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Everything posted by MikeyGMin

  1. LOL I'm sure I have no idea who you're talking about, but if I did... I'm sure I would say there is no point trying to improve on perfection. I never said I didn't like tattoos, but as I've mentioned, I like them to be well-executed. Some of the gentlemen we have...ah...discussed?...are aggressively tattooed and not well executed. To the point that the tattoos are all-consuming. But you are right. My number 1, 2 and 3 at the moment all happen to be blank canvases. I'm not sure one has anything to do with the other, but now it does make me wonder if I'm drawn to temperaments that are less likely to ink up. I tend not to overthink these things though.
  2. I think a single sleve is sexy as hell, but I do wonder how guys are going to feel about them 20 years from now. I remember the first time I saw a tribal tramp stamp in the 90's. I thought it was extremely sexy. Now, it would be...unfortunate.
  3. Same here. There are well-executed tattoos and there are poorly-executed tattoos. Some of them blot out a muscle and some of them accentuate it. I know he is going to come off as too effeminate to some of you but I think Kyle Krieger has beautiful ink.
  4. I just want them both to survive. I know that losing beloved characters is a hallmark of the show, but it would be very hard to get over the loss of Arya. My dream is that Dani and John fall in love so they can work together. And then Sansa becomes the Warden of the North. That's the beauty of the show. Anything can happen and I certainly don't know what to predict.
  5. I probably miscounted. I was reading them in sequence and I got frustrated when I started a new book and he began introducing a whole new story arch (It could have been Sir Davos or even the Ironborn -- it was a long time ago.) and had hardly tied up any of the current ones. That's when I decided I wasn't going to live long enough to read the end of the series. At that time I had no idea that HBO had the show in the works. I'm not sure if I will pick up the novels again if he does write more. I enjoyed his writing style for the first couple books, but the elaborate detail that I enjoyed at first became tiresome. I wanted the plot to move along, not 10 pages on what was served at a feast!
  6. I probably miscounted. I was reading them in sequence and I got frustrated when I started a new book and he began introducing a whole new story arch (It could have been Sir Davos or even the Ironborn -- it was a long time ago.) and had hardly tied up any of the current ones. That's when I decided I wasn't going to live long enough to read the end of the series. At that time I had no idea that HBO had the show in the works. I'm not sure if I will pick up the novels again if he does write more. I enjoyed his writing style for the first couple books, but the elaborate detail that I enjoyed at first became tiresome. I wanted the plot to move along, not 10 pages on what was served at a feast!
  7. I stopped reading the books after number five. I was frustrated that George R.R. Martin took so long to come out with a new book in the series even before the HBO blockbuster started. So I figured it would the years for the next one! Now it's an interesting conundrum. Does he pick up the book series and incorporate his contributions to the HBO series? Does he take it in a different direction? Or is the book series just over?
  8. There is another thread floating around that you must have missed. Olenna had already admitted to Margaery that she had poisoned Joffrey, but it was one last jab. It is also some vindication for Jamie's love for his brother. (There is still that killing of their father thing, but I think Jamie can get over that.) So far each episode has had some great moments. And yes, one of themwas Grey Worm's extremely nice ass!
  9. For the most part yes. I finally found a handsome, athletic, very straight guy that I like. It's completely legit but I enjoy having his hands on me and he gives a very very good massage. Problem is that he is very hard to schedule, so I was often sent a random dude. Invariably you can Google them once you get their name, but I've never cancelled the massage based on what I found. Zeel really doesn't want you contacting the CMTs directly and they get in trouble if it becomes known. We worked out a happy medium. I text him to find out about his availability and then request that specific time slot from Zeel so they still get their cut. He's been out of town for a month so I deviated from that system last night. Never again! Going to be "my guy" from Zeel or one of the sites where you see their pictures ahead of time.
  10. Not the ones that have shown up at my house! I like a good legitimate massage and have never been an HE guy, so I have trouble paying $160+ just to have a hot guy doing the massage. But I think I'm becoming a convert. It makes a big difference on who is putting their hands on you. Going to start paying more attention to the Spa forum!
  11. This is the one situation where I would be motivated and feel obligated to explain myself. I have a regular who has enhanced my life for almost 2 years. The only reason I would stop seeing him would be a change in my financial situation. Even though he's not exactly the self-doubting type, I would still want to tell him that.
  12. In my personal life (non escort related) I have had many threesomes turn awkward and end up being unsatisfying. In fact, more bad than good. I have only hired one duo and it was a very good time. They knew just exactly how to work together. I think your odds of success are better with an experienced duo rather than arranging a threesome with two escorts who don't normally work together.
  13. I envy you. He is definitely something special. The ultimate luxury item.
  14. We disagree on several other things, but not on this. It has nothing to do with a lack of self-esteem. Of course there are young men out there who are attracted to old(er) men, but to say there are "plenty" of them is wishful thinking in my world. Ten to 15 years is reasonably common, but over that is about as common as a 5 karat diamond.
  15. I really doubt you are in the minority. It's just that people are more likely to respond positively to this question when posed by this provider. People aren't going to pile on with, "You're too old for me to consider." Just acknowledging that it's a niche market speaks for itself. There is definitely an upper and lower range to the look that I prefer, but it's all about the look not the calendar. Realistically, it would be difficult for someone much over 40 to pull off the mid 20's to early 30's look that turns my head.
  16. It wasn't for me, but I make it super easy on potential hires. I usually text them early evening, tell them flat-out that I want to meet them and point them to my Rentmen profile that has a good description of what I'm looking for and a couple of pictures. I ask them to text me back if they think we're a good match. I give it 24 hours before I start thinking lack of interest. I send the first text early evening in case they have a day job and then give them all that time in case they are already engaged that evening. I usually have the engagement entirely arranged in three to four texts, but I realize that everyone has their own process. This works for me and I've been told by multiple escorts that I'm very low maintenance. I assume that was a compliment.
  17. It is a lot of fun. I had what turned out to be a disastrous overnight with a young, extremely hot porn actor, but the disaster came later. When we were at the bar, he owned that place. The attention he got was remarkable. I'm sure the nature of our relationship was obvious, but I didn't give a damn. My attitude was, "Judge all you want. You wish you had him."
  18. Oh...he's legit alright. Legit and big big fun! (Pun intended) Positive review forthcoming.
  19. Don't doubt your ability to lead with your big head so easily. I have had a young Costa Rican friend (who I'm extremely attracted to) stay with me for months with no quid pro quo. I don't expect or "make" him do anything other than the normal behaviors of a good roommate. I don't claim to be overly altruistic and the satisfaction and enjoyment of having someone young and handsome in the house is significant. It does keep things fresh. The fact that I don't get to poke him doesn't diminish any of that.
  20. My understanding was that "South Asian" refers to the entire Indian subcontinent so it would include Pakistan and Bangladesh. At least that's the term we use at work when we don't know if someone's actually from India or Pakistan.
  21. Ouch! That's a real look of pain. I know what I'm going to have to kiss and make all better.
  22. I was still in elementary when "Can't Buy a Thrill" came out. "Dirty Work" is the first song I can remember really appreciating and noticing something like the saxophone solo in the middle. It was and is a really beautiful song, but can't quite stand up next to Sam Smith's "Stay With Me." It's like watching a black and white movie compared to color.
  23. I don't know what context you are seeing the usage. I've rarely seen it used, but when I have it's been in the context of a very lecherous type statement meant to imply a tone of voice like, " I need to get some a dat azz."
  24. The music of the 80's and 90's bring back memories, but I don't have any of it on my playlists. My taste in music has always changed with the time. I've always been a sucker for breakup ballads, so give me a Sam Smith or an Adele song any day.
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