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adventurous old guy

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    adventurous old guy got a reaction from Hercules_lover in 411 on Fabio Giovannini   
    Well I don't know. Learning a second language is one of those things that's relatively easy for some, a real struggle for others, myself included. But you could be right, his written English comes off as cute, and he could be working that. First lines of his response:
    "Hi, I reply now. Thanks very much to contact me. Thanks for your appreciation. You write many things but is better and more human speak in person or by phone then mail. In particular when we speak a lot personal things..."
    When I set up a time to speak by phone, he texted back: "Good. We are perfect then" with emojis
    Rather adorable...
  2. Like
    adventurous old guy got a reaction from Ronin512 in 411 on Fabio Giovannini   
    Well I don't know. Learning a second language is one of those things that's relatively easy for some, a real struggle for others, myself included. But you could be right, his written English comes off as cute, and he could be working that. First lines of his response:
    "Hi, I reply now. Thanks very much to contact me. Thanks for your appreciation. You write many things but is better and more human speak in person or by phone then mail. In particular when we speak a lot personal things..."
    When I set up a time to speak by phone, he texted back: "Good. We are perfect then" with emojis
    Rather adorable...
  3. Like
    adventurous old guy got a reaction from bigvalboy in 411 on Fabio Giovannini   
    Update: Fabio did get back to me, with a long message explaining in very broken English why it was "unfair" to contact me earlier because he was with a client. Seems like a very nice guy. Said age seems to be more a problem for me than it is for him, which was both funny and nice. A for effort in writing in a language with which he clearly is not proficient.
  4. Like
    adventurous old guy got a reaction from + bashful in 411 on Fabio Giovannini   
    Update: Fabio did get back to me, with a long message explaining in very broken English why it was "unfair" to contact me earlier because he was with a client. Seems like a very nice guy. Said age seems to be more a problem for me than it is for him, which was both funny and nice. A for effort in writing in a language with which he clearly is not proficient.
  5. Like
    adventurous old guy got a reaction from Kenny in 411 on justin Jordan-LA   
    I was with him in May, and he bottomed for me. Just realized that I didn't review. Will do that now. Quickly, he is a really nice guy -- looks kind of stern or macho in his pics, while in person he was sweet, intelligent too. Very experienced masseur into holistic healing, we started there and progressed. Although my guess is that top is his preference, he clearly has experience as a bottom and didn't hesitate in agreeing before hand, and was well prepared in person.
    Will do that review now.
    PS -- Though I'm don't pay especial attention to how hung someone is, I do remember noticing this attribute of his.
  6. Like
    adventurous old guy got a reaction from + g56whiz in How old do you want to live to be?   
    Earlier this year I was at a health focused conference where both Bill Clinton and Joe Biden spoke. Biden was astonishing, not surprisingly very focused on cancer. He had everyone's hearts in our throats as he shared that he is devoting the rest of his life to beating it and that his life goal is to live long enough to see the cure. He was very well informed, and talked us through with fact and examples how much progress has been made since the first war on cancer during the Nixon administration. One example: Back then the premise was that cancer was a pretty consistent thing cellularly that grew in different parts of our bodies. Now we know that different cancers are not the same cellularly, and each cancer is being approached by researchers and innovators as its own thing. We're very close to cracking the codes according to Biden. Then Clinton spoke -- and essentially said that for people who get good healthcare and are focused on wellness, once cancer is beat the biologists say that average lifespan should approach 120 before everything wears out.
    Personally, I don't want to live that long, especially if my mind wears out first which I think it will! I believe we recycle in some way -- article of faith, can't explain beyond that -- and I've had fun this time around. Wonder what's next!
  7. Like
    adventurous old guy reacted to LaffingBear in Favorite Massage   
    I was getting a massage from @BunnyBixler, and the lotion bottle rolled off the table, and when Bunny moved forward to apply extra pressure, he stepped right on the the lotion bottle. Squashed it to bits. He went to his supply cabinet to get more lotion, and it was locked.
    Can you imagine? We had to call the massage off! Well, it was ghastly. Well, it was just ghastly!
  8. Like
    adventurous old guy reacted to samhexum in How old do you want to live to be?   
    How will anyone know if/when that happens?
  9. Like
    adventurous old guy got a reaction from Despardo in How old do you want to live to be?   
    Earlier this year I was at a health focused conference where both Bill Clinton and Joe Biden spoke. Biden was astonishing, not surprisingly very focused on cancer. He had everyone's hearts in our throats as he shared that he is devoting the rest of his life to beating it and that his life goal is to live long enough to see the cure. He was very well informed, and talked us through with fact and examples how much progress has been made since the first war on cancer during the Nixon administration. One example: Back then the premise was that cancer was a pretty consistent thing cellularly that grew in different parts of our bodies. Now we know that different cancers are not the same cellularly, and each cancer is being approached by researchers and innovators as its own thing. We're very close to cracking the codes according to Biden. Then Clinton spoke -- and essentially said that for people who get good healthcare and are focused on wellness, once cancer is beat the biologists say that average lifespan should approach 120 before everything wears out.
    Personally, I don't want to live that long, especially if my mind wears out first which I think it will! I believe we recycle in some way -- article of faith, can't explain beyond that -- and I've had fun this time around. Wonder what's next!
  10. Like
    adventurous old guy reacted to + nycman in Derek Atlas Review   
    My only issue is that everyone acts like he's an angel who occasionally has a bad day.
    At best he's a demon...who's occasionally not an asshole.
    But usually....he's an asshole.
  11. Like
    adventurous old guy reacted to jawjateck in Derek Atlas Review   
    I am one of the "miserable"s, not personally one of DA's "miserable"s, but I wear the outcast designation proudly.
  12. Like
    adventurous old guy got a reaction from tennisjock in Kieran = Rainer Holt   
    Va-voom. Hunky pics, don't look photoshopped, not a kid. Also like his straightforward communication style: I'm expanding my services and I'm completely versatile. Just what one needs to know!
  13. Like
    adventurous old guy got a reaction from marylander1940 in Kieran = Rainer Holt   
    Va-voom. Hunky pics, don't look photoshopped, not a kid. Also like his straightforward communication style: I'm expanding my services and I'm completely versatile. Just what one needs to know!
  14. Like
    adventurous old guy got a reaction from + Just Sayin in Kieran = Rainer Holt   
    Va-voom. Hunky pics, don't look photoshopped, not a kid. Also like his straightforward communication style: I'm expanding my services and I'm completely versatile. Just what one needs to know!
  15. Like
    adventurous old guy got a reaction from GLEE in Kieran = Rainer Holt   
    Va-voom. Hunky pics, don't look photoshopped, not a kid. Also like his straightforward communication style: I'm expanding my services and I'm completely versatile. Just what one needs to know!
  16. Like
    adventurous old guy reacted to + goosh69 in Muscle guy Visiting NYC - GuysGuyLawrence   
    A review from a BRAND NEW poster with ZERO other posts! Ok, $700!
  17. Like
    adventurous old guy reacted to + goosh69 in Muscle guy Visiting NYC - GuysGuyLawrence   
    No face or reviews. Make it $600 please!!!!!
  18. Like
    adventurous old guy reacted to lanyc in Muscle guy Visiting NYC - GuysGuyLawrence   
    What? No one has hired a faceless person for 500 bucks?
    I don't get this place.
  19. Like
    adventurous old guy got a reaction from Brutus in 411 on SethSantoroXXX visiting NYC from DC   
    Gosh, have to say I'm sad to hear about their break-up. Didn't follow them enough to know there were abuse issues in their relationship. But they seemed to have fun with one another, and despite all the comments about attitude one sees here and elsewhere I found myself rooting for them to keep on keeping on.
    Hopeless romantic here!
  20. Like
    adventurous old guy reacted to LivingnLA in Warning to those who hire: Please be careful   
    @adventurous old guy, no. You may be one of those people who're completely asymptomatic. As the CDC says, most people who have HSV-1 or HSV-2 don't have symptoms. Read the CDC page about it and screening for more info. It's below.
  21. Like
    adventurous old guy reacted to MileHigh in Warning to those who hire: Please be careful   
    @Benjamin_Nicholas is always being honest and upfront and wants others to be that way as well... Don't under stand why others have an issue with that. Thanks Ben for your honesty and utmost integrity on this forum!
  22. Like
    adventurous old guy got a reaction from LivingnLA in Warning to those who hire: Please be careful   
    Grazie. Here's my contribution: I know two people who have gotten meningitis. One was the wife of a colleague -- she died at 29. The other was a teenage boy who survived because and only because his parents trusted their gut that his flu symptoms were different than anything he'd had before, more severe, and they sought diagnosis instead of waiting, hoping for the best. Meningitis is like sepsis -- if you have it you're in a race with time. Wait too long and the antibiotics are too slow to turn the tide. So my cautionary tale: Don't take flu symptoms that come from nowhere lightly. Go to your doc, or urgent care.
    As for sex, geez -- its like life blood. Can't quite imagine life being worth living without it, so I'll continue to be as careful as I can.
    Btw, I've never had a cold sore and I'm 62. Does that mean its likely I don't have HSV1?
    Love this forum. So full of useful information Even when its scary.
  23. Like
    adventurous old guy reacted to LivingnLA in Warning to those who hire: Please be careful   
  24. Like
    adventurous old guy got a reaction from LivingnLA in Warning to those who hire: Please be careful   
    There's a vaccine for meningitis? I didn't know that...Thx
  25. Like
    adventurous old guy reacted to LivingnLA in Warning to those who hire: Please be careful   
    I'm sorry your friend had the experience he had, but my perspective varies a bit from yours @loverboy95.
    As I have said in many other posts about the STD/STI topic, escorts are a high-risk population. Men who have sex with men are a high-risk population. Any sexual contact without condoms is less safe than that same contact with condoms. Remember, we're talking about a very high risk population. Lastly, many men are frequently asymptomatic. So for bugs like chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis that gestate quickly, it's easy to see how someone who sleeps with even just one client a day, can easily be transmitting them in a week or two between their monthly STD/STI testing schedule.
    I believe escorts have professional responsibilities to be upfront and honest about their STD/STI status. I also believe they should be tested frequently and use safer sex (all vaccines, PReP, and condoms) when they are sexually active. But, I'm well aware they're human beings, so they probably sometimes lie just like all of us and probably aren't very consistent about their medications, or consistent in their sexual protections. That's just human nature. We all make mistakes. At the end of the day, each of us is the final arbiter of our health and whoever we have intimate contact with. If we decide to engage in sexual contact with an escort, we should educate our self of the risks and plan accordingly.
    HIV is a real risk. It's manageable at this time if you have money and health insurance. PReP even allows someone to go without condoms and be safer regarding HIV transmission than having sex without PReP. Condoms are still recommended even with PReP if you want the safest sex available for HIV transmission.
    HPV is a real risk too, even more so than HIV because so many people are infected with at least one HPV strain, but the vaccine provides decent protection from the cancer-causing strains if you get the vaccine before you've been exposed to those cancer-causing HPV strains. Even with the vaccine, you would be smart to use condoms because there are hundreds of strains of HPV and it transmits easily via unprotected anal, oral, and vaginal sex.
    Hepatitis is another real risk. Get the A & B vaccine as those are the most likely for transmission in sexual activity. Condoms are the best way to protect against Hepatitis since there are multiple strains and only vaccines for two of the most common.
    Chlamydia is easily transmittable via anal, oral, and vaginal unprotected sex. It's still treatable. There are theoretically resistant strains, but I haven't seen reports of these strains in the wild. Condoms are the only way to protect against chlamydia. Also remember that chlamydia is able to create localized colonies in the anal cavity or throat; so regular comprehensive STD/STI testing including anal/throat swabs is important. Without the swabs, it's possible to test as completely clean and still have localized infections that are readily transmittable via unprotected intimate contact.
    Gonorrhea is easily transmittable via anal, oral, and vaginal unprotected sex. It's still treatable but there are strains in the wild that are resistant to all known treatments. Condoms are the only way to protect against gonorrhea. Also remember that gonorrhea is able to create localized colonies in the anal cavity or throat; so regular comprehensive STD/STI testing including anal/throat swabs is important. Without the swabs, it's possible to test as completely clean and still have localized infections that are readily transmittable via unprotected intimate contact.
    Syphilis is transmittable via anal, oral, and vaginal unprotected sex. It's still treatable but there are strains in the wild that are resistant to all known treatments and at least one of these is spreading among men who have sex with men in America. Condoms are the only way to protect against syphilis.
    Meningitis has had some outbreaks in the men who have sex with men community in at least one large American city. Get the vaccine and again, condoms are your best bet for safer sex.
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