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Posts posted by quoththeraven

  1. ASMR is the worst, most annoying, and ridiculous thing I have ever watched on Youtube especially when the person doesnt have a sexy voice. Essentially just people whispering or making other soft sounds in the videos they make


    I love ASMR, but not if it involves whispering. It includes such things as cat purring, ear picking, nail filing, and crinkly sounds. I use it to help get me to sleep and to destress during the day.


    Also there are far more female ASMRists than male, so if you're only interested in male ASMRists, your options are more limited.


    Some favorites:


    Although ASMRSurge is the best male ASMRist I've come across, his soap carving videos are hard to watch because the hand holding the blade could so easily slip and injure him.

  2. for just a few minutes, I usually feel this way after getting off (by myself or with another)......sort of a sudden utter lack of interest in sex.......but it goes away after just a few minutes......


    For me, this happens after getting off to porn. I'm no longer at all interested in what I'm watching and close the tab right away.

  3. 50,000 words in a month is a big ask, surely, unless writing to an established formula or under the influence of white-hot inspiration? Unlikely in either case, I would have thought, for someone who tries to do it merely as a response to a casual challenge. Good luck to anyone who took it on, though.


    I remember once visiting a certain famous essayist who was happy to produce one well-rounded and polished paragraph a day. I have to admit I found him almost unreadable even then, when I had most of my faculties.

    I know a lot of people who participate. Some drop out, some don't. It's meant to be motivating.

  4. I never said I thought less of you...I said I expected more of you.

    In this case, You were quick to post with no regard for verification or insight into the bigger story.

    Why does anyone here posting need to go into the bigger story? Moreover, I disagree with you that there is one. You think it matters that they are from different parties, while I don't. What I think is interesting, and somewhat odd, is that a mixed group (gender, not partywise) tried to get into a strip club. A plausible reason for that is as a prelude to sexual activity. You were offended by that suggestion.


    What I get out of this is that I didn't approach this the way you would. You are cordially invited to post your own thread, then. If you want to add information and context to this one, do so, but realize that snarking about my deficiencies when you do that reflects on you, not me, and doesn't make the perceived necessity for the additional information more persuasive to others.

  5. This story makes no sense. Did the guys in the passing car know the judges? What did they shout at Bell? Assuming they shouted something offensive, why did Vasquez insult Bell after Bell flipped off the guys in the car?

    It makes sense to me. Some people find being given the bird insulting. There might also be racial or class differences between the judges and the people who stopped. People driving around at 3 am are more likely to be drunk or looking for a fight themselves.


    I agree that the decision only touches the surface, but that may be due to caution and an inability to establish more because of the participants' intoxication. These decisions only recite established and undisputed facts.

  6. Yeah, I kinda think so too. I really used to get into a zone. Now I get instant ADD. And it’s a little disappointing.


    Had there been such a thing as Tri-Mix way back then I’d have been lethal. Now I just giggle at my own erection.

    (The good news: laughing at your own erection is much better than having other people laugh at your erection ;))

    Yes, weed made me very horny. IIRC, out of the 4 or so times I partook, I had sex after all but one. In one case I had an orgasm that felt like the ripple effect when you skip a stone across a pond (not that I have or could ever do that), which was pretty neat. It also felt like the orgasm lasted a couple of minutes. I don't know if it actually did or if it was the time-altering effect of the weed, but that was very enjoyable.

  7. Sheesh! I didn't mean it literally. But I do see article after article about what a force they've become and how they have more projects in production at any given time than the major studios. They (and all the other streaming services) also have the industry trade unions squirming.

    I kind of want to ask "if you didn't mean it literally, how did you mean it?" Sometimes it's obvious what's meant by hyperbole and sometimes it isn't. I'm not a mind reader.

  8. As the OP, you should have taken the initiative of verifying what you post. I’m fact, while other sober accounts of the incident existed, you chose the sensationalized version describing the participants as a “gaggle of judges”


    You know, this was a serious incident. One man was shot in the stomach requiring two surgeries and colon resectioning. The other was shot twice in the chest and was hospitalized for two weeks after two surgeries.


    And now, you’re trying to make it about some nonexistent “republican femininity code” and threesomes/foursomes. Frankly, I thought you were better than that.

    Huh? I thought this was amusing and strange. Nothing more than that.


    Seeing as the source is primarily the decision of the judicial system about what happened, I don't get your criticism of that as sensationalized. It didn't occur to me that the judges' political affiliations mattered. Also, I read the entire article. I know that the injuries were serious. I also know that Bell was taped saying it was all her fault for flipping off the passing car to begin with. Now she claims to have no memory of that, but it does seem as though her actions started it off.


    Irrespective, it was a lack of judgment and doesn't look good for any of them. The judge who was seriously injured paid the highest price, but he also was the one who pled guilty to assault. And it's not as though stopping to beat the shit out of them was a particularly wise act on the part of the passersby.


    As for you thinking less of me, go right ahead. I don't particularly care what you think of me. Yes, it was a serious situation, but there's also an element of absurdity to their drunken antics. If you think less of me for making fun of that, <shrug>

  9. Public information...

    I wasn't interested enough to go looking for it. Didn't realize you had that much initiative.


    Isn't Judge Bell violating some kind of Republican femininity code by randomly flipping the bird at cars passing by while shitfaced and seeking to enter a strip club? Although if the interest in a strip club portends a potential threesome or foursome between the judges that was derailed by the shenanigans, I commend her for that.

  10. There's a big difference between exposing yourself to HIV compared to other minor diseases.
    Except not all of those other STDs are minor. Hepatitis, for example, is a big pain to treat, and some treatments are themselves disabling.
  11. From the FAQ



    Why does the Escort have the last word?


    Mainly to prevent long drawn out cat fights. Each individual gets to state his case and it's time to move on. We find that the rebuttals open a window into the escort's soul that is not normally seen. The good guys shine and the bad eggs show their true colors in a rebuttal.

    Doesn't anyone read this stuff? (Rhetorical question - I know they don't.)

  12. That was true during the HooBoy days, but I'm not sure it still works the same way. I seem to recall there were some replies posted subsequent to the review being posted. Of course, it's possible that the escort initially declined to reply and changed his mind. And there also seem to be more occasions where a negative review doesn't have a reply at all than used to be the case. Lots of possible reasons for that, I suppose.

    The practices are the same.

  13. I'm really getting tired of bottoms not douching before a session. I had to get the hotel staff to change my sheets after my last encounter because of the mess the escort left on the bed. This isn't the first time and I feel like a sucker for giving the escort the full fee at the end of the session. If this happens again I'm going to take off $100.

    Does hotel staff not change the sheets once a day anyway? While I know of hotels that don't until you ask them as an environmentally conscious practice, why would asking when you need it be a problem? Or were you just embarrassed? I'm sure they've seen it all before!

  14. I prefer to use condoms. I’ve noticed escorts lately blame condoms as an excuse for not being able to stay rock hard. “It’s so much easier bare.”

    Except that is actually true for many people.


    I'm a bit stunned by the title of the thread. "Safe vs. Bare" is a non sequitur. There is no "safe," only safer.


    That said, treatment for some of the STI's that PrEP doesn't prevent is neither easy nor cheap, and some of them cause a certain amount of suffering and pain while active (aǹd require celibacy until treated), have treatments that take awhile, and/or are asymptomatic and will only be caught through screening, which itself takes time and effort to do. Color me skeptical of whether someone for whom condoms are too much of a bother will actually get tested as often as they should.


    That doesn't mean someone can't decide the risks are worth it; I'm just skeptical people are actually weighing the risks with detachment. We draw lines in different places and we each get to live with our own choices.

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