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Everything posted by HotWhiteThirties

  1. I think I can provide some insight for one of these gentlemen. For what it’s worth, “YourSexySecret” has had many, many names over the past few years. Based on experience, I suggest allowing him to keep the “secret” to himself and the OP moving in a different direction entirely. (PM for any additional details.)
  2. I see what you’re saying....I’m from the South. However, I hear and understand the “hw” in words like who, what, when, where, etc. On a separate note...I find accents and pronunciations interesting. I also find it sad when someone feels the need to excuse a regional accent. As if that accent is inferior to another. I mean, who decides a superior accent? If it’s one who feels they are elite to another, count me out of that game. Appropriate mechanical use of language is another point entirely...I’ll gladly support good mechanics. I will, however, never apologize for having a Southern Drawl, and, if it causes someone to underestimate me, well then that will be to my advantage and their loss due to their own prejudice. ? Beauty can be found in sincere words, no matter what accent in which they are spoken.
  3. Alex is TOP notch! You’re welcome to PM me if you wish.
  4. For real! To each his own, but for goodness sakes, I couldn’t agree more!
  5. My longest flight was Emirates from JFK to Dubai and then continuing to Delhi. I had booked business class on their A380, but was upgraded to First on my trip over (did not get upgraded on return). Anyhow, I think I could fly in that circumstance for days and days. ? On demand menu, movies galore, suite, shower spa, and all the Dom they could pour! Thanks for bringing the memory to mind, @purplekow!
  6. Super duper positive experience with Alec. It’s been several years, but I can’t imagine that would have changed. Charming and sincere guy.
  7. Very attractive guy, no doubt, but I’ve always been hesitant to schedule time with a provider if I get the impression that they might be repulsed by me. This guy does send off that vibe, whether he intends to or not. Sometimes you can be pretty and not know it; other times you can be pretty and very aware. Kudos to him for achieving a standard of beauty that many would wish for. As for me, I would prefer to admire from a distance and hire someone who I can be comfortable with and who might be able to at least pretend to find me somewhat attractive and enjoy our time together. That’s getting harder to find.
  8. Why do all my business trips have to be domestic. ?
  9. He would get more attention from me if he did. Good balance also. Hehe.
  10. You get an “A” for effort. Inserting those links can be tricky. Here ya go: https://rentmasseur.com/Kennett He does look hot, BTW. Sadly, I have no experience to relay, but maybe the link will help. I’m certainly interested to learn more myself. Best wishes!
  11. Hell, it’s easier than that. No riddles necessary. Just click on OP’s post history. He tells you he posted about this escort he’s referring to. Scroll down a bit and you will find it. He provides the same detail as he does here. Mystery solved.
  12. I’m so confused as to why it is hard to figure out. Click, click, click and bingo. You know. ??‍♂️
  13. Too many variables. Your mileage may vary. I suggest not having too much of a checklist, though. How much stamina do you have? How much stamina does your partner have? How is your chemistry? An experienced bottom should be able to play pretty hot and heavy for a good while (with some intermittent breaks I would think). I find the key is to be respectful and build a connection and let things take their course. Take a break for dinner and drinks somewhere along the way and by all means try to get a little sleep. (EDIT - I wouldn’t expect to get a lot of sleep, though. ?)
  14. I guess I always think of “Cubs” as thicker (perhaps shorter?) and “Otters” as leaner. I could be wrong. That’s how I envision it. Like most things, I’m sure it’s all in the eyes of the beholder.
  15. All you have to do to find out is click on @manTOman ’s posting history. He says he posted to that thread, which he did, and he relays this experience. Sure it’s a little extra work, but you can figure it out pretty easy.
  16. Well, that’s one way to guarantee you have guests at a birthday party! ? You want to increase the guest list? My voyeur side would definitely be interested in seeing how all this goes down. Happy Birthday, BTW!
  17. We’re living in a day and age where it seems far too many of us are searching for ways to be offended by something or someone. How exhausting. No, I would not find this offensive. I would find it a relief, actually, that you find my well being important (and at least for me perhaps hygiene is also important) and that you are open to making it something we might actually do together. That’s an added bonus.
  18. I believe it is a common courtesy. I appreciate when it is extended to me - regardless of who does it - and I try to be diligent to provide the courtesy as well. It’s a small gesture that communicates humanity and decency to me. To be offended by such a courtesy is proof we live in a time and place in history that, in general, affords so much abundance that we even have time to philosophize and be offended by such things.
  19. Wish I could see the video. ? I would be curious to know any first hand experience with Mr. McIntyre as well.
  20. Oops. Missed that one major detail. My apologies!
  21. Alex Ward https://rent.men/AlxWard
  22. Ha. Missed that. It was days ago, though. I had forgotten that already.
  23. I was wondering when someone would finally ask this obvious question. I’m surprised it took this long, actually. ?
  24. Thanks, Brodie seems hot. I’ll be curious if he will be in Miami when I am if he travels.
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