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Eric Hassan

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Posts posted by Eric Hassan

  1. On 2/24/2022 at 7:17 PM, nycboi said:

    How do you tops are able to take more than one client a day? Where do you get the stamina from? I only feel horny every 3 days. The idea of topping 2 guys a day just seems a bit difficult to me. Maybe I'm getting old.

    we’re all different, and while i think there are things we could do to increase our ability to perform, i also think it’s worth your time to learn to accept who you are and how you operate. 

    i’m in my 40s and i would say that i haven’t experienced a decrease in my sexual energy but i do know that some days i have less energy and some days i have more - i try to remind myself i’m not a machine and i’m allowed to have ups and downs :) so are you!


  2. i've noticed a lot of studio sites have been "revisiting" stuff from the past or releasing stuff that didn't make it before. for the straight porn sites i patronize, that change started in june-ish. i'm not sure about when those kinds of changes happened to gay sites as i'm speaking with second-hand knowledge on that.


    i've not heard much from the OF etc guys that i know, but if i had to bet, i would say that sales for them are flat and if they're not., they're +/- 10% from what they were before. i'm saying this because i notice three things: there are subjectively more folks doing OF thereby further diluting the market; there are more sales and special offeres suggesting that there's a need to entice subscribers; and many of these folks have relied on couples, threesomes, etc that are not always a possibility right now, and would need to either shift their focus to more solo stuff, slow down their posting (assuming they had a backup of content), revisit unreleased stuff, or stop producing


    and then this whole theory might be blown out of the water when i admit i have more OF subs (2) than i ever have before, but you know me and forearms ...


    and to respond to @Daverwr - as a site owner myself, i can say that you're probably not going to find anyone giving you numbers. i know that after i pay my billing company, the credit card company, and taxes, that i keep about 60% of what someone pays for a subscription. i'm not sure what the OF % is but you can find that out easliy by looking at their site.

  3. i might be alone here, but don't use the RM messenger. it's not that great on our end and doesn't provide any added benefit, and it's just one more place we have to look and keep track of what's going on - on top of messages on RM, text messages, emails, messages here, messages on social media, it's just one more thing and one more way to get your message lost. stick with text messages or email.

  4. So, I’ve been away for a few years. Why did a NYC get together turn into such a fight? I would LOVE to meet up in New York!


    it was about 3-4 years ago, during the summer. it was stupid and totally chilled my desire to plan or be a part of NYC events. the PS event is lovely, but i probably wouldn't go near an NYC gathering.

  5. wow ... thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone! fortunatly, i'm safe and healthy and staying inside as much as possible. so far, i'm having a great birthday and definitely looking forward to being able to see other people soon!! until then, i'll keep blowing up twitter!


    as some of you know, my husband is a doctor and he works for a city hospital. because he's mostly in outpatient and academia, he hasn't had to be on the front lines much yet - they've been working on making sure everyone in the community is stable - but he's going to be starting on the hospital side of things tomorrow, working with covid patients on overnight shifts.


    i hope everyone is safe and healthy. these are uncertain times and this is a life-changing event, but at least we have each other!

  6. hey fellas - i hope everyone is staying safe! i know there's a lot of uncertainty right now in general, and regarding the PS trip specifically. reading all of your responses reminded me of something: you can purchase an annual trip insurance policy.


    you might have seen when you book train tickets or plane tickets that you get offered an insurance plan, usually underwritten by allianz. the rates are not so bad, but if travel a lot, you might want to consider an annual plan from allianz. they have a few plans, but i know insuring one person (me, at 41 and living in NY) is about 125/yr. they do have plans to cover your household if you're partnered/married/have kids, and they do offer rental car plans as well (though you can't use them if you're a resident of NY - i'm not sure about other states).


    if you don't travel so much or an annual plan is not for you, they also offer per-trip plans and per-rental plans for cars. i would recommend NOT accepting the insurance offer that you get when you buy tickets, and instead go directly to allanz and purchase an insurance plan for your trip. it's the same plan you would have gotten, typically at a more reasonable rate.

  7. thank you so much for the kind words and letting me know i'll be missed - it means a lot to me! my plan is to be back in 2021, it's just time for me to do something different this year!


    i have cancelled my room and it may not be too late to grab it if you need it.


    i do request that on april 20th, for anyone so inclined, that you smoke some of that legal weed and think of me - alternately, you can think of me whenever you need to get off :)


    seriously, boys - enjoy and be safe and be really fucking kind to @Oliver - that man is a gift and these events wouldn't happen without him!

  8. hey fellas - i won't be attending the events this year - before i left last year, i booked a room at inndulge in the event i did choose to attend, and i'm going to be cancelling the reservation soon. if someone is still looking for a room, i'm happy to either advise you when i'm going to cancel so you can call and get the room, or (if possible) even transfer the reservation to your name. i'm not 100% certain but i believe i had the room from thursday april 16th, departing on tuesday the 21st - please feel free to send a DM if this is of interest to you. i'll wait until monday to cancel in the event anyone wants this, and offer it on a first-come-first-served basis!

  9. Very well put @Keith30309


    I know separately 2 Englishmen (goodlooking, muscled 20s). Each likes being admired by other men, neither defines as gay and for each, their intellect is not their greatest asset. Both have great physiques and are not shy about posing in brief underwear. I know one did monetise his physique before OF and I’m told the other has toyed with the idea.


    Now each earns a remarkable amount monthly from their OF accounts, seemingly tax-free. Regular employment for these guys would probably be as gym trainers or waiters; both jobs would demand longer hours and regular attendance at work for much less money.


    I can see the allure of OF for the content-providers. I’m mystified as to why guys subscribe, but then I‘m mystified by guys spending time and money chatting on webcams. I’ve zero interest in masturbation; I’ve always preferred to engage with a person in real-life.


    it's definitely not tax-free. there's no way that all those credit card transactions are happening and the owners of OF/JFF are taking in that amount of money and nobody thinks about the performers. if a performer isn't paying taxes on something so easy to track and document, they're dumb - and looking for trouble.


    also, i highly doubt that many of these guys are actually making a decent amount of money - if they were, they wouldn't constantly be putting their services on sale. on a daily basis, i see someone else who is supposedly "doing well" begging folks to join their half-priced OF.

  10. for me, using a stage name is part of the fun. i have a legal name. i have a porn name. i do a lot of writing and i have a third name for my writing. i also make music and i use a fourth name for that. they are all me but each one has strengths and concerns that the others don't have. part of my creative process (and sanity) is being able to embody these "characters"


    i don't really mind if folx find out my legal name (or any other name) but i do love the name eric, and i love being called eric, but if someone wanted to call me by my legal name, i'm not interested in fighting that. and if i don't want to hear it, i can always shove my dick in their mouth.

  11. We will have to agree to disagree. I think I mentioned that when I was a child looking at handsome guys-and I'm talking about when I was as young as 6 years of age or younger, I thought watches were ugly. And I think I remember actively thinking that I wish that the various handsome guys I saw weren't wearing a watch. Even today I sometimes think that about watch wearing guys-particularly guys wearing a gold colored watchbands or guys with those square smart watches.




    isn't it so interesting how early some of our proclivities develop? like you, i was very young when i first realized i had a thing for foreams - many years before i understood it as a sexual thing, but by the time i arrived at puberty, my obsession was already well-developed and ingrained. it sounds like it's similar for you!

  12. I've noticed on a lot of Rentmen videos that guy will keep their watches on either during sex or when pleasuring themselves. A lot of the guys seem to have apple watches which are reasonably expensive. I know several of you on here are watch aficionados with very expensive watches. Even with my plastic Casio piece of ... I am concerned about lube or other bodily fluids getting on it. I would think with expensive watches there would be even more concern. So what is your usual practice. And I'm not only talking about sex with escorts, where if you don't know the guy, you'll meet "stripped to the bare essentials" for your protection, but also with your partner or regular friends.




    i love love love love love love love love love love when a guy leaves his watch on during sex or jerking off. for me, it's rare that a watch looks bad on a guy, and often they enhance the overall asthetic of the forearm, and that's pretty much all i need lol


    also, i'm not sure, but i'm guessing that most watches these days are water-resistant enough that incidental fluids and lube are unlikely to damage the watch. i'm guess this has been mentioned in some of the other responses, but i haven't looked at them yet

  13. Funny that you say if only there was some SOP for client-provider communications......your quote above is typically standard for human-human communications. I have found that true in non "working " hookups, selling/buying items, finding roommates, and other scenarios. I just expect this as the norm now whenever communicating digitally with anyone (text, email, even voice calls sometimes) and then pleasantly surprised and emotionally/intellectually turned on when someone communicates with well rounded responses.


    in my frustration with text communictation, i've been someone who's bitched to my friends about one word texts, ignoring questions, etc and my friend have often reminded me of the same thing - that's SOP in the hookup/casual communication world in regards to texting and it's probably how some folx will approach hiring, hence the terse/inadequate communication


    and i feel you @Trick - you're pointing out that it's not just clients that have room for improvement on their communication! i hope that you are able to frame it in terms of their problem, not yours, and perhaps a sign they may not be the right person for you


    as an interesting(?) side note, every once in a while i bite and respond to a text message that i might not normailly respond to - i thought maybe the folx who send terse messages might be fine with terse communication in general, and maybe the attitude i'm rocking is costing me business - so, i got a text from this guy recently, someone i have never messaged with before that just said "hey" so i wrote "hey" back and he wrote (2 hours later) "you free?" and i wrote "nope" and he went off on my horrible customer service and how sorry he was that even bothered to look me up

  14. Escorting long term doesn’t exactly benefit one’s mental health. It skewers one’s perspective of what sex, money, love and interpersonal relationships mean. I think the fact that my partner having sex with other men for work is the least of my worries, as most escorts do a phenomenal job of disassociating and keeping personal and work completely separate. The mental anguish and wear and tear of working in such an industry, however, is a bit more difficult to overcome for two individuals trying to build something together.


    i respectfully diagree that escorting long term doesn't benefit someone's mental health. mine is way better now then when i was in my last career. i acknowledge that some folks might have trouble after doing sex work for a while, but i dont' think that's a causation thing. i think some accountants have mental health issues after doing it for a while. some doctors, too. and i'm sure some lawyers definitely waitresses and probably teachers, too. what i mean to point out is that sex work is work and just like any job, you might or might not expereince a change in your mental health after doing the work for a while.


    i do think that it takes a fair amount of vigilance and work to maintain one's mental health doing sex work. it has most certaibly changed my views on sex, my body, other bodies, relationships, etc - but i don't make that wrong and i do the work i need to do to maintain my mental health in the same way that someone else doing something else might. without intention, it probably won't happen!

  15. Perfect message....

    "Hi, saw your ad on RM. I am into (xyz) and am available to meet up (state when you are looking/availability). I am in (general location) and able to (whether you can host travel or both).

    If this sounds like a good fit for you, let me know your rates for (length of time you are looking for).

    Love your ad and looking forward to hopefully meeting you!"


    i would cry tears of joy if i got a message like this - and i would answer all the questions without hesitation


    being upfront is fine - it's when i get a message from someone i've never talked to before that says "what's your rate?" and nothing else - annoying partly because i link my website with all of this information on it already but mostly because you're a stranger and if you can't even bother to say "hello, my name is ___" than i wonder how much you actually care about what you're doing, and how nicely you'll treat me - i'm also quite likely to completely ignore the one word texts as @MrMattBig above mentioned ("avail?" "into")


    i appreciate the efficiency of including your name, approximate location, in or out, days/times you're looking to meet, and any questions you have in your first text - it tells me that you think about what you're doing, you're interested in meeting me (not just lookinhg for a body) and that you care about YOUR experience - i mean, you're planning on spending a lot of money, don't you care about the experience even a little?

  16. I currently work in occupational therapy...going on 10 years and 13-14 years total in healthcare. Since October the therapy world has become, IMO, a shit show and reimbursement rates were slashed. Then, I am not sure when this is supposed to happen, but there is supposed to an additional 8% cut in therapy reimbursement! Point being not a lot of opportunity to be getting a raise anytime soon as well as rehab companies going under, potential pay cuts, which some companies have done. So, curious if anyone else works in the field and maybe considering a career change?


    i have my BS and MS in occupational therapy and spent 14 years practicing before i left 5 years ago to go full-time in sex work. in my time as a practiciing clinician, i saw repeated funding cuts, new vague rules, limitations on treatment, changing (expanding) documentation needs, higher productivity requirements, and a general decline in the ability of professionals such as OTs, PTs, and STs to provide the best care possible because of these things. i eventually left the last company i worked for because after a significant medicare fine, the company laid off thousands of people, eliminated rehab supervisors and directors (a year before i had been a director and stepped down because i wanted to do more direct patient care, and i would have lost my job if i had stayed), and morale was super low.


    what i can tell you as someone who made the career change is that the skills you have gained as an OT will carry you far. i always say that as an OT i had to walk into a room with a 90 year old lady who had never met me and was sick, and and in less than 15 minutes i needed to convince her to take off her clothes while i watched and scrutinized how she did it - if you can do that smoothly, you can handle almost anything. also, you've probably gotten used to knowing what 15 minutes feels like, or when an hour is up - you can imagine how valuable that is. also, you've probably developed a natural skill for making people feel comfortable, for having difficult conversations, for providing a complete experience in the time allotted, for setting goals and measuring progress, for finding humor in awkward situations, for keeping track of multiple people and changing situations over a perid of time, and coming up with solutions to problems and alternatives to typical ways of doing things. i regularly use the skills i developed as an OT in my work as a sex worker.


    the flip side that i want to present is that sex work is not for everyone. if you're only running away from something (a changing healthcare situation) you might want to think twice - healthcare has forever been a shit show, and what seems like trouble now will become the new normal - when i entered the healthcare world, there were people then bemoaning a system that felt good to me. funding will come and go, rules will change, morale will drop and come back up - but people will keep being sick and getting injured. but if you are considering this choice because you are looking to something (a new opportunity to use your skills and interests), i wou;dn't hesistate to advocate for you giving it a shot. but do what i did - make sure you have your license and continuing ed up to par, and give yourself a year, then evaluate. you can always go back to OT if you find sex work is not for you, or not making you the money you need or want.

  17. I remember you having a bad trip to Boston. Where they kind enough to at least cancel in a polite way?


    nope - in fact, all 7 of the appointments i had confirmed with me within a few hours of their appointment and 6 of the 7 just didn't show up, didn't answer further communication. the 1 that did keep his appointment was in boston on business ... from NYC. i ended up going out to one of the few gay spaces left and it was nearly empty. on the hookup sites, everyone was high on meth. not the bostom i used to know and definitely not the boston i want to know now. it's kinda pathetic and i hope it turns around.

  18. For those who respond with just "Thanks"


    As an escort, it's impossible to distinguish between just that one word meaning "thanks, not going to work" or "thanks...and subsequently expecting a follow up with availability, or even expecting and appointment if availability was already discussed.


    Due diligence and consideration would be better appreciated in more clearly communicating that rates are outside what you are looking for. Especially if you attempt to contact them again in the future, you are likely to be given more consideration back then just ending the previous conversation with "thanks".




    "Thanks" is polite but for me, it's unclear if you just were information gathering and you'll be back minutes/days/weeks later to schedule some time together, or if it's not in your budget, or what. I'm the kind of guy who doesn't want to add pressure and I hope that if someone wants something, they would say so. I can also understand that there is a "no haggling" sort of thing going around, and I don't love when someome comes right out of the gate trying to haggle, but if someone were to say to me that it's a bit out of their budget, I would at least have a conversation about what we could make work.


    I also like @Mikegaite suggestion of thinking about what you might want to offer or provide to "make up" the difference in what you can find financially and what the provider asks. For example, I have a regular client here in NYC that I give a discount on my rate to because he is not only a regular patron, but he also regularly gives me an extra bottle of poppers or a couple of jockstraps, and frequenly has me over for dinner or takes me out for lunch. We've negotiatied through it all and it works for both of us. Also, don't underestimate what you have to offer a provider - sometimes, I've had someone hug me when I really needed it, or listen to me bitch about something for 5 minutes and it's made the whole day better.

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