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Posts posted by twinkboylover28

  1. "A thirty second walk".

    You're clearly in better shape than I am. The distance from Stock to the Square is 7 blocks; or, to be precise a quarter of a mile (I used MapMyRun). It takes me, at a brisk walk, from 5 to 10 minutes (depending on the number of gin & tonics).

    But you had to have known that the "thirty seconds" "one-block", etc.comments were absurd.

    I don't understand why you like picking fights and looking boorish.


    You're incorrect sir. You're making yourself a fool, as anyone who looks at a simple road map can clearly see it's a short 3 blocks. People have booked the infamous Hotel Gouverneur for its close proximity to the strip clubs for decades. I don't understand why you like picking fights and looking Foolish.

  2. I can't for the life of me figure out why anyone who hates Montreal so much keeps going back and continues to bitch about it.


    Who said I "hated" Montreal?


    Perhaps I also need your permission to go to Mexico or wherever I travel??

  3. Misinformation from TBL again. This park is not one block from Stock Bar. It is next to the Berri-UQAM Metro(Check out a map) which is 4-5 blocks


    Good Lord! It's 3 short blocks from Stock. That's like a 30 second walk. You need to take off your rose-colored glasses when it comes to Le Village. It's at the doorstep of your fave hotel Le Gouverneur for it's proximity to the strip clubs. Please get your facts straight and stop sugar-coating information, and stop being a Pollyanna when it comes to anything Montreal.

  4. Your post added zero value to the discussion at hand. We all know you love twinks and that you think Taboo and Montreal suck now. You are, of course, entitled to your opinion.....but why on earth do you have to invade every thread on Montreal to repeat the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over? What exactly is achieved by doing that? Is the point to punish everyone else on the Montreal threads because you aren't happy with the scene any more? Sorry....but you are a killjoy and a downer. Time for a paradigm shift.


    Thank you for your personal attack. Your post adds zero value to the discussion. Do we have to hear over and over and over and over AND over again how much you think Montreal is the new utopian bliss that can never do any wrong or critized in any way without you getting your panties in a bunch.


    Did it ever occur to you that many people are equally sick of your constant posts invading the forum placing Le Village on a pedestal and a gay Utopia when it's arguably a dump of it's former self.


    We get you love Montreal and it can do no wrong. Respect other people's opinions instead of shaming them. If I'm a Debbie downer then you're the Pollyanna blinded by the past.


    We have to walk on egg shells in fear of offending you for your very subjective opinion whether anyone's posts add "value".


    Didn't mean to strike such a nerve!

  5. Do you really always need to be a killjoy? You're always so negative. The Debbie Downer of the board..


    I don't personally attack you. Please don't personally attack me.


    I simply stated I prefer the twinks rather that the muscle "boys".


    This is a message board after all where everyone's options should be welcome.


    This is not, and should never be, a "yes man" forum where everyone must fall in line, where anyone who dissents is attacked and shamed.

  6. Haha. That link is awesome. I hope people read it. It reminds me of the links I submitted last year regarding the Village and LE Governeur hotel. People said they were afraid to walk the street.


    The Village has obviously sustained a breathtaking collapse since 2005 of significant decline. It had become a virtual ghost town compared to it's former self. Often times there are more customers than dancers at the clubs.


    Everything appears to be vacant and for rent. It's super depressing walking Ste Catherine knowing what it used to be. Today it's a carcass of it's former self. It's like hitting the lottery if you're fortunate enough to find what was so easily attainable a decade ago. Montreal used to be a world reknowned destination for gay strip clubs.


    Unfortunately I see more opportunity on Grindr than spending hundreds of dollars on airfare and hotel and a lot my time for the slim pickings the Village offers. God forbid what the next decade has in store for the seemingly abandoned former gay playground.


    Confirmation bias??? With all due respect, to say that the quality of Le Village hasn't changed much in the last 17 years is laughable.

  7. The gay village is a mere ghost of what it was several years back.


    The great restaurants and shops are closed (out of business).


    The people walking up and down Ste Catherines have been converted from normal to druggies.


    The street hustlers are almost non-existent anymore (unless you want to settle for a druggie).


    On lucky afternoons and nights, the Campus has some acceptable hustlers, but not many.


    On Wednesday, you will find "ladies night" at Campus - otherwise, Campus is hit or miss, mostly miss.


    Why bother to go there for what little that remains unless you want to get bummed out.


    One nice thing, the city is pretty and there are some cultural things to see.


    How is that for an "update" - ?


    Thank you.


    My thoughts EXACTLY!!!

  8. ....and I got my smoked meat fix at Reuben's Restaurant close to the Sheraton. So good.


    I took my mom to Reuben's Deli on Ste. Catherine way back in September 27, 2006. It was almost 13 years ago. I remember how hot and humid it was inside there, as they did not have ( or turn on ) the air conditioning. It was so unbearably hot and uncomfortable I couldn't wait to get out of there. I get my smoke meat fix at La Banquise. I would visit Montreal just for their smoke meat poutine (the last item on their menu).

  9. The taller guy on the left


    Lol. These guys do absolutely nothing for me. It's interesting the different tastes in men we have.

    I'm into Taboo-style skinny boyish twinks like Gabe Isaac and Devin Lewis, and those on baretwinks.

    Twinks are increasingly hard-to-find now that Taboo appears to be focusing on post college-aged guys.


    Taboo used to bring in clientele from around the world with it's well-deserved reputation for young, smooth, cute, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, boyish barely-legal twinks. Unfortunately this has no longer been the case the last decade or so.

  10. Any updates on the Ste. Catherine hustler scene? I was able to hook-up with a lovely twink hustler in May 2018 near the old Club Adonis.


    Sometimes there are some hustlers near the Hotel Governeur near Place Emilie-Gamelin Park, but that park is literally fenced-in and closed a large portion of the year.


    It's not like it used to be with several drug-addicted twinks hanging around the now defunk Bourbon Complex.

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