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Everything posted by biggerbilly

  1. A bunch of people here have, search his name and few threads should pop up.
  2. His ad expired earlier this year, it’s possible that he’s retired or is not seeing new clients.
  3. +10000000000.9999999999999999
  4. I’ve said on this form so many times, I like to keep my worlds separate. The fact that FOSTA/SESTA is forcing these worlds to collide even more is very upsetting. The only time I’ve ever crossed my streams was because I saw an escort I once hired, who rarely travels, that was in my backyard. It didn’t go well, I learn I was right to keep things separated. I probably won’t hire that guy again.
  5. I’ve been both asked and offered money on Grindr. Nothing makes me block someone faster.
  6. Of course I would pay $700 for the best sex ever. The question is would I risk $700 for someone promising the best sex ever? I never come across an ad that was $500 and up that I thought was worth it. Especially when the best sex I’ve ever had has been for free. The only time I’d pay a high rate is if a guy hits all my buttons and it was a once in a lifetime sort of situation.
  7. Going from interviews, I doubt it. He seems to just be exploring his bisexuality, and I don’t think he in a rush to go the escort route. It’s possible he may in a few years, but I don’t think it’ll be any time soon.
  8. lol, I’m actually not the biggest Gayhoopla follower. I think I’ve only seen Forrest’s scenes. I seem to follow a lot of guys on Instagram that are actually escorts, and I don’t know it. I followed him before I knew he did porn, and I didn’t know he escorted until I came here. I think there are too many gay 4 pay guys on Gayhoopla for me too be interested. I tend to go for sites where the majority of guys enjoy the work as much as the pay.
  9. I’m starting to wonder if this is not a case of “fails advertising,” but that maybe someone didn’t read the label properly. If you look at Roberts build, and facial structure, he has a very all American jockey look too him. It’s very easy for someone to ignore the g-string and lip gloss, and expect something different. It’s not that his pretending to be uber masc, because if you follow him you know he’s not, and he’s not hiding anything. But, it’s very easy to ignore the evidence if you choose to.
  10. And if it had remained with those two comments, I would not be skeptical. But the picture comment really stands out to me. I definitely get the impression that he’s not going to be the type for everyone. But as someone who follows his Instagram account, he posted every day a does live stories constantly. He’s not lying about his body! Maybe someone with access to written reviews can shed light on if there’s more to the story. Anyway, I’ll find out myself, because he’s definitely my type and he’s coming to NYC next week. I’ve set up a date with him.
  11. Probably one of the few times I question whether a bad review is real. The 3 Star one says his pics are out of date. I follow him on Instagram, and he post pics of himself nonstop. I’m not sure what is meant by out of date because he has a killer body!
  12. Now southern muscle https://rent.men/Southernmuscle
  13. When I was there it seemed like Sunday was ladies night for all the clubs. I must have misremembered my trip.
  14. So seeing that Adonis is now having 7 night a week shows/events, I was interested in attending one. However, their list of dancers is clearly out of date. Does anyone know who still there, or where I can find an up to date list? I did a quick Instagram search, but got nothing. If I get a chance to go, it’ll be a Friday or a Saturday. So I’d like to know if there are any regulars on those days.
  15. PM me too, I’m in the same boat. I’ve come around to the view that it is better when someone includes their racist... I mean racial preferences in their profiles. I simply block them and in a few weeks, I forget they exist.
  16. I went to LUX last September, on my trip to Montreal. I agree that the overall selection then was terrible. However, the only reason I ever went in there in the first place was because I followed in after one of the Dancers that was waiting outside. He had a traditional French name, either Pierre or Phillip. He looked like one of the models from Squirtz or VideoBoys during it hay day. A mix between Shane Leblanc and young Pierre Fitch. I talked to him and he was very friendly. Anyone know who I’m talking about? If he’s still working there, I’d go back just for him. Just like the last time, lol. Also, was there even a place for lap dances? Hopefully there is now. I was new (still am) to the stripclub scene, so I never ask him for one:(.
  17. I decided to pass on Colton, but I'm curious to know if anyone has taken the plunge now that he's in NY.
  18. Are people still using the, “some of my best friends are _______” excuse. If you’re going to say this now a days, don’t put up an Instagram account, where we can see all of your friends. I guess friends are people in the entertainment industry now. “How can I be racist, I listen to Beyoncé!”
  19. Coming to NYC in June, any updates?
  20. I prefer showered men too, lol. I don’t mind someone being deodorant free, or being sweaty. I draw the line here.
  21. Hmmm, outright B.O. or is he one of those guys into creating a man scent type deal. I know for some there is no difference, lol.
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