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Everything posted by HotWhiteThirties

  1. Well done, sir. Yeah, when you read feedback from or speak with folks who’ve visited the US from overseas, one of the first things you’ll hear about (besides the tipping* practices) is how vast the country is. The idea of just whipping from Santa Fe to NOLA to FTL is evidence of someone who lacks experience to know. (*As an aside, I kept trying to type “tipping,” but repeatedly kept hitting the “o” instead of the “i” on my touch screen, QWERTY keyboard on my iPhone. Which, of course, means if I hadn’t caught it, the parenthetical statement would have said “besides the TOPPING practices.” How apropos considering this audience. ???)
  2. Ha! For a visit like this, I would wanna take probably a few couples who are friends or a couple buddies if it involved some hiking. I want to see part of it and lay foot on it and experience something that is “other worldly” so to speak. I don’t intend to make any headlines with the visit like the guy mentioned in the OP’s post. ?
  3. Visiting Antarctica is definitely on my bucket list. For a variety of reasons. Traversing it alone....wow....impressive.
  4. Thanks for the warning. Those pics did seem a little off.
  5. You never get over the loss of a child. At 24 weeks, most couples have already found out of their child is a boy or a girl and have a name. Having lost a child in utero before, I can say it’s still a loss I grapple with and think about years later. My son would be 7 years old now and, yes, he has a name. I have to say I always find it rather insulting and offensive when someone acts as if the idea that he was lost in untero somehow means the loss doesn’t count as much. As if his life was less meaningful. I have related (though not offended) feelings when people ask how many children I have - in my mind I always think of the ones I have living PLUS the one I lost. Many don’t understand this. But, that is life - everyone’s perspective is colored by thousands of influences and life experiences. Thus, you can’t presume to know how long it will take this doctor to be prepared to return, or what circumstances are present in their situation (at least that is my impression from the limited information provided). Given what has been shared, I would advise not vocalizing the question posed here or idea that he is taking too much time, or if the time he takes is excessive - even if you have the question - to anyone else. It doesn’t come off well, even if you think it is innocuous.
  6. But Dysons “never lose ‘suction’.” Given the scene that’s being described here, it seems the more appropriate accessory.
  7. This is along the lines of what I like to (and in most cases need to do) in order for a meeting to happen. And, yes, the anticipation....???
  8. I didn’t think I was, but these sorts of threads make it seem that way sometimes! Ha! We have a similar approach.
  9. Please. This makes me sad to an extent, and think that I must be a unicorn or something. Lol! It is imperative that I plan in advance. I always follow through. It’s too much damn trouble otherwise. I’ve had more instances where the provider doesn’t follow through and flakes. Glad I’ve found guys who appreciate and don’t shut down when I make plans more than a day or month in advance. (Though some do.) Am I seriously the only guy like that? Sure sounds like it. FYI, some people can’t just do all of this on the fly. Or at least I can’t.
  10. Excellent, fellas! Truly appreciate the insights!
  11. Thank you. He is one I’ve been researching. Appreciate the recommendation.
  12. Before posting this, I searched “Miami,” and found pages and pages of any number of things. I’m planning a trip to Miami in the first quarter of 2019. I’ve started getting a lay of the land, and TBH, for as many providers as there are in Miami, I don’t get good solid vibes. I appreciate any insights, recommendations, or thoughts. I tend to go for down to earth, genuine, versatile guys who’s are in decent-to-above-average shape and who are interested in making a sincere connection that creates the desire for repeat encounters. Confident is good; overly cocky and entitled is a turn off. Any suggestions? I’m a bit overwhelmed by my searches and at the same time, not seeing what I’m looking for. That could be because there are so many. Thanks in advance for any insights. Feel free to PM me if you are more comfortable.
  13. Couldn’t have said it better! This is a reasonable analysis. The long range business person understands this. What might seem smart in the short term is not always the same as what is smart in the long term.
  14. I would equate that to business travelers, perhaps? A lot of business travel happens during the week. Could that be it?
  15. I find this fascinating! Thanks for sharing!
  16. Did a search for this profile name, but more experienced members may know if this guy operated under a different name, or has any info or experience to provide? Thanks in advance for any insights. Feel free to PM if you feel more comfortable. https://rentmen.eu/MNJock
  17. Seems like there’s a sort of “penis envy” boiling to the surface; in the sense that some of those who are cut, long to be uncut, and those who are uncut, would like to be cut. As for me, about 75% of the time I wish my dad had left me the way in which I arrived. But, alas, that is not to be. What was done is done. If I had a son, I would leave him untouched. Nevertheless, I think I will continue to live and enjoy what I do have, though. So far, I am able to manage that.
  18. I think I could manage the strength to play both positions. Since @Lance_Navarro seems adept at both as well, it would be like the buffet at Golden Corral. All. You. Can. Eat. *insert mischievous devil emoji that doesn’t exist on this platform*
  19. Way to be classy, [uSER=12155]@Dominiking[/uSER] ! You are like a dream class act! For being the “Capital of the World,” I unfortunately rarely have reason to make it to NYC, but when I do...hehe.
  20. Turning 30 didn’t bother me...facing 40 is a different story. Guess I’ll have to consider retiring my M4M moniker in the not so distant future. Seemed a long time away when I started using it. Ha! I guess I can take a cue from the working guys and never age....at least according to my profile. :D:p Haha!
  21. I did a search for “KyleDeep” on the forum and came up nil. Any info or insights? https://rent.men/KyleDeep/
  22. Glad it was clarified so that a further mischaracterization could be avoided. Thanks!
  23. I appreciate this concern and agree, but there was no way to know from the original statement. All the more reason to be clear and try to avoid ambiguity in what we write. Respectfully, without more details, the statement, “if you seem to be able to bring more to the table than the hourly fee,” provided no direction as to what “more” was. It’s fair to assume that anyone reading that would draw a variety of conclusions - and based on how it was written - it definitely invited curiosity.
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