer. He is beautiful but then again there are plenty of beautiful guys in NYC.
  11. When I reach out to a new escort I do give info on myself. Should I not sure but I think it's protocol. Give my height weight dick size and that I'm white and that I'm a mature guy. I find it humorous when I do meet the escort that he always says you didn't exaggerate your dick size. Lol.
  12. Until I started hooking up with escorts I didn't know I had a big thick dick. I thought I was average. Some of my best experiences were with men who were average size especially because they knew how to be a great top. Conversely at times been with men with big dicks not a great experience at all. We are not defined by dick size unless we believe that's what defines us.
  13. This guy looks really hot and intriguing. When an escort can't do in calls it's a bummer. I won't pay the hotel rate in NYC + the escorts fee. Oh well. Every once in a while I ask the escort if they can ever accommodate an in call sometimes they can..Maybe I'll give it a try here...LoL
  14. Dare Devil 1 & 2 Jessica Jones Orange is the New Black Big Mouth Defenders How to commit Murder The Crown "Luke Cage"
  15. I'm a relative newcomer to this forum. A little over a year I think. In that time of had forum members PM me about escorts I've been with and I've left positive feedback. I have no problem with that. If I've seen a post on an escort that I did not have a good experience with I will post publicly but not in great detail. As others have stated one man's experience is not another's. I've blasted a few escorts on escort/masseur sites publicly. When that's happened the escort/masseur never uttered a response on the site or to me personally. Most of the time the members I've had private conversations with have been about specific sexual activity I've had with the escort. They have jumped to their own conclusions.
  16. I reached out to him thru text. Gave him a profile of me. In addition I told him I was mature in age. When he asked me exactly how old I was told him this will not work. His tone through text was derogatory. Have no regrets at all on moving on.
  17. I read your comments with fascination. Not because I'm critical or complimentary but it's a reality that you know that I don't experience. I appreciate your candor and and view. Keep it coming babe. Yes you have men on this board who are pretty critical so what. We need a voice on here that's different challenging and at times provocative. Don't agree with everything you state but you make this board so much better. Besides your also hot babe! LoL
  18. One of the hottest and finest men I've met. Love him.
  19. Just saw this post. I never thought I could bottom. But 2 of my favorite escorts showed me the way. Bottoming is both mental and physical. Plus the great Antton Harri once told me that the bottom is in control. If I'm not connected or feeling it and the top isn't working with me it ain't happening. I love when my toes curl. Grrr.
  20. I've been following him for awhile. Never pulled the trigger. If someone has DM me would love some feedback.
  21. Last week a. Escort I really love tonne with cancelled 2 hours before we were to meet citing health issues. I can only take it face value that is true. I don't necessarily buy it but it's reality. Somewhat dis I do I booked another guy who is awesome. All is good.
  22. Sorry guys I need to "cum". I may not hit the ceiling anymore but when I'm seeing an escort I limit my jerking off so I'm primed. How I reach orgasm doesn't matter. Now if the escort "cums" as well that is just the icing on the cake.
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