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Everything posted by augustus

  1. SF will only regenerate when law and order are reestablished. Bring up all the stats you want about who has greater or lower crime rates than SF. It is perception, not just reality. Some areas of SF have become appalling! People do not want to see or be around that. This isn't rocket science. People said Detroit, Newark, St Louis, etc were great cities and look what happened.
  2. He's a good ole boy for sure. Very hot.
  3. No on the 5 year CD. The 5-year Treasury traded today at 3.92% with no state or local taxes. You can buy one easily if you have a brokerage account.
  4. Real trees are nice but make sure you water them!
  5. The drug situation in this country is utterly horrendous!
  6. I was liking your post until that last line. When the going gets tough, it's comparatively common for a family to try to ship their loved one off.
  7. BINGO! A person can decline to the point that they are bedridden, can't feed themselves or Alzheimers makes 24-hour supervision necessary. That's when everyone scatters and anyone who says otherwise is either ignorant or lying. Having an elder in the home who can still manage the basic requirements of life is NOT on the same level as an incapacitated person, though many people seem to believe it is.
  8. I know that. But many people seem to think that visiting a declining elder once a week for 2 hours is "caring" for them. It is not. It's no help at all really.
  9. It IS true. People are lucky if they can find ONE PERSON in their family who will make such a commitment simply because it is so difficult. Everyone else just scatters. If it wasn't for @Charlie his partner would be in a facility. That is just fact. @José Soplanucas assertions that everyone in his family, down to the cousins, takes care of the matriarch in his family is gibberish.
  10. Yeah, everyone in your family takes care of the elders, cool story bro.
  11. Well, there's no choice in Argentina which doesn't have a system of Assisted Living/Nursing homes to care for the elderly. The country is completely busted. And how well are the seniors doing??? Malnutrition is not uncommon in Argentina today. Europe PMC EUROPEPMC.ORG Europe PMC is an archive of life sciences journal literature. "The rehabilitation and long-term care services are relatively underdeveloped in Argentina, and fewer than 2% of senior citizens live in residential or nursing homes."
  12. PLEASE PEOPLE......don't trust anyone. Especially family. They want your money 90% of the time. And they can rationalize anything, especially the women.
  13. Let me be blunt....NO ONE WANTS TO CARE OF THE ELDERLY, children included. It's just too difficult and a person has to be strong willed and have heart to take care of an elderly person in decline. I've seen it over and over again. IMHO, start planning for this now. Find an Assisted Living Facility or Nursing Home that is highly rated. At some point, taking care of your spouse will become too difficult and threaten your own health. I was able to find a good facility for my aunt a few years ago. It's not easy but I was able to find one run by the Catholic Church that still has nuns working there. They are fantastic and are dedicated people. Don't give POA to anyone (it's just a license to steal). Use your resources for you and your partner's well-being. If there is anything left over for family that's fine. Let them apply for Guardianship if it becomes necessary, where annual financial reports need to be filed with the Court. Control your own destiny for as long as you can. Good luck!
  14. No, a 3.2% increase does NOT align with current inflation for retirees, who spend a greater portion of their income on food and healthcare.
  15. It's irrelevant whether I want to raise the retirement age. You lose about 25% by claiming at the earliest possible time but get to collect money for 4 or 5 or 6 years that you wouldn't otherwise get. That won't change if the retirement age is raised, or shouldn't.
  16. Millions of people die between 62 and 68. I'm going for it at 62.
  17. San Francisco's aggressive crime crackdown sees dramatic drop in car break-ins WWW.FOXNEWS.COM Through a combination of bait cars, plainclothes officers and video surveillance, car burglary rates have dropped considerably in San Francisco, according to a report. Wow, some good news for San Francisco. Thank God they got rid of that imbecile DA Chesa Boudin.
  18. Whistling by the graveyard. Gas is still at least a dollar more a gallon than it was in 2020. The cost of everyday living is still way up. People are starting to pull back. Its already showing in the hospitality industry. Sharing orders. Only ordering appetizers. The seasonal resort workers aren't making any money. And taxes? House taxes are skyrocketing everywhere.
  19. I wish someone would tell the supermarkets that inflation is licked.
  20. Most consumer essentials like food have doubled or close to it since 2020. A loaf of generic white bread is $1.89, it used to be $1.09. A can of soup is $2.99, they used to be $1.49...cheap spaghetti sauce used to be $1.25/jar...it was 2 for $5 at my supermarket! The basic essentials of life have skyrocketed. Rents have soared and millions of people have been evicted and living in shelters, in their cars and on the streets. The elderly are the fastest growing group of homeless now.
  21. I can't read the NYTIMES article because it's paywalled, but I've read about this in other articles. The banks and credit card companies use algorithms that catch people paying (or getting paid from) websites they deem sex related, even if the websites are legal! Legal porn actors and actresses are having the same problem. If you are getting paid in cash, use Post Office money orders to pay some bills when you can. And smaller banks and credit unions are less likely to be so nosy or have computers that try to flag this.
  22. Everyone forgets that Argentina was considered rich in the very early 20th century. It took a big turn to the left in the 30s and has been an economic basket case for decades.
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