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Posts posted by twinkboylover28

  1. We seem to have some hotel snobs here on the forum. I stayed at the Governeur (sp) in 2016 and found it entirely adequate for my unpretentious needs. The homeless sleeping on the heat grates (January, 2016) right outside the hotel's front door and the cocaine peddler on St. C. did not bother me in the least.


    Haha priceless. Guess that makes us (the majority who posted reviews on TripAdvisor, Etc.) "hotel snobs."

    Ask Azdr0710 and KatlG for your money back when you find the Gouverneur to be the dump that is is.


    Plus, the city of Paris is awesome.

  2. The 747 Airport bus stops directly in front of the Courtyard by Marriott on Rene Levesque. The metro is a short 5 minute ride to Berri-UQAM and Pappineu.


    I love the IGA store too. I just prefer to take the metro to the IGA and then take it back to my nice, safe hotel near the Golden Square mile in the much safer/nicer upscale part of town.


    The IGA has awesome cakes and deli sandwiches. There are 24/7 restaurants everywhere in Montreal like Joe's Paninis and La Banquise.


    After the metro closes at 12:40am I simply walk to Rene Levesque where your STM metro pass will be good for the 24 hour buses which take me directly to the front door of my hotel.

  3. Ditto what Ichabod said. Hotel Dorian is even more economical than Le Gouverneur, plus it's located above Taboo; however, I would never stay at either hotel.


    Keep in mind Montreal has huge taxes, especially on hotels.


    My favorite hotel (after having visited Le Village 18 times since May 2005) is the Courtyard by Marriott on Rene Levesque, but it's like $250 USD per night (including taxes) during May.


    I also like Hotel Mount Stephen which is even more expensive. I no longer stay at the OMNI Mont-Royal as it's showing its age.


    You can stay anywhere in Montreal, as the metro and bus system will take you virtually anywhere in minutes for cheap.


    My favorite time to visit Montreal is mid-May and late September when the weather is most pleasant.

  4. You said block away from stock. Nothing you say can cover up the fact that you were WRONG! When you can’t get your facts correct and refuse to admit you are incorrect your credibility becomes Zero. You are not reliable. You are not trustworthy. You should not be believed.


    As for stock, most of the tourists that visit there have never even heard of this board. So again, you are completely uninformed. Which is not something I would hold against you. Your unwillingness to accept facts and admit you are wrong when it is so obvious as well as your unwillingness to accept others may have a substantially different perspective is the problem.


    HaHa. Very anal retentive are we?

    OMG I said a block away when it's a mere 3 blocks away! The horror!! The story is now null-and-void!!

    The entire story is now "Wrong!!!" hahaha. And not trustworthy!! because of a couple square blocks. The story is not to be believed.


    From someone who says quote "I would rather eat 80-year-old pussy" ….why am I not surprised?

    Bitter? Table for one!!!


  5. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-65O4KCy1RRM/UV1cfQZdGII/AAAAAAAAAHM/QsJ0z7IKUF4/s640/5881861191_90de8b5bc9.jpg



    I must uphold STOCKS image online.

    I must uphold STOCKS image online.

    I must uphold STOCKS image online.


    Again, TAZ, how about some full transparency and FULL DISCLOSURE that you're the manager of STOCK, otherwise known as STEROID CITY! and that you're affiliated with STOCK in Montreal.


    Your financial interests are totally dependent on Montreal's gay tourism industry and maintaining STOCK's reputation on this message board.


    How can you trust anything this guy says?

  6. “A block away from stock”


    A block away from stock is in the village. We’ve already established that it wasn’t a block away from stock. Bless your heart. You are just stupid


    Just like we've already established Hotel Guv and Park Emilie-Gamlin are in super close proximity to all the gay strip clubs.


    God bless your soul my little stupid one.


    You really do have a potty mouth.

  7. Misinformation from TBL again. This incident had nothing to do with the strip clubs in The Village. You need to be more factual with your posts.


    Oh really!!!!!


    Just like people commenting on their stays at Hotel Gouverneur have "nothing" to do with Le Village or the strip clubs in Montreal? Park Emilie-Gamlin is at your feet as soon as you exit the front door of Le Guv!!


    Who's the liar and troll now?


    It appears "you’ve reached rock bottom and continue to dig. Just do yourself and everyone else a favor and shut the fuck up!" as Atlanta Guy so eloquently said.

  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_(Internet)


    Just best to ignore 'em EZ. :)


    You and EZ haven't taken your own advice since May 20, 2013...more than 6 years ago! Ask yourself, is it normal to get this upset over so many failed attempts?


    I submitted a factual news story regarding Montreal and Park Emilie-Gameline, located just feet and minutes away from Le Village and Stock. A normal person would simply respond " hey, wow that's terrible.... thanks for sharing" and then move on!


    But then again EZ, defender of all things Montreal, who has well over 3000 messages on this forum, and who has been on this site for only half the time I have..... this really is YOUR life.



    Message forums such as these are supposed to welcome ALL viewpoints, not personally attack the messenger because you don't like the message. You've been doing this for years.


    It's time to take off the rose-colored glasses, stop being a Montreal polyanna where anything Montreal can do no wrong.

    Yes, it's true that I'm one of many who have commented on the breathtaking decline of le Village over the last decade and a half.

    Nonetheless, in this thread, I simply submitted a simple news story on your precious Montreal and you go nuts.

    Looks like the "white coats" are headed in your direction.


    I love it how you try to shut down and shame anyone who has an opposing viewpoint, and how you feel I somehow need your permission to visit a destination once or twice a year for 3 days because I criticize it. haha


    You're just not that important.


    Follow along: [MEDIA=reddit]montreal/comments/63nedc[/MEDIA]

  9. I think he's in complete meltdown territory. Inability to distinguish between facts and lies is a sure sign. I expect the white coats will be paying him a visit soon.


    That's just your problem EZ...you thought!


    You've been proven factually wrong and keep swallowing the Kool-Aid.


    According to EZ I should have "never mentioned this story" as it has "nothing to do with the proximity to the Montreal gay strip clubs"...just like the Gouverneaur hotel has "nothing to do with the gay strip clubs!




    You’ve reached rock bottom and continue to dig. Just do yourself and everyone else a favor and shut the fuck up!


    Ohhhkaaay Beto!


    Pure class as always!


    Did your mom teach you to be this classy?

  11. You aren’t just a troll, u are a damn liar and moron. You originally said one block right next to stock. WRONG!


    One block or 3 blocks makes someone a "moron."

    Awesome! Duly noted!


    You can't even comprehend simple linguistics that for decades members of this forum have been staying at Le Hotel Gouverneur for its proximity to STOCK and all the gay strip clubs.


    Who's the moron now!!


    The Guv hotel is directly across the street from where this nasty incident occurred in the first place. As a matter of fact, the doors from the Gouv hotel lead you directly onto the footsteps of park Emile-Gamelin!


    Who's the troll now!



  12. I think that the Gouverneur is in desperate need of a thorough renovation, but I find myself returning time after time. The location is unbeatable -- close to the clubs, with a grocery store attached to very easily stock up on beverages and snacks, and easy access to the Metro. For a destination like Montreal, I much prefer a large anonymous hotel to a B&B, where I'd be self-conscious about coming and going at all hours with or without extra company. The rooms tend to be a little worn, but they're reasonably clean, and the service is good.


    So, for me, although it leaves a lot to be desired, I can't bring myself to switch to anything else.



    Riiiiight. The Hotel Gouverneaur and Park Emilie-Gamelin are not even close to the "clubs."



  13. Here are some helpful tips for dealing with Trolls:

    • Don't Feed the Trolls....They only eat humans, especially young humans. Offering them food will usually result in loss of fingers, hands, arms, and sometimes heads.
    • Don't Wake the Trolls...They are vane about their names. Mention their name and they will wake up. Trolls are grumpy when awaken, and usually hungry...See the first rule.
    • Don't Play with the Trolls...Remember how Cats play with mice? That's how Trolls play with humans, and remember what happens to the mouse once play time is over!
    • Don't Teach a Troll...They are very set in their ways, They get very angry very fast. When they get angry they play. See previous rule.
    • Don't Argue with a Troll...They are very set in their ways, They get very angry very fast. When they get angry they play. See previous rule.

  14. My financial interest and or comments has nothing to do with your bizarre behavior.

    I hardly doubt anyone would not travel to Montreal based on your comments.


    Think again.

    Fake news!


    On the flip side, I doubt anyone would swallow your highly biased bizarre viewpoints of Stock when you're so financially vested in it's success.


    How about some transparency and full disclosure?

  15. Here are some helpful tips for dealing with Trolls:

    • Don't Feed the Trolls....They only eat humans, especially young humans. Offering them food will usually result in loss of fingers, hands, arms, and sometimes heads.
    • Don't Wake the Trolls...They are vane about their names. Mention their name and they will wake up. Trolls are grumpy when awaken, and usually hungry...See the first rule.
    • Don't Play with the Trolls...Remember how Cats play with mice? That's how Trolls play with humans, and remember what happens to the mouse once play time is over!
    • Don't Teach a Troll...They are very set in their ways, They get very angry very fast. When they get angry they play. See previous rule.
    • Don't Argue with a Troll...They are very set in their ways, They get very angry very fast. When they get angry they play. See previous rule.




    Spoken like a true strip club manager of a financially struggling Stock bar who's financial interest is dependent on international tourism and steroid market. LMAO ?????

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