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Everything posted by sincitymix

  1. AZT at a small dose can cause problems too, especially if your in the 1% that gets the 0.0 something percent of the mega super bad side effect that NEVER happens in patients... A friend took AZT, next thing he knows, hes having micro seizures or heart attacks (probably due to his blood being depleted of almost all RBCs, had a hematocrit of 12 (which is the blood of a corpse) and had his bone marrow shut off.
  2. if he comes to vegas morphed arms or not, hot
  3. im not sure if it was posted why he doesnt have a face pic, but from what i see he looks nice. Its good to get opinions from the forums. makes me trust a bit more.
  4. sincitymix


    Yikes! It prob depends on the shampoo.. id hate to try and experiment lol.. mabye baby shampoo?
  5. sincitymix


    hair conditioner
  6. sincitymix


    What is the oddest or unexpected thing that you have used as lube?
  7. I had to have a cataract removed from one of my eyes and used ora. (i also had rk and many other alphabet soup of vision surgeries done) i would recommend it 1000000%. Who are you going through? I went with debry and jackson. I dont remember my ORA being 500. Mine was more along the 250.00 route...hmm then again i only needed it in one eye.
  8. now that you mention it. i dont think i have seen QTR posting for awhile.. or i could have missed some. I do find myself missing QTR posts.
  9. It is also a shame when they wont even move the bags for elderly people. I had to applaud an Elderly woman who could barely walk, she just shoved the bags onto the girls lap, and sat down.
  10. You can man spread all over me any day Kurtis
  11. I just had to google it too lol. I though it was some sort of thing you put on the back of a truck to tow something
  12. Thats when you plop into the seat next to him, smile, nod, and say thanks.. and then purrr while you snuggle into him and his arm now around you... I bet he wont be doing that again in the future
  13. Coretta Scott King when i was in high school. special invitation meeting
  14. i just remembered another one. Greg Smart. He quit escorting right around when i was starting to hire. something about his looks and smile that just makes me melt.
  15. Hmmm.. Tristan Baldwin,, because i just cant get my schedule to match his when he is in vegas. Tom Faulk... last time he was in vegas, i missed out on hiring him.
  16. im sorry i just had to laugh at this one lol..
  17. ha! reminds me of this show i was watching on netflix. Very British problems http://www.channel4.com/programmes/very-british-problems and andrew flintoff is super hot! lol
  18. off topic, but is that a fenic fox in your picture?
  19. Hmmm anyone have any more info on him? or at least some illumination on how the phone calls didnt go so well?
  20. lol well i am an asian bottom myself.. so i cant really weigh in on escort asian bottoms as for the fillipinos being pacific islander/Polynesian... i asked a few Fillipino co coworkers and they said " What? you think we look like Samoans or something? we are not Polynesian" so eh.. guess it depends on which Fillipino you talk to lol.
  21. isnt this jd? sorry had to edit. its not. the first picture reminded me of one of his pics.
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