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The Dude

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Posts posted by The Dude

  1. Funny...the reason I made an appointment to see him today was because of his tattoos. To each, his own. :p I saw that he had a few bad reviews on RM, but he had enough positive ones for me to take a risk. He communicated well and it was easy to set up the appointment. He doesn't speak much English (GoogleTranslate helped). He's mostly (completely?) straight, he looked like death warmed over when he opened the door (just like his pics, though, but after a very rough night), and in the end, in spite of our best efforts, he couldn't perform. He was very apologetic, told me that he had a fever the day before and was still exhausted, and gave me back the money I'd left out for him. My departure was cordial and I told him to contact me if he feels better. After I got home, I wanted to check something in his profile, and I discovered he'd blocked me! I didn't know one could do that on RM, but I think perhaps he's gotten enough bad reviews that he might proactively block people he has less-than-positive experiences with so he doesn't get any more. Can't win 'em all!

    He had a fever, huh? Nothing to worry about there... :rolleyes:

  2. Four escorts in Atlanta today have responded to my texts about hiring. They are all about the same rate-wise. I plan on hiring two or three of them at some time in the next couple of days. Anybody have a comment about them or priorities in hiring? I am flying out on Saturday. All four were nice in their responses though one was a bit more picky and one was extra accommodating and nice.









    Who was the "extra accommodating and nice" one?

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