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Everything posted by caliguy

  1. If you want a good massage go for a good masseuse. Most don't offer sex though. If you want an escort get an escort.
  2. If you want a good massage go for a good masseuse. Most don't offer sex though. If you want an escort get an escort.
  3. Nothing backhanded about it. Good on you to help a grown ass man keep his little secret though so mommy and daddy will still love him. Lol You know they've done studies where they found that most people that actually know gay people don't hate them. It's true. Btw. I gave you an an applause because I thought that's what you were looking for.
  4. It's not that I don't believe you. It's just kind of insulting you saying you're helping normalize this closet case to keep his "life in balance". Yeah wouldn't want the family to think their perfect little angel is a dirty faggot. I'd almost get it if he had a family life like kids or something where he had to think of them. We're in 2019 now. Fucking pathetic but good on you to help him with his little secret life.
  5. Oh please. Yes maybe in 1940 there's a story similar to this. In the real world today we now have apps like Grindr and scruff so there's no part of this world where a guy that describes itself like that cannot have an abundance of willing guys salivating at the thought of getting together with him.
  6. Shouldn't he be commended for being honest about it though? Maybe a little bit of a prima donna but then again he's young and he's hot. I do believe many escorts can do just about anything for the money but will you get the same level of service as someone they actually like being with? Probably not.
  7. caliguy

    Young n Hung

    He's a cute pocket gay.
  8. That's a good deal since it's full-on sex you're talking about.
  9. Where's the bubble part though?
  10. Really now? You've been doing nothing but criticizing him. why would I pay $300 for an escort that is that age and in a lot worse shape than I am in? I am in a lot better shape I have no issues having guys that look a lot better than him wanting to hook up on other sites. I can find guys that look better than him for free I wouldn't have any trouble getting someone that age and in that shape for free
  11. The irony lost on handiacefailure is that most that get together with him feel the same way he does about Howie. At least he gets his hot young guy though.
  12. Ha. Louis and Chad have gone from teenagers to almost 40. I wonder if the OP now considers them to be too over the hill?
  13. All I know is anyone who thinks being gay is a choice. Well,,
  14. I'd settle for him putting down the tweezers. Then again he'd make a fierce drag queen.
  15. Hot even by NY standards. Damn.
  16. The ship looks like something out of Jason and the argonauts would use.
  17. I'd give him a break. The whole meeting started out with Matt being annoyed by his questions which seemed pretty basic to me. Allot of Hotels want to know the last name before letting you in. Also he's pretty young. Most guys just starting out in life are overly paranoid of catching diseases and of coarse the police fear.
  18. This is a what a gymnast build looks like. Most of these guys are just twink build.
  19. Some really awesome pics.
  20. Looks like he's trying to emulate a young justin beiber.
  21. ..or you could just find a suitable partner to share your life with and not make this your whole life story.
  22. New York is at least better than any other state as far as fairness for the cabbies. Lots of regulations on Uber. Here in LA they're planning a strike because they've taken the Uber fares from $0.80 per mile to $0.60 per mile. I find that unbelievable. Who can make any money doing that?
  23. I read the article before this and I just said big whoop. Condoms have a lower effective rate at 96%.
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