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Everything posted by borgerback

  1. Anything, gents? thanks! https://rentmen.eu/KentonJones/
  2. naval academy seniors, I believe? Trying to achieve the hat on top of the pylon . . .
  3. I have to laugh at this one, for personal reasons. A Ryan Idol vid was the first I ever watched . . . Not to hijack the thread in any way.
  4. Uh, you gentlemen were saying . . . https://rentmen.eu/Thatboyaaron
  5. FANTASTIC massage experience! Any more would be a review . . . recommend.
  6. I'll bump. Anyone with experience?
  7. Hm. This one's a head-scratcher . . . I'm gonna go with bromance, but that's 51%.
  8. Unicorn, I don't disagree that the lockdowns were not the right move at the time in the face of the evidence then presented (although in hindsight I wish we had paid more attention to the data Sweden was looking at). But now, I think it should be clear that the lockdowns weren't effective - or as effective - for what they were trying to accomplish, and perhaps even harmful to that end (e.g., concentrated contact in lockdown). That's still debatable; but the premise under which I complied with the lockdown was avoiding overwhelming the health care system; that goal has clearly and I think indisputably been accomplished; so why are we still locking down so hard? I'm not even saying reopen with no measures; but to continue the strict lockdowns is - and will continue to be - unacceptably harmful.
  9. The United Nations World Food Program is predicting 260 million people worldwide will face starvation due to the shutdown, which apparently is double last year's figures. I fear we will find that the total deaths worldwide due to the shutdown in most of the world's major economies will far surpass even the worst estimates of the virus. Because government and their 'expert' advisers will have to justify their actions, the data will be downplayed. And the models (which took into account the distancing and the lockdowns) were disastrously overstated - which has the effect of leading to the fear which will cause the economic pain (and let's try to be honest - it's not just about money - economic collapse WILL result in death as well) to extend. Hell of an experiment in dealing with a crisis of pandemic.
  10. I think this is correct because the numbers are showing a serious situation, but no call for the extreme level of fear. Proper precautions are still warranted. Maybe the self-test kits (when available) are something escorts should have handy (with what money, given what operations have been like the last seven weeks I don't know). But that and a surface thermometer would put a lot of fear to rest on a case-by-case basis.
  11. borgerback


    Whoops! One bad RM review from April of this year . . .
  12. Unless someone who plays rugby regularly can tell me different, this is just weird. Not, perhaps, unexpected from rugby payers, but nonetheless, weird.
  13. There's that old-fashioned digital watch again! It must be a 'thing' . . .
  14. So everyone's gonna laugh at what I'm noticing here, but it's clearly a modern pic, due to the treadmill . . . but he's apparently wearing a digital watch from the '70s . . .
  15. No one's gonna believe me on this, but bromance . . . not 'something else'.
  16. No. I'm too far south of Hollywerid. I'm behind the 'Orange Curtain' and we're probably still close to 50% suburban with yards of our own to frolic in. We did have an interesting day of confusion where the Director of Orange County Public Health issued an order that was stay-at-home for almost everyone, and then 'walked it back' the next day . . . It was a very interesting case of 'I never said that' but she did. https://www.newsbreak.com/news/0OSybNpZ/update-orange-county-walks-back-strict-health-order
  17. I'm out in California. We instituted social distancing or lockdown or whatever you want to call it only about 48 hrs after New York did; yet our known rate and our death rate are vastly lower. Earlier infection from China? More spread out lifestyle? The data's not in yet; but I believe (Los Angeles Mayor move yesterday to extend until mid May notwithstanding) that California in general would be safe to move back towards 'normal' by the end of this month (April).
  18. This crosses over to another set of threads that are related, but the behaviors in general are still a complete head-scratcher to me. These younger guys are willing to put these photos out on social media, but they are the same guys who take extreme pains to cover themselves completely at the gym before and after cleaning up. I know a lot of folks have 'locker room fantasies' but I'm not speaking to that - I'm speaking to the fact that I'm mildly amused and mildly irritated that the younger guys in the locker room are doing the surfer towel dance to put on their underwear in a locker room! I'm not even trying to look; I'm feeling like an exhibitionist for my relative immodesty!
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