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Everything posted by biggerbilly

  1. What gives you the impression I don’t? I’ve said that I prefer an escort to put in their ads if they don’t accept certain clients. I’m simply sharing my personal opinion on preferences. If you don’t like that, simply move on!
  2. Does it stop at intimacy? What if they only have friends from said race? What if a person is only comfortable living and working with a specific race? Only hiring members of that race because they are comfortable with them, not because they hate others. What’s wrong with that?
  3. I don’t want to force anyone to do anything, lol. I actually prefer escorts to be as blunt as possible. I can then block them and move on. Again, everything is about where you draw the line. I do believe in racial preferences, but to me the line between preferences and racism is closing yourself off completely to a race vs being attracted to one race more. There maybe a feature common in certain races. But not all members of that race will have those features, or they may not be as pronounce among all.
  4. @Kurtis Wolfe have you ever been asked by a studio or director before hand if you had issues filming with a member of a specific race, or is that something that wouldn’t be brought up?
  5. The question is how much say does a performer have when it comes to scene partners. Specially, can you request not to work with someone of specific race. We know that you don’t know who you may end up working with, but can you have certain requirements?
  6. I worry I’m going to take this thread drastically off topic. But, that’s kind of what my issue with racial preferences is. It’s basically saying that everyone of a certain race looks the same. I can say I’m a white guy in my 30s. That describes both Chris Hemsworth and Josh Gad.
  7. I’m not calling Ryan Rose a racist, I want to make that clear. But if he is screening by race there’s a chance I wouldn’t be able to hire him back when I was interested in doing so. I honestly don’t know for sure that that would be the case. I don’t know what race he’s screening against. It could be black guys, Asian guys, or Middle Eastern guys. Now, where does preferences end and racism being is something I don’t think everyone is going to agree on.
  8. I wonder if his rate would have been $400 back when you could post rates. Before you could get a general idea of what the average rate was. Now, I wouldn’t be surprised if guys are testing out how much they can get. A year ago I would not bother bargaining. But now I’m a lot more open, as long as the escort is the first to lower there rate.
  9. Yep, unless Ryan is moving to Eastern Europe, I cannot see him being a BelAmi regular.
  10. Hopefully, someone who is in the business will see this thread and clarify. Though I wonder what making it big means really. The working up the rank may have been a thing in the studio control days. But with site, I don’t know. Aren’t a lot of guys, especially the gay4pay scouted through Instagram and different places. I’m pretty sure a guy has a lot more power to say no than we think. And the sad truth is how many times would a situation come up for someone to say no? I like Helix, but the have a black performer on that site every lip year. I don’t think they’ve ever had an Asian guy on there. Check out Men.com Exclusives list.
  11. It true they don’t know who they work with, it’s been stated that on many sites that they can ask not to work with certain people or types of people. They are way more white supremacy tattoos appearing in professional porn studios, with no questions being asked. Take a look at Cameron Diggs. I’m not saying that if a performer hasn’t work with a person of color, they’re racist. A lot of studios do hire people of color, so they may not have a say. But, it’s a sign that I have to start doing my homework. I mentioned an interest in hiring Fane Roberts. Very few diverse costars in his filmography. But, take a look at his twitter page and you see that he definitely likes all types. But had I not seen that account, I wouldn’t have messaged him. Edit: to expand a little, i definitely take a lot into account. I’ve hired a Bel Ami performer, figure that the Studio filming location has more to do with its lack of diversity more than anything. And I was right. Now, if I look at someone who works for a studio/site that’s very diverse. And films in diverse places, with a lot of scenes, but no major diversity in their costars, I tend to just avoid. ***cough***Trenton Ducati***cough***
  12. Oh boy I already took Ryan off my wish list because of what I’ve heard about his behavior and lack of reliability. But it looks like even without all that, I wouldn’t pass his race test. I’ve become more and more hesitant in hiring porn performers with a large filmography, but very little diversity among their costars. I now have started looking at their Twitter and tumblr accounts to see if they reblog diverse scenes.
  13. biggerbilly


    The West Coast has some of the greatest sites.
  14. No, I said luckily that hasn’t happened. I just find it strange that they don’t know beforehand.
  15. I have a completely filled out profile, and it’s amazing how many people I’ve hired haven’t read it. Especially funny when they say they didn’t know I was black, because I fill it out to make sure it’s known. Luckily I haven’t been turned away because of it. I’ve only been interested in one guy that contacted me first, but it was right before my hiatus. Now that I’m back, he’s gone.
  16. Okay, what about Saturdays? Like I’ve said, I’m not able to attend any Long Island events because I work those days.
  17. I’m heading into the city, and was thinking about trying out the Gentleman’s Event when I just remembered, there’s a dress code isn’t there? If I’m not mistaken there’s on at Word II as well. I’ve never been at either event because of my schedule, but I did stop World II during straight hours to buy poppers. I remember a sign saying no hoodies, and more. What’s the dress code? I already know I’m not getting in, lol.
  18. I’m cool with that, but maybe put that in your written profile too. Just a thought. And that’s the part way I get mad. Pay more for someone who probably already has a high rate, or pay to be told no in person.
  19. I don’t think that someone being attracted to Daddies or older man automatically clear them of also being a child molester. A person can be both, as a lot are married and have other types of relationships. I don’t know what the case is here, but hopefully justice will be served and will be fair. We at least know one of the parties is guilty.
  20. The funny thing is that he probably has a body like that because he’s shorter. Ask any bodybuilder, and he’ll tell you the struggle it is for a tall guy to build muscle with any extra aid, if you know what I mean. I also find it strange that it’s usually guys 5’11-6’2 that have height issues. I’ve hooked up with guys 6’3 and up (tallest was 6’7). And in most of those cases, they hit me up first. Yet if I hit someone in your range, I’m too short. I guess some guys perfect to have sex with both guys being completely upright. I personal find it more fun if one of us is bent over or even lying down.
  21. Sadly, Fane had to cancel his trip to NYC. He was very nice about. Hopefully I’ll be able to see him in the future.
  22. lol, he’s profile does say verse;) I remember enough reviews on here to safely say yes.
  23. As a fellow 5’8er, can I just say, “BOOOOOO!” -100
  24. He didn’t infect his costars, these were all hookups. The point of removing the video is to show sensitivity to his victims. With is a lot better than some sites. I remember that guy in Canada who killed and ate his boyfriend. His porn videos weren’t taken down by the site, and I found that disturbing.
  25. I'm just curious how many escorts use these apps for their intent vs as a business extension. I try to avoid hitting up guys I know are escorts. But, because of SESTA/FOSTA, the number of PROS on these apps seems to be increasing. I've been seeing more and more guys that I've been interesting in hitting up, end up having RentMen profiles.
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