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Everything posted by augustus

  1. Doctor mistakes are legion. And I mean legion!
  2. I read in the news not long ago that about 55% of people are buried today, as opposed to 95% fifty years ago. I see burials as a show of respect for the deceased.
  3. Brokerages houses provide it assuming you have an account there. I'm surprised Wells Fargo doesn't. I know that Chase does. So does M&T Bank and Bank of America. Other than that, I don't know how to get it. I know a notary does not.
  4. But the "spread" cannot be stopped. China is going to destroy itself trying. The WHO said everyone is going to get COVID. There is no way to stop that, but that it's mutating into less and less dangerous strains. Since we know who is "at risk" (plenty of data), the logical conclusion is to protect that segment of the population and let the others move on to keep society functioning.
  5. From CDC Covid Tracker -Death by Age Group (9/29/22) Total Deaths to date - 901,138 Total Deaths to date 65 and Older 678,032 or 75.24% of total deaths. Nearly all of the remaining deaths were people with immune system problems, mostly from chemo or comorbidities.
  6. Anxiety, fear, problems hiring and staffing, materials supply and now rapid inflation are all directly related to overblown fear and government response to covid. The economic crisis from all of this will hit like a tsunami soon.
  7. Covid was real. So was the contagion of misinformation and fear spread by the US government and proponents of Safetyism, much of it politically motivated. For the elderly and high-risk individuals, the greater danger of the two was Covid. For the rest of us, it was the social contagion. Unhinged hysteria combined with a complete lack of common sense.
  8. The WHO said the virus is becoming less dangerous with every passing month. I myself was never vaxxed, got Covid early on and recovered in like 3 days. And I never wear a mask. Unless you have pre-existing health issues, then just move on with your life.
  9. My nurse friend at a major hospital said they have not had ONE case of a Covid patient needing to be put on a ventilator in the last 6 months. Most of the patients are hysterical hypochondriacs who keep flooding and OVERBURDENING the hospitals which are already short staffed as it is.
  10. Wrong! Look at the death stats. 99% are the people who @pubic_assistance classified.
  11. The fixed component will stay at 0%. With inflation running so high, the I Bond beats out the EE Bonds and every other Treasury Bond going out to 30 years. It has been at 0% for many years now (the fixed component that is).
  12. I-Bonds issued in November, 2022 are estimated to pay 6% for the following 6 months, based on the last 5 months CPI numbers.
  13. And also he fell off a ladder while trying to repair damage to his home after Superstorm Sandy. I read he was seriously injured.
  14. Yup. They had couple layouts too.
  15. But Hustler had some real good looking guys in it.
  16. UPDATE: Jerome Powell said today that the consensus of the FOMC is to raise rates between 100-125 basis points at the next 2 meetings of 2022. He also said that even after today's hike, interest rates are at the "very low level of restrictive monetary policy". Therefore, it seems to be best not to go too long on maturity if you are looking to lock money in for the longer term. It's not easy to catch the peak but the Fed seems determined to squash inflation. But don't believe them 100%. In the past they have reversed course quickly when the economy showed rapid deterioration.
  17. UPDATE: The 1-year Treasury yield hit 4% today. Some economists, though, are saying that this is a sign of deteriorating liquidity in the government bond market as interest rates increase and QT takes hold. There is so much debt outstanding and a strong possibility that there are not enough buyers out there.
  18. Tesla's p/e is just too high. And the other car companies with better balance sheets are heavily investing in e cars. I just don't know.
  19. CD rates are rising, finally, and it's something even though it's not keeping up with inflation. You can actually buy a Treasury with a 12–24 month maturity at a higher rate than what Citibank is now offering and it's free of state income tax. It is easy to do on Fidelity. As the Fed drains reserves from the banking system, the brick and mortar branches will need to raise rates to retain and attract deposits.
  20. It is absolutely true! You've never been there it seems.
  21. Well that was rude. Many Europeans are actually very arrogant.
  22. Well said!!! I know people who have nervous breakdowns because someone they know someone who has a house with 5 bathrooms and they only have 3 1/2. It's utterly ridiculous. So many are insecure jackasses.
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