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Everything posted by LADoug1

  1. Because they are still interested and have something to say. There's no statute of limitations. And they're not meshugganahs. Lol. First time I ever saw the word in print.
  2. I love pleasuring my partner this way.
  3. And it's always appreciated if the top is cool with an ass malfunction!
  4. I love stripping my partner while I'm fully clothed and vice versa. Dominance fantasy.
  5. Hope it comes to Los Angeles.
  6. Work them yourself. It's perfectly fine!
  7. I disagree. Not to toot my own horn but I've been told I'm a great bottom and never top.
  8. Work them both simultaneously. My fantasy!
  9. Due to kidney and osteoporosis Issues I'm not able to take PreP. Plus I'm still traumatized by the epidemic in the 80's. I use condoms faithfully.
  10. If you are barebacking PreP is a MUST for you !
  11. 20 pic maybe. But 50? Overkill. For whatever reason it's a turnoff for me. I agree too that if the pictures are redundant it's a definite bore.
  12. Just go early. The line later on is staggering!
  13. I'm cool if the AA group is the higher power. But when you call the higher power God I'm not with the program.
  14. Perhaps the post should read "most posters" rather than EVERYONE.
  15. Based on the number of quarters shown in the pic I guess his dick is worth $1. Lol. PS. This thread belongs in The Deli.
  16. Perhaps priority should be based on when passengers checked in. Last ones to check in are the first to get bumped if other incentives don't work.
  17. Smile yes but also a gasp of excitement and satisfaction!
  18. His hourboy ad is gone. Only one review. All the confusion about contacting him? Ask me rates? Anything goes for safe? Uh ...I'll pass
  19. I appreciate your thoughtful reply but still stand by what I said.
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