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Everything posted by MikeyGMin

  1. On that we agree. If they weren't...I wouldn't be paying them.
  2. +1000 For the life of me I will never understand why people do this kind of sleuthing. Checking the review sites and anything related to their professional reputation is understandable, but the kind of sleuthing that so many people do is just a nice word for stalking and it puts you in this exact awkward situation. I understand an image search if you think the guy might be using someone else's pictures, but that's where I end it. It is sloppy on their part if they have the same photos on their personal and professional accounts, but I would stop immediately if I hit their personal Facebook account and never say a word that would make them uncomfortable. Just like most clients want to control the release of their personal information, the pros should be afforded the same courtesy. It also makes it kind of special when / if they choose to reveal things of a personal nature.
  3. I don't know Draven, but Kurtis is a genuinely nice guy. He has that "confidence without being cocky" thing going on. I bet it really shows when he is working a crowd.
  4. +1 QTR is a smart, forward-thinking hetrosexual woman who hires escorts. I enjoy and welcome her participation in this forum. I'm not really vested in this particular topic, but it seems to me that all she is saying is that you start from a place of believing the accuser is telling the truth and investigate accordingly. Of course the accused is legally presumed innocent until the accusation has been investigated. Is it really that much different then if I were to report a battery? Wouldn't I be believed until the accusation was proved false?
  5. Our very own Kurtis Wolfe will be appearing on the 15th & 16th. I don't suppose they allow cameras?
  6. Thanks. Although I know it was completely wrong of him and very creepy in retrospect, at the time I honestly didn't mind. The little horn dog in me was completely into it and kept going back for more. He also never buggered me. "Inappropriate" just from a social and realistic point of view. I realize that many / most people think that men in this age range are at their most beautiful, so I don't really find the attraction inappropriate. Acting on it however makes me feel like a cliché of the older man chasing the younger man. I think that Calvin Klein looks ridiculous with his boy toys, and don't want that for myself. The regular that I mention all of the time is only 27-years old. I absolutely indulge that attraction and love every minute of it, but I don't try to date men that young. I just don't think it's realistic.
  7. Unfortunately, no. If you read some of the updated news since this first broke many of the girls were prepubescent.
  8. I have worked in finance (that's my excuse) for a high-tech company that makes all this crap -- for more than 20 years -- and I don't have a clue what he said either!
  9. Well, welcome to the forum. I appreciate the ATX solidarity. If you've been reading the board for any time, you probably know we have a couple really good options here. (The reason I skipped on the unknown.) Feel free to PM me anytime if I can return the favor.
  10. Ouch. I guess I dodged a bullet there. Sorry you wasted your time and money.
  11. He does say that his name is Bogdan in his ad but I wasn't smart enough to search on it :-)
  12. He's new to Austin - - at least to me. I can't tell if he has taken up residence or is just traveling through. So far, I think I'm hearing that others agree he is hot but no one has met him.
  13. Anyone know anything about these guys? His pictures look odd to me. Like the face has been photoshopped onto a body. http://rentmen.com/sexyeuro Also new or visiting Austin. http://rentmen.com/russianhot
  14. You'd have to watch a number of his videos. He is very gay inclusive and always makes a point of saying "if your girlfriend or boyfriend doesn't like blah blah blah..." He knows he has a lot of gay followers and is very gay friendly, but in this case, I think he is an honest to goodness straight metrosexual. ( Of course no one ever knows what goes on behind someone's closed door. )
  15. I love this guy. He actually has a pretty good YouTube channel. He is the epitome of a metrosexual and does videos on all kinds of men's grooming and dressing tips. He has a hilarious one about grooming the private parts including the ass crack. I use a beard conditioning product that he recommended that is fantastic.
  16. I'm not sure how many deals it seals, but it works to keep him in my mind. Every time I see it I review the pictures and do the ol' "Next time I'm in LA" thing in my head.
  17. This is how I operate also. Especially when someone has been inconsiderate rather than malicious. If it can't be changed, I really look deep to decide which is more painful... Walking away or living with it..and then I do the opposite
  18. It's the nature of the apps. I go through this all the time with a (young) Persian friend of mine who is honestly looking for friends and not hook ups. I keep telling him that when someone says they are open to friendship, what they really mean is, "let's fuck and maybe we can be friends afterwards." He's really a cute guy and gets all kinds of messages. Which promptly end as soon as it becomes obvious he is serious about the friendship thing. It's a different issue, but the same mentality.
  19. Yes, you silly boy, you missed my memo. Being behind in you email is not an excuse... Plus or minus 10 years is a "normal" age range. Anything more than 10 years...one of the dudes is old and one of the dudes is young.
  20. I don't really agree. It doesn't need to be a lack of self-esteem that makes you acknowledge that the vast majority of young guys are not interested in older guys. So if your idea of success is scoring with young guys, outside the escorting world, it's just a fact of life that you have to come to terms with. I think what's really key is to not let that be the determining factor in your happiness or self-satisfaction. Those are the guys who make themselves miserable and let it impact their self-esteem.
  21. Google that shit you lazy boy! It was revolutionary for the time, but I think it would feel very dated if read today. If memory serves me, it's all about NYC party boys -- drugs, sex (no HIV) and yearning for personal connection. On second thought, maybe it wouldn't feel dated...
  22. Interesting. Ass implants are the gay man's version of breast implants. Do we really care if those cheeks are real or not? Straight men seem to love fake tits. I don't think I'd have a problem with ass implants as long as they felt like a firm muscular butt.
  23. His Twitter handle is @JasonKingPhoto. He's a West Hollywood photographer and organizes stripper circuses around the country. He doesn't do porn or escort. He's just a really cute guy who is leading quite a life. (At least looking from the outside in.)
  24. This is more Periscope information, but apparently Seth wants to focus on school and does not want to really be involved with social media. Billy showed him briefly in one of his broadcasts and Seth was not amused. You could hear him in the background chastising Billy for not respecting his privacy. I thought it was charming - - of Seth.
  25. Billy Santoro (as mentioned), Kyle Kash, JJ Knight, Scott Riley, Hugh Hunter, BJ Adia, Wesley Woods, Alexander Mecum, Derek Atlas and Kurtis Wolfe are porn guys that I have followed. Even though it's a Twitter app there is no nudity allowed. If it gets reported, the guys get put in timeout. However, Billy has gotten away with a LOT. They vary in frequency and interest. Sometimes it's a new toy and the guys get bored of it after a while, and I have gotten bored of some of them. Wesley is fun, and Alexander and Kurtis don't broadcast a lot, but I always watch them. Non porn but fun include: Tempest DuJour, Jason King, and Lance Bass.
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