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Everything posted by quoththeraven

  1. Masculinity is a construct. In Elizabethan England, "masculinity" meant wearing long hair and flamboyant clothing. Also what kind of men are hired for porn is indicative of what the filmmakers think their primary audience (men) likes, not what women actually like. There are plenty of us who like men who don't fit the "he man" mold.
  2. Threads about music seem to do that.
  3. I am completely baffled that anyone would consider what he was in prison for irrelevant to a decision to see him.
  4. But you idealize people who fit in a mold that is based on the straight world's ideal, so all I can say is "huh"?
  5. Social cues influence, even circumscribe, what we like. Why do you think kpop artists, who in American culture are considered femme/effeminate, are so popular with girls and women? Has anyone given thought to the idea that presenting as non-traditionally masculine may signal that they're not a threat to women?
  6. Skills are not at the top of the list? Hotness matters less than skill and personality.
  7. If you're a control freak who doesn't like continually and repetitively being told what to do. I prefer knowing for myself, thank you. It could be useful in a situation where streets are closed but only if it knows about it. When it doesn't, which was the case for the person I was riding with over the weekend, it will try to direct you back to the route that is closed. Eventually I had to take over the navigating (blind) by watching for the detour signs so we didn't try to go back to the closed portion of the road, which was 14 miles worth. Didn't stop the stupid thing from continually misdirecting us. GPS has also directed people on non-existent routes, like into a river or off the road. I'd rather make my own choices and mistakes, thanks.
  8. I use autocomplete, which is the term for suggested text. When I also used autocorrect, too often it would "correct" what I actually and accurately typed without my noticing it until later (because I knew it had been typed correctly), leading to some whoppers, which is particularly annoying on sites like Twitter, where there is no edit button.
  9. Excuse me, sir, disembodied voices are creepy no matter the gender. Proven to me over and over this past weekend when my gentleman caller's GPS kept giving us the wrong directions because it didn't realize a long stretch of the road it directed us to was closed. Some of you hate texting. I hate GPS and autocorrect.
  10. "Straight-acting" doesn't mean straight. And the way many gay men are only attracted to so-called straight-acting men often crosses the line from being attracted to what is difficult to have to preferring straightness over queerness. If not self-loathing, it's buying into life on heteronormative terms.
  11. I don't particularly care and wish whether someone is masc or femme wasn't such a big deal. It's not just a preference. There's a prejudice. Otherwise the question wouldn't need to be asked, as I knew before reading the answers what they would look like. Give me a femme guy who dances around his room naked and models gender neutral clothes (with an Instagram post saying "am I a boy or a girl? I am a man!" ) any day.
  12. Absolutely right. It was Verizon that made the decision.
  13. I just had a discussion/argument with my gentleman caller today about AI. My position is that it's not all it's cracked up to be because it can't be programmed for unimaginable occurrences that will nevertheless occur and because AI inherently can't compete with human judgment. This seems to me to be a subset of the same thing. Also a functioning cock attached to a human being is far more satisfying than an artificial one.
  14. Sorry I haven't been around to see this sooner. I wish you the best. I have chronic pain, but it's not unbearable, just bad enough to be annoying and distracting. Even at that level, it takes up far more of my brain than it deserves.
  15. No, I have no problem with texting, although I prefer email for initial contact. It's far and away the best way to communicate on the way to an appointment. Disliking texting isn't something worth boasting about, to my mind.
  16. You do realize you come across not only as a defender of Boeing but as someone who doesn't give a damn about the lives lost to Boeing's negligence and incompetence and is more interested in making money on Boeing stock? The fact that Boeing is part of an oligopoly and its stock price will eventually rebound is part of the problem here.
  17. I also like others reject the premise of the original post. Clients are not in competition with each other. I don't do anything in particular to appeal to escorts other than things I would do as a matter of course for anyone: be respectful, hygienic and not an asshole.
  18. I am happier not having to be responsible for maintaining a property. Don't project your values and preferences on others.
  19. The parade portion of the 20th annual Seoul Queer Culture Festival took place on June 2nd at 4 pm KST (June 1st here in the US; South Korea is a day ahead of us). The parade, which previously always been held in July, followed a more prominent route than before and was met by the usual loud and disruptive counterprotests by Christian groups, whose attempts to get the parade and festival depermitted lost in court. Buddhist monks draped in rainbow flags handed out lotus-shaped fans to participants. (Even though Buddhism has no specific prohibition on same-sex relationships, historically they have been considered unnatural, presumably because they aren't procreative and don't follow traditional family relationships.) https://www.gaystarnews.com/article/seoul-queer-culture-festival-kicks-off-in-south-korea/ [MEDIA=twitter]1135039059850551296[/MEDIA]
  20. No, there's already a LGBTQIA acronym, which is why a lot of people, especially younger people, have started using "queer" as a catchall description for everyone who's not heteronormative. I realize that's considered a hurtful slur by some people, but the moment the name for the scholarly endeavor of studying non-normative sexuality became queer studies, the argument against using the term as a catchall lost its power. If queerness is what the academy studies, then how can it be all that offensive to use the term for oneself? Everything else is either cumbersome or exclusionary.
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