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Everything posted by LADoug1

  1. Plus Kristian came 3 times when I was sucking him. Amazing!
  2. Another negatively toned thread by Mocha. Yawn.
  3. Once I bought a cup of coffee and a danish to give to someone begging outside a 7-Eleven. When I handed it to him he thought I was going to give him money. At first he was disappointed but then said “that’s cool “. I wasn’t sure how to feel.
  4. I’ve heard the company has a very conservative political view and rates low on the scale of gay rights. Anybody else heard this?
  5. I see a guy who is in an open relationship. Because we are so into each other he tends to eschew kissing. He’s afraid of “over bonding “ with me. Often quite disappointing for me since for me kissing is often as important as the sexual acts.
  6. Where do you live Avalon? Fascinating that you’ve never been to the beach. Hope you get there soon!
  7. I always do. But wish I knew the rules about what is acceptable. For example I heard plastic straws are not. I also know people who recycle everything and I know that can’t be right.
  8. Once I simply bought the person lunch where I was eating. Prefer this to money.
  9. My god I hope the allegations are false. Takai is one of my heroes. My gut says no.
  10. I once used a delivery service that even asked if I wanted my bananas green, turning, or ripe. It was cool.
  11. I find the use of the word “dickhead” offensive in the context of this thread. Don’t even understand it. Maybe I’m dense and too sensitive. Just saying...
  12. “a lil turned up nose”? What does that mean?
  13. I’ve often wondered the same thing.
  14. Had an encounter with a Latino. When I asked if he was cut or uncut he replied “I’m cut. My parents were progressive Mexicans.” Thought that was a slightly weird response. Maybe a little elitist and even borderline racist.
  15. My sister and nephew. My sister hung herself knowing her son would find her. Narcissistic to the max. My other nephew jumped from a train trellis. He had been homeless and was turned away from a mental hospital. Both upset my mother for the rest of her life.
  16. So are European Jewish guys.
  17. VPL can also mean visible panty line. Just saying....
  18. I love the pics where guys are pleasuring themselves by working their nipples. Also working them both at the same time is the hottest! Great thread!
  19. No but I remember the name of the first man I made-out with. The experience is indelibly etched in my mind.
  20. Thank you for answering the original question.
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