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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. Good summary Tristan, some great points for new visitors to Singapore. I haven't been there for years and years. You're right that eating at US branded restaurants will be expensive, people may find it cheaper to eat in local restaurants serving western cuisine so they don't pay for the cachet of a US brand. I always found street food to be cheap and delicious, but then I love Chinese and Nonya food (and Malay and Indian curries). Times I visited Penang in Malaysia on work trips (years ago) the consensus always was that if you were going to get a bait [food poisoning] it would be in a hotel restaurant and not at a street food market. I can't speak to gay culture but homosexuality is illegal in Singapore and Malaysia, although the degree of enforcement of the law is variable. Air fares are variable and if you are prepared to buy non-refundable tickets you can get good deals. Fares from Australia tend to be expensive. Clearly you pay more for refundable tickets. (I can't remember all the details but I paid about AUD3400 [uSD2300 at the time] for a fully flexible Canberra to DC and return ticket with a stopover in LA: I could have bought a roundtrip Sydney- LA non-refundable ticket for about AUD1100 [uSD750].)
  2. Mattr, you have identified my dilemmas in this choice! Still Kurtis for me, and Austin (noting issues identified). That said, I am not on my way there and if I were I would contact them directly not just talk about it in here.
  3. It's alcohol abuse as far as I am concerned!
  4. Two years ago before reading this site and Dan Savage's I would have been similarly oblivious to what this 'cat toy' was. Yes, I'm embarrassed by that admission!
  5. ROFL, 'It's also great as a hair gell but not after it's been used'! I don't know, there could be a certain je ne sais quoi about adding some, ahem, bodily fluids to it before applying it to one's hair!
  6. Brian, you are an amazing guy, I wish you all the best as you move out across the country!
  7. I rarely think about it but I have similar 'old' feelings, as I have one degree of separation to someone who served in WW1 (my grandmother who was an army nurse in Egypt). 90 years later I was back in the same region on active military service, so there are parallels. (My grandfather served on the Western Front but died in the 1930s.)
  8. When did he emigrate from Europe? If it was before 1918, Slovenia was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire so he could validly say he came from Austria. After 1918 it would have been Yugoslavia (or Jugoslavia).
  9. Wolfer, it's all going to be about you, what anyone else has done may not be relevant! That said, I'll talk about it anyway. However you are cleaning yourself out, experiment with it. Do it even if you are not meeting someone, to see what happens. Think about your diet, fibre may help (metameucil perhaps). I thought I knew about douching but I bought a new shower attachment. It left water in my arse for longer than I expected (potentially embarrassing leaks) but after I'd used it I didn't have a number two for well over 24 hours. I haven't repeated the experiment, I hasten to add. How it all works for you is the best guide.
  10. Kurtis Wolfe, hot and smart. Maybe an addition to the 'irritatingly intelligent' list!
  11. I have to wonder if this is a form of enlightenment only possible to understand from beyond 49.
  12. (Duplicate post, also in the Snow thread.)
  13. I'll check when I'm back home in a week or so - I don't pay attention to the different grades available - but the last time I bought fuel, diesel was $1.209/l (US83.8c/l or $US3.17/US Gallon)
  14. And the more fun when a pun only works at a second level in writing.
  15. Mesa not like this one! Actually I do...
  16. mike carey


    Actually no, eldest of three. Go figure!
  17. mike carey


    I wouldn't put it down to malice aforethought or to telling an uncomfortable truth. I would see it more as evidence that what constitutes 'great kissing' isn't an objective fact but a subjective assessment based on intensely personal opinion.
  18. Yup, probable b/n typo, adjacent keys on the keyboard.
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