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Everything posted by augustus

  1. I'm not saying they should but depositors may be under the impression that a US bank with overseas branches may cover their deposits too. First Citizens, which took over SVB, is saying these Cayman depositors need to repay their outstanding loans after they lost their savings. That is screwed up.
  2. Talk about screwed up!........Just read on the news that SVB had a foreign branch in the Cayman Islands with deposits of $13.9 billion when it failed, mainly money of Asians. Those deposits were not covered by the FDIC and those people lost their savings. But on top of that those foreign depositors who also had loans with SVB are being told they have to pay those loans back. Deposits in foreign branches of U.S. banks aren’t considered deposits for purposes of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act.
  3. As a gay man, let me just say that NOTHING sexual should be allowed anywhere in or even near a school K-12. And certainly "gender affirmation" surgery and drugs on a minor. Holy shit. The community is going to get crushed.
  4. I and many others supported equal rights, supported same sex marriage, supported the issues of adoption, supported through don't ask don't tell. Yet some show their gratitude by targeting our youth and children and creating division. Separating the child from the parent. Medical experiments on minors. It is simply horrible. Just look at the thousands of anti-pride protestors at the LA Dodgers game. This has never happened before in modern times! The backlash is going to be tremendous.
  5. Nothing to do with marriage equality or being gay. There wouldn't be such a backlash if they would leave children alone.
  6. When it’s forced on anyone, it’s no longer about inclusion. Tolerance is all that is reasonable. Their Pride Cometh to A Fall.
  7. Cinemark multi-plex cinema is shutting down this week in SF. Too much crime and chaos they said. And Whole Foods shut down last week!
  8. Just saw on the news that Oakland businesses don't want to accept cash anymore, just credit and debit cards because they are being robbed so often....OMG!
  9. Agreed. A lot of hate and misinformation from some people.
  10. And what about the tilt of the Millennium Tower in SF?? Considering the building has shifted so much during construction I cannot imagine that the building will survive any seismic event. Soft soil conditions are undermining the massive weight shift and you are just a tremor away from a catastrophic failure and thousands of deaths. That whole area south of market was once a lake. It is not safe to build high rises on such ground. This building is a metaphor for San Francisco. Horrible leadership!
  11. People who think all or most gays and lesbians aren't judgmental or can't get real nasty are absolutely delusional. The intolerance level is off the charts.
  12. Anti-gay people are not all religious and most aren't, I'm sure. People mostly reject homosexuality for social reasons or out of fear.
  13. You hit the nail on the head! Blaming others for their ills. They are basically crybabies.
  14. Judging by all the triggering, Robertson has won.
  15. If Argentina was a capitalist country, they wouldn't be having an inflation rate of 100% and an economic crisis every other month. 🙄
  16. I have no particular interest in Pat Robertson but once again, I shake my head over the deep anger of some people in the community. Lots of bitter, imperfect and miserable people here. It will all come back at them!
  17. Apparently so many members can't take the high road. Say all these hateful things and still claim to be oppressed? Rubbish.
  18. This has nothing to do with Capitalism. It is in fact, those in power that bleed the capitalist system dry and create a never ending cycle of despair and chaos much like Argentina, which borrows constantly from the capitalist system and never wants to pay its debts.
  19. California has spent billions of dollars to fight homelessness and drug addiction. Where did all that money go??? Consultants and the vast administrative overhead that creates and executes policy. To connected "Outreach Organizations" who pay their members six figure salaries to hand out useless government pamphlets and ask drug addled vagrants questions expecting honest answers. It's a joke! Like the $1.5 million single public toilet in SF that was supposed to be built last year. It has become an industry that is dependent on the crisis NEVER being resolved with scam nonprofits. This is a dystopian nightmare.
  20. One building in SF, a 22-story glass and stone tower at 350 California Street, was worth around $300 million in 2019, according to real estate records. That building now is for sale. The bids are expected to come in at about $60 million. That’s an 80% decline in value in just four years. LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION
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