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Everything posted by coriolis888

  1. The site shows that he has no prior felonies. His charge - "Battery causing substantial harm" - minimum sentence 12 months maximum 40 months Very sad.
  2. "if and when" - He will be released, little doubt about that. The question is, how can he easily choose an entirely different lifestyle going forward? He knows no other trade. At age thirty-six, it is tough to start over again. His good looks will not last forever. Nature is often kind to the young by giving some of them good looks and charm. However, when those looks and charm fade, and the person does not have a trade or sufficient education, it is not easy to begin a different lifestyle. I wish him the best.
  3. He does hide his age quite well. He was 34 or 35 in the photo several postings above. Here he is ten years younger: http://www.buffandbound.com/images/models/derek_atlas.jpg He seems to look better older. Some people age well while others don't as they age. He has a lucky gene that kept father time from getting him. Derek improved in looks with age, in my opinion.
  4. The above is the answer with respect to relying on verified photos and identification with rentmen.
  5. How observant you are. I agree, the door, as a marker, indicates that the photo of his body is unnaturally photographed. Although the guy seems intelligent based on his narrative, when I first saw his thin photos, it reminded me of photos I remember seeing in history books of a liberated camp after the second world war. He definitely needs to eat more or stop using his camera to make him look so thin.
  6. Not only that, he has advertised with rentmen (according to his ad) for 22 months. In almost two years, he does not have even one review. This might not mean much but it is unusual.
  7. No you wouldn't - that much ice cream would make you ill.
  8. And, of course, let us not forget - there is still Villa Gianni - The rates recently increased to one hundred pounds but that is still a good price for London. https://m4m-forum.org/threads/villa-gianni.130933/
  9. Sorry, I was trying to be silly. Sometimes my humor does not meet its mark. The post called for 20% of $150 but less than that was suggested.
  10. Is $20.00 15 % of $150.00? There must be something wrong with my calculator.
  11. Again, with all due respect, tell the escort that you just lost all your money and then see if he still wants to have lunch and go to a boutique with you. If he knows what a boutique is, he probably learned the word and definition from you.
  12. With all due respect, do you think that "a 20 yo kid" (as you called him) cares anything about having lunch with someone he does not know and who is interested in hiring him as an escort? Did the escort ask for those over-priced shoes? Do you also think that a young man that age relates to a "boutique" or even what such a place is?
  13. That brand of shoes typically sell for about $900.00. Bottom line, the escort is asking for his fee plus $900 from a client with whom he does not have a prior or on going relationship. Sounds more like a hustler than an escort to me.
  14. I like your post but I will take the liberty to modify and comment on one sentence of it, only because the modified sentence hits home for me. You wrote - "Experience, empathy, more money to enjoy life, a wealth of friends and even the ability to buy affection and orgasms." Those who are financially fit and active do not always have a "wealth of friends" because many of us lost most of our close friends through death and/or illness. Occasional meet ups with escorts are fun and a temporary escape from boredom, but it is not a substitute for lost friends. Being healthy, wealthy and wise but experiencing the death of close friends is a bitch and there is no doubt about it. Is there a remedy to escape from the boredom caused by the death and illness of close friends? If there is, I have not found it.
  15. Let's see- $300.oo hourly rate equals $5.00 per minute. Does the escort reduce his rate to you for the time he is on his telephone or adjust the hour for your lost minutes? If you, the client, pulled a stunt that shorted the escort out of money, the escort would not like that and would most likely squawk. Why should you be shorted time (and attention) while the escort uses his phone when you are paying for his hour or hours? I vote no. Thus, time equals money.
  16. I am a bit confused. When you click on the link for the escort you recommended for Warsaw, the link goes to a guy with the same name but is based in London, U.K. What happened?
  17. coriolis888

    Dennis in NYC

    E-mail through rentmen is unreliable. Have you tried to reach him on his whatsapp?
  18. coriolis888

    Dennis in NYC

    When you wrote your post last March 8th, he had four reviews. He now has fourteen reviews, all of which are five star. His lack of reviews during the period you mentioned is because he was out of the U.S. The only thing I found wrong on his ad is where it says he is cut - he isn't - Nonetheless, he is a fine catch if you manage an appointment with him.
  19. Keith Andes ended up committing suicide in the later years of his life. http://www.altfg.com/film/keith-andes/
  20. Bahnhofjunge - As you know, that German word refers to young people who hang around a train station. Speaking of train stations, even today, with all the different places to meet escorts, at the westbahnhof in Vienna, there are young guys hanging around hoping to make money for their train fare or for, unfortunately, drugs. This is surprising because that station is no longer one of the main stations since about 2015. Old habits are hard to break.
  21. http://xn--24-6kchq2abwi5bc.xn--p1ai/max-hobbs-11676821.html
  22. Funny, the guys I meet would take offense if you referred to them as sex workers. Most prefer escort. Even the term hustler is unbecoming. The correct term is "street hustler" Please all and you please none.
  23. Yes, the term has been around a long time. It is used depending on who your audience is. Today, many people prefer to use the term escort, but that is usually a euphemism to describe a hustler. Hiring from the web site - hunqz.com (or any other similar site) is usually not hiring an escort. The advertisers generally do not escort you anywhere. Most come and go. Some will escort you on long term trips but that is rare. In my response I interchanged the word escort and hustler. That way, there is no question of what I meant. Choice of words is sometimes a touchy thing. Here is a dictionary comment about euphemism: Euphemism: an inoffensive word or phrase substituted for one considered offensive or hurtful, esp one concerned with religion, sex, death, or excreta. Examples of euphemisms are sleep with for have sexual intercourse with; departed for dead; relieve oneself for urinate.
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