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Everything posted by MartyB

  1. I was pretty sure Seven Dixon retired. If wrong I would love that. But alas not in NYC.
  2. As a client I expect a certain degree of stretching the truth on escorts parts. Mostly those complements about my great physical attributes lol. Although I've learned most were not exaggerating on one of my body parts lol. What I can't abide by are an escort who has put me in a very uncomfortable position and feeling because of their indifference to me. If you lie about a cancellation because u state your not feeling well I'm ok with that unless it's one hour to meet them and I'm on my way. Once an escort has done something on this order I never repeat and will rate them accordingly.
  3. He's definitely on my to do list. I reached out to him he responded quickly and very nice.. I have to wait till he can accommodate in calls. Love his look. I believe March is when I can try and set something up.
  4. MartyB

    Mamma Mia 2

    Love Colin Firth. Took a few years to get over that moment in his film bio. Lol
  5. Thick my friend. A bit beefy. Lol
  6. One of my all time favorite men the great Antton Harri told me something that has always been with me ever since. The bottom is in control. If the session is not just physically appealing but your mind has to be into it as well. Any escort that I've been with understands what each man is capable of. Have someone spend plenty of time working on you whether rimming using their fingers good lube and if necessary a little anal ease. But chemistry has to be there. And yes there will be a bit of discomfort at first but also figure out which position works best. I would also use the forum here and DM members to see if if a particular escort will work for u. Good luck
  7. I don't need an escort to be perfect. I think he looks kind of hot now. I would not put down 400. He's banking on his former glory in porn for that rate. As always if he can get it more power to him. I always thoufht he was hot now he's reimaged himself. I kind of like it.
  8. I deactivated my FB account over a year ago. My life has not been altered for the worse. FB began to censor to the extreme. As for family and friends I don't need FB to wish them happy birthday or what they are eating for breakfast. Plus the politics of the last presidential election caused such a rancorous and hostile place and not just the Trump supporters but the Bernie supporters as well. Plus I like to keep my life private and on FB it's not.
  9. I have avocado in my salad every day it's just delicious.
  10. MartyB


    I never thought how much I would love it but I do and can't get enough. The smell of man "ass" is such a turn on for me. Sometimes I spend too much time down there. Lol
  11. Looks like it will happen finally in early March. He's always been the prototype of the man I really love being with plus intelligent smart and funny. When it happens I will post who it is. Don't want to jinx it! Been an admirer of his for about 10 years and never had the right opportunity to meet. Bucket list baby. Lol
  12. I believe Seven Dixon is in Florida. I'm pretty sure he's retired. No disrespect to the escorts I have openly admired and reviewed here but this man set the bar for me. Extraordinary in beauty and one he'll of a nice man.
  13. Thanks for this your input matters.
  14. I hated wrestling in High School. I was always the bottom...LoL But this guy i would gladly be in that position. Good for him and for us.
  15. MartyB

    Russ on film

    I can state with 100% conviction that Russ is one of the most approachable escorts I've ever met. No attitude fun, smart sexy as all hell...and anything but unfriendly.
  16. MartyB

    Chris Mazdzer

    Luge Bobsled I think your right on what he won. I was concentrating on the man. Lol
  17. Well I'm just saying that my fingers are very thick and long but my palms small. Sort of gorilla like..and yes there's a correlation with my dick size as well. loL
  18. I don't normally watch the bobsled competition in the Winter Games but damn Chris Mazdzer not only won the Silver Medal but damn he was looking hot in that spandex. Great body and legs and not leaving much to the imagination....Plus he's a New York State man...Can't beat that. Lol
  19. Before I started having sex with men I never knew how many or what were my erogenous zones like my nips or pits as well as inner thighs and kissing my neck and playing with my butt. I never knew how oral I could be either. Lol. Having sex with guys was so potent for me and very natural. I still had to learn what I liked and didn't like plus it took awhile but I'm not restrictive to a certain type of man but I know when it's right and hot and fun.
  20. What's the name of this place and location? Thanks
  21. Best ginger in NYC. He's awesome
  22. I agree how would anyone know that cock belonged to Wally Cox? Glad I chose Mr. Brando as my icon pic for all you guys. LoL
  23. One of the reasons I like this board is because of posts like yours. so honest and revealing. We are anonymous here but it's like a kinship. As to your age and your outlook keep doing what your doing and enjoy yourself..
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