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Everything posted by Keith30309

  1. Yep... makes sense. when I’m there in the summer and fall the rates are a little more normal. Those who can afford to spend winters in SFla can also afford higher rates.
  2. is there a proposed location mentioned anywhere ?
  3. I spent a couple very pleasurable hours with Scotty this afternoon. He looks exactly like his pictures except he is blonde now. He is fun and eager to please. Recommended PM if questions.
  4. I spent a couple very pleasurable hours with Scotty this afternoon. He looks exactly like his pictures except he is blonde now. He is fun and eager to please. Recommend PM if questions.
  5. Super - A scorching-hot, throbbing bundle of sweetheart’ness ! Seize the opportunity.
  6. https://m4m-forum.org/threads/houston-recommendations.155031/
  7. Let his victims decide. I think I’m a reasonably compassionate person but he injured a lot of people over a long period of time and would be disinclined to alter his incarceration.
  8. Has anyone met https://rentmen.eu/ScottyAtlanta ? He been around for about 2.5 years.
  9. Agree... I hear the same thing. I’ve heard a few millennial guys mention having a side hustle. Apparently it’s a thing now.
  10. In the absence of any other information about him I would pass on this gentleman. I believe the statement speaks to an element of a judgemental attitude. He’s completely entitled to believe whatever he chooses and refuse service based on anything he wants. Likewise, I choose to not spend intimate time with someone who is likely to judge me based on criteria I may or may not agree with. As an aside, the idea of a wholesome erotic massage given by a stranger seems odd to me.
  11. I think a class is helpful. I made a ton of stupid mistakes along the way in every conceivable facet of life and that’s a really painful way to learn, particularly when you find yourself living in your car. Just being forearmed with the awareness that there are solutions to problems that feel insurmountable is of benefit. For me that is one of the secret pleasures of meeting guys on SA - talking thru problems that are troubling to them.
  12. I have a feeling I know how this is going to turn out but does anyone have any awareness of Jackson -> https://www.mintboys.com/male-escorts/atlanta/5e0d5955ce412f3ee5ffac05 He has a huge amount of social media.
  13. Terrific idea. I had a long chat last week with a guy I met in SA about if he could afford a specific apartment, The things that seem obvious - how to not get screwed on a car repair, how to not mess up your credit score and why it’s important, lease vs. buy of a car, office politics 101, how to write a credit dispute letter, etc., - aren’t obvious if you’ve never heard anything about them.
  14. I suspect that the crime was soliciting, which was committed when the agreement was reached. But this story illustrates the ludicrous enforcement of stupid, puritanical laws and what local police departments do to justify their budgets and what prosecutors do to claim they are “tough in crime” at election time. “Vote for me for District Attorney! I prosecuted the burger fucker!” It would be funny if the consequence of driving sex workers underground weren’t so tragic. Decriminalization is not a vote-getter in today’s America.
  15. I’m scratching my noggin on this one
  16. I have a pretty thorough RM profile including pics and lots of info about me and have difficulty getting guys with whom I have a confirmed appointment to read it. I am rarely contacted by an escort. I get lots of emails from other clients asking about someone I’ve reviewed. I wonder if Rentmen has an incentive for creating a mechanism by which clients can advertise.
  17. I’m not an expert and I’d recommend that anyone serious about security research and understand their options and make an informed decision that meets their needs. Here is a good comparison. Both Signal and Telegram have pros and cons and share some cool features (like the ability to set a chat to self-destruct on both devices after a set period of time and prevent screen-capture) but the fundamental difference is that Signal is point-to-point with default encryption whereas Telegram is cloud based with optional encryption. There may be differences that are important to some people. (And WhatsApp is definitely not private... the recent hacking of Jeff Bezos’s iPhone is rumored to have been via WhatsApp by the Saudis.). Proton mail seems to be the defacto standard for email. The problem with all these solutions is that the privacy of your communication is only as good as the resolve of the person you’re communicating with. I’ve found my younger friends much more receptive to downloading a messaging app than older friends.
  18. I’m not an expert and I’d recommend that anyone serious about security research and understand their options and make an informed decision that meets their needs. Here is a good comparison. Both Signal and Telegram have pros and cons and share some cool features (like the ability to set a chat to self-destruct on both devices after a set period of time and prevent screen-capture) but the fundamental difference is that Signal is point-to-point with default encryption whereas Telegram is cloud based with optional encryption. There may be differences that are important to some people. (And WhatsApp is definitely not private... the recent hacking of Jeff Bezos’s iPhone is rumored to have been via WhatsApp by the Saudis.). Proton mail seems to be the defacto standard for email. The problem with all these solutions is that the privacy of your communication is only as good as the resolve of the person you’re communicating with. I’ve found my younger friends much more receptive to downloading a messaging app than older friends.
  19. This is hot and the guy is cute but the only thing I can think of is standing in line at airport security struggling to get this off to pass thru the metal detectors while hundreds of people impatiently watch. I‘m not sure why.
  20. This is hot and the guy is cute but the only thing I can think of is standing in line at airport security struggling to get this off to pass thru the metal detectors while hundreds of people impatiently watch. I‘m not sure why.
  21. And, as long as we're on the topic of messaging privacy, I'll put another plug out there for Telegram: https://telegram.org/ It's FREE ! Think about all of the information (and underlying meta data) that you send via text message to people you don't know and what could happen if it fell into the wrong hands. Conventional messaging is completely porous, unencrypted and entirely unprotected. This is old news: https://techcrunch.com/2019/08/27/border-deny-entry-united-states-social-media/ and personal privacy rights are not getting stronger. PROVIDERS: It is not a stretch to foresee domestic Homeland Security airport screeners request access to your phone given what is happening to international arrivals. Illegal search and seizure? Oh, ok... you can wait in the windowless room while my supervisor gets back from lunch. Sorry you'll miss your flight. Or you can just unlock your phone and let me write down the names and numbers of all your clients, financial payments, travel plans and everything else I can find. CLIENTS: How much are you willing to put at stake in entrusting details of your personal life to the guys you don't know who you message? Assume that everything that you send was published in whole in the newspaper. Use a messaging app that is secure and let you control what happens with your info when it leaves your device. <end rant>
  22. Uhm... yeah... about this app.... THIS is just the stuff they disclose. God knows what actually happens to anything you do in this app which you allow to be embedded into the device which holds (for many of us) every bit of personal & financial information that can exist. 2. Personal Data Collected in the Register 2. The following types of personal data are kept in the Register: 2.1. Names, phone number, email address, personal preferences, pictures, GPS position, IP addresses, information about device used. 6.2. The Company also may use these technologies to collect information about your online activities over time and across third-party websites or other online services (behavioral tracking). :oops: (are you fucking kidding me?!) 8.3. No consent is required if the processing of the personal data is only carried out by or under the control of a competent state authority for personal data relating to the commission of legal offenses, administrative offenses or unauthorized access. Such persons shall be granted access to the personal data and, where necessary, shall be provided with appropriate working conditions in the premises of the company. (I.E., anyone threatens us with something that sounds scary.) AND... "We (the cyber-geeks of Rentmen, Inc.) promise to try really, really hard to make our systems secure from hackers, as long as it's not too much trouble or expensive" (sarcasm) I think using this app would be an extraordinarily bad idea.
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