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Everything posted by augustus

  1. CD rates are rising, finally, and it's something even though it's not keeping up with inflation. You can actually buy a Treasury with a 12–24 month maturity at a higher rate than what Citibank is now offering and it's free of state income tax. It is easy to do on Fidelity. As the Fed drains reserves from the banking system, the brick and mortar branches will need to raise rates to retain and attract deposits.
  2. It is absolutely true! You've never been there it seems.
  3. Well that was rude. Many Europeans are actually very arrogant.
  4. Well said!!! I know people who have nervous breakdowns because someone they know someone who has a house with 5 bathrooms and they only have 3 1/2. It's utterly ridiculous. So many are insecure jackasses.
  5. The government has made our economy so weak and inefficient that it cannot even withstand interest rates at a nominal level of only about 3%, and which is over 6% BELOW the current rate of inflation (thus a negative real rate of interest of minus 6%+). All it has taken to cause a recession is interest rates to have increased from near zero to only those very low rates. This is not good!
  6. A recovery based on an economy with excess liquidity, forbearance and government transfer payments. Not good.
  7. Go to Costco for a hot dog and large soda at $1.50. Together! They haven't raised the price on this for 25 years.
  8. I heard on the news that a head of lettuce is $12 in Australia. Is that true?
  9. Yean, I can see her burning through all her money LOL.
  10. Behavior like this is vulgar. On the other hand, let the dearie spend and spend. It circulates through the economy and is continually income taxed, so it helps the public treasury. And to her credit, she made the money on her own I believe.
  11. This virus is making its way into a dense sexual and social network and is exploiting close contact for spread, so yeah, people need to be restrained for a while.
  12. Don't know why there should be a vaccine shortage for this. It's the smallpox vaccine and we are supposed to have a national stockpile. This was rare outside of Africa. Hopefully it's not a mutation.
  13. Could be greater than that. All depends on how soon or if inflation moderates. Stagflation is a very difficult situation. Even if GDP declines you can still have accelerating inflation.
  14. Not surprising. I had a discussion with 2 about 30-year old women not long ago and they never heard of Tony Curtis or Janet Leigh. When I told them they were Jamie Leigh Curtis' parents, they were like "Oh Wow".
  15. I was in Grammar School and remember visiting my aunt who worked for a furrier in NYC. In the back, where the furs were cut and sewn into coats, there were nudie centerfolds all over the walls. Both men and women worked back there. I can remember the nudie centerfolds at other places too like at gas stations, auto body shops, etc.
  16. I cannot believe anyone would sacrifice years off their lifespan on account of not being able have an orgasm! Maybe losing limbs or eyesight or being bedridden but an orgasm ?!
  17. Inflation is insidious. It's a transfer of wealth from savers to debtors.
  18. Do 2 rinse cycles. The new machines use very little water and can leave detergent on the clothes with only 1 rinse cycle. I always use the 2 rinse cycle setting.
  19. Yes, Canada had a failed auction when no one would buy the government's debt. Drastic action had to be taken. The situation is even worse today.
  20. Go for the mortgage. If something disastrous happens with the property, you can just walk away and let the bank repossess. With a margin loan you'd still be on the hook.
  21. There are 2 big curveballs in retirement: 1: sickness 2: inflation eroding the value of your assets.
  22. Those flimsy masks don't do anything to protect against a virus a million times smaller than a speck of dust.
  23. The government lies. They said natural immunity will only last 2 or 3 months. It actually lasts for a year! Naturally Acquired SARS-CoV-2 Immunity Persists for Up to 11 Months Following Infection | The Journal of Infectious Diseases | Oxford Academic (oup.com) The CDC wants people vaxxed continuously, every 2-3 months. Total BS. It's a money making operation.
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