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Everything posted by augustus

  1. Yes, your key words are "they printed money". And in a big way. They printed money because governments were running huge deficits and the central banks printed money to buy up that debt (it's called monetizing the government's debt). That is why US M2 money supply grew by 40% in 2 years, which is unprecedented outside of war time. Now M2 is shrinking and will probably cause a recession as monetary policy tightens severely and the spending like PPP is no longer supported.
  2. You don't explain how Switzerland and Japan, which import 100% of their oil and more of their food than we do, managed to keep their inflation rates in the 2-3% range. A decrease in the supply of any goods or services will not increase inflation across the economy to double digit levels without a corresponding increase in the money supply. A steady money supply will simply mean other goods and services will see a decrease in costs as the existing money stock is spent on the goods or services in short supply. That is why the Fed has raised interest rates and is DECREASING THE MONEY SUPPLY to bring the CPI down. Yeah, DECREASING THE MONEY SUPPLY. If the supply chain issue caused this inflation (and not the 40% increase in M2 money supply in 2 short years), then the Fed WOULD NOT BE RAISING INTEREST RATES AND TRYING TO SHRINK M2 MONEY SUPPLY.
  3. Here is a summation from Wikipedia. The remains of 18 people, most of them sex workers, found in the same area. He has only been charged with 3 so far. The MO fits though. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilgo_Beach_serial_killings
  4. There are at least 11 bodies found in that area over a 22 year period the news reported. He has been with 3 of those murders thus far.
  5. The cops took too long to solve this case, perhaps because the victims were sex workers. This killer used his own vehicle in one of the murders 13 years ago and kept driving the same vehicle after the murders. They only started looking for the Chevy Avalanche in the area a year ago, but they had that description from a witness to Amber Costello’s disappearance back in 2010 who was killed near this guy's house!
  6. Thank God!! This maniac has been murdering people for at least 22 years.
  7. Untrue. Inflation is caused by excessive money printing. Switzerland and Japan have kept their inflation rates between 2-3% all through Covid and they have to import 100% of their oil.
  8. These situations always end badly. I'd say see other men for variety and save a bundle.
  9. Another thing I might add...................people have complaints about their parents for one reason or another but from my own experience listening to them, the vast majority of these complaints are absolutely idiotic crybaby BS!! Raising children is no joke and it wasn't easy for them. Our parents had their issues and problems too.
  10. I completely agree!!! What a total lack of respect. The obits are written on the funeral home websites, I'm not sure that it even costs any more money. People can truly suck. Unless he was a monster or deadbeat dad, a few sentences about his life would be appropriate. These 2 are bad children, I don't care what anyone thinks or whatever any issues they had. I had a friend I grew up with in the neighborhood and a couple of years ago his mother died and I went to the funeral. The friend lives in Florida and I called him and he was playing the grieving son. I asked him what did his mother die of and he said, "she had this and that" and that he couldn't make it to the funeral and that his siblings had better not ask him for any money for the funeral. LESSON HERE: Don't leave jack shit to any family member that pays you no mind!
  11. I have done well with the AbbVie spinoff from Abbott. Theoretically a spinoff allows the pieces of a corporation to trade at higher valuations than they do trapped inside the company, where they might not fit together properly. But there are other factors, such as the spinoff being loaded with debt. Not all spinoffs go well, but we generally don't have much say in the matter even as shareholders.
  12. I like @BabyBoomer I hope he's ok.
  13. Gym rats with muscles that have muscles, abrasive personalities, subpar emotional maturity, oversexed, an unapologetic asshole = the best for sexual satisfaction.
  14. It is SO DUMB to tax unrealized capital gains. The capital gain might not end up being a gain when sold. This is a wealth tax. If they want to capture these unrealized gains upon the owner's death, then just lower the estate tax exemption. This is a wealth tax. Politics redacted.
  15. You know you’re getting old when you can’t walk past a bathroom without thinking, “I may as well pee while I’m here".
  16. Exactly. Wearing a preference on the sleeve and making it the end all and do all of existence is a shallow existence. Of course, there's anxiety, sadness and fear.
  17. Anyone see the group of drags in NYC a few days ago chanting "we're queer, we're here and we're coming for your children"? Weirdos and mentally Ill people making threats against parents regarding their children. This is not going to end well.
  18. Sounds interesting...NOT.
  19. @samhexum I can see that the first cannabis shop has just opened in Queens. 🤔
  20. No thanks! They lie too much. Even people who have worked there say the NY Times has an agenda, and people know it. The games, cooking app, etc. attracts more digital subscribers than its digital "news". And they've acquired Wordle and The Athletic, nothing to do with the news.
  21. @BSR has a valid point. The USA has an ocean floor submarine detection system called the Sound Surveillance System, or SOSUS. Developed to detect Soviet nuclear submarines, SOSUS relies on a network of listening devices called hydrophones fixed to the sea floor all along both coasts. It is being reported that the US Navy detected the implosion of the Titan and reported it to the US Coast Guard right away.
  22. I feel bad for these people but seriously I wish rich narcissistic thrill seekers would give it a rest already. These people were using new materials that never got independently certified, not to "explore" the ocean floor or do any kind of scientific research, but to make a trip they could talk about at parties.
  23. The OP handled this quite well. 1k.....lmao.
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