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Everything posted by sincitymix

  1. i think it went down so they could implement some sort of approval or warning method. I noticed the ads now have risk rating based on criteria.
  2. Ive heard that about him too in regards to young asian twinks. It was awhile ago. Just noone was able to confirm it at that time.
  3. Hmmmmm... well im asian and im trying to ge my twink bod back.(yay gym) interesting...
  4. hmm makes me wonder if any escorts will be offering special deals or cyber monday discounts
  5. Ive always wanted to hire Jake. He only does outcalls from what i remember, and i see mixed messages on whether or not he tops. someone said he does someone said he doesnt.
  6. certainly is a lack of etiquette and manners on the part of the invited guest. what if the host had only enough food and or drinks to cover the planned guest list? etc etc
  7. Its illegal in Nevada to give to panhandlers if you are in your car. I almost got a ticket. Was given a warning, and firmly told that Nevada offers many services for the homeless and etc if they want help.
  8. wow.. after reading all of these... My only big drama fight was : BF: I am being stationed to Germany. I want you to come with me. Me: What about DADT? How is that going to work? BF: You can move to Germany, get a job, live off base, and I will come see you on my days off. Me: I dont speak German.. how am I going to get a job in Germany, Im only 17.. Are you going to help me with living expenses? BF: No. If you love me, youll do it. Me: Im not sure if i can leave all my family and friends... that's a big commitment. What if something happens, I'll be stuck in Germany all alone. What if you get transferred to a different assignment? BF: If you love me, you will do it. We will find a way. Needless to say i did not go to Germany. He ended up convincing some 16 year old Filipino boy to do it. turns out he was cheating on me. bullet dodged.. but boy was he hot..
  9. they probably think " Id better get a big tip at the end "
  10. i knew one coworker who had the lap band. He refused to moderate his portion sizes and kept bursting the band. After 5 or 6 times of this and getting surgery to replace it, work changed the coverage, only 1 time per life. my best friend got gastric bypass. she loves it. she lost alot of weight, goes to the gym regularly.. she does watch how much she eats and also what she eats. she doesnt drink any carbonated stuff. she cant load on carbs, itll make you sick.
  11. i get so excited when i see victor is in vegas, then i look over and see hes a bottom :(
  12. thanks for this link! now i can afford to hire those pesky outcall only with out paying hundred(s) more
  13. interesting, i usually go with what im pass wording, plus the name of a pet, plus the sound an animal makes, a number, and a non alphanumeric. so it would look like Daddiespoochieneigh1! daddies site, name of pet, horse sound, 1, !
  14. sincitymix


    I am sure it does, or rm owns them. I saw on J2G, that an escort was in vegas. listed in vegas, had vegas dates.. but nothing on RM. I reached out to the escort, and im sure it was a language barrier.. but i got the impression he was not in vegas, he doest go to vegas, and was wondering if i wanted to fly him to vegas..
  15. I wish he offered more than a massage
  16. http://www.towleroad.com/2017/07/scott-frantz/ scott frantz,
  17. dang where was this guy when i was in indianapolis in may?
  18. meh, his eyes look to close together for my taste.
  19. omg i remember sam jones in flash gordon. super hot, even as a little boy i remember that lol. especially him in those little gold shorts and his naked pictures
  20. Hmmm.. zerothehero speech/text patterns reminds me very much so of a certain someone who leaps to defend a certain muscle guy.
  21. i have never had a cold sore. no burning tingling nothing.
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