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Posts posted by Andy2

  1. Very mixed comments on this forum.  I set up an appointment with him a few years ago, and he was a no-show.  Might be on the flakey side?  (Which is not the worst thing, but I'd pass without solid evidence that he is a passionate, engaged provider.) 

  2. Same here.  Until COVID, he traveled to DC/NYC from time to time.  I saw him a few times and could not have enjoyed myself more.  

    BTW, some of his current pix are from several years ago, and they are dated 2018 on his ad.  At least some of his pix dated 2022 seem new to me.  His face is similar to what I remember--very handsome guy, with a ripped body and great attitude. 

    Wish I were in Miami or DC :(

  3. I agree with everything Public Assistance has said and with the consensus that the OP screwed up bigtime: (1) it was exceedingly rude to cancel a 3 hour session for this reason, as the provider has surely relied on your promise to arrange his day; (2) it is not unusual for either the client or the provider to arrive 15 minutes late, and the common sense approach is to call/text and see if the other party can adjust; (3) the OP's question reflects entitlement and presumptuousness.  

    On (3), the proper question is whether the provider will see the OP again.  IMHO, the OP should offer an advance payment for one of the hours he cost the provider earlier.  A sign of good faith, plus it is fair.  Then if the provider would be willing to see the OP, pay the normal rate.  

  4. I am sure Liam gets a lot of attention, and as many clients as he wants, because of his smoking hott body and his (probably) handsome face, but I confess that what turned me on most about his ad is how it brims with intelligence and personality.    Bravo, Liam!  Best thing out of Indiana since Birch Bayh. 

  5. I have ordered an Uber for providers in NYC and have never been burned.  Because I can direct Uber to my precise location and can track the Uber's progress toward my destination, there is some assurance that even a scam provider cannot easily abuse the Uber system--or at least that's my experience.  

    Has anyone been Uber-scammed?  It is possible, but there seem to be some guardrails. 

  6. I have been exchanging RM messages with Wade of NC, because his ad does not list a phone contact.  This morning, my messages to him all disappeared when I left the chat.  

    Is anyone else having this problem?  The other RM features (including requests to open private pix) seem to be working. 


  7. https://rent.men/WadeNC

    This studly sub will be in DC for Mid-Atlantic.  His RM ad has no phone, so I have chatted with him and suggested an appointment.  He chatted back and expressed enthusiasm for that idea.  Would I confirm date and time etc.

    So I confirmed via RM Chat.  But my messages disappear for some reason (they show up initially on the Chat screen but after a few minutes they disappear).   I think this is a RM malfunction, as I tried to message another guy, with the same result. 

    In any event, does anyone have an email or cell or some other way I can communicate with Wade?  I am sure he would welcum a message from me.  

  8. Update:  He now advertises as DeMilo, with the following RM profile:


    So I tried to set up an appointment, without success.  He initially said yes but then warned me that he does not kiss!  I had explicitly said I was especially interested in French kissing, and he was good with that.  As Matthew Cooper, he French kisses with wild abandon in his videos.  He also does not seem as versatile as his ad suggests.  

    So I took a hard pass.  I bet his pix are real, but we are decidedly not a match. 

  9. Gotcha.  Mattidude is Matthew Cooper, porn star who is very hott and does indeed bottom for Cade Mattox and others while also a dominant top for Ryan Rose and others.  Great stamina, awesome abs, and he french kisses constantly (at least in the porn, where he has super-hot partners). 

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