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Posts posted by Funguy

  1. OH! The pressure to perform that has been hoisted upon me (or foisted)!


    For BVB:

    Oh! Sono stato un cattivo ragazzo così che ero bravo! Davvero buono! Meglio che mai. Ma non era la notte scorsa - era Domenica e Martedì. Prima ho avuto un 69 dei capezzoli e poi ho avuto un lavoro fuori come il nostro amico sul letto. Differenza era morsetti giapponesi


    Whipped Guy will provide the translation. Suffice it to say that I really was a bad, bad boy.


    For Whipped - I'll always be a good boy! For everyone else, I'm not so sure, sometimes being bad is just soooooo good.


    Cold shower time.

  2. These airlines keep trying to shove more and more people into a smaller space.


    Actually, in some cases, I think it's more and more people into bigger spaces - hence the new double deckers.


    It's telling my age but my first trip to Hawaii was on the Pan Am double decker in the 50's. What fun for a kid!! (of course, Chris, you're still a kid! and I'm still fun!)

  3. I just want to be a steward for one cross-continental flight so I can use the name of a book I read 41 years ago while sitting on a beach on Dunk Island off the coast of Brisbane. The name of the book was "Coffee, Tea or Me."


    Was that the one by/about the stews (ahem, flight attendants)? I want to be a steward whose involved in the flight!

  4. If you could buy the Cessna, who would your crew be? Pilot (AKA Top Dog), Copilot (BACK UP Stud), and the crew (the SCREWS).


    I could fantasize that trip with a whole bunch of different hot guys.


    First group---Chris E.(pilot), Ace (co pilot), and Nate SF and Dane Scott to serve the passengers during flight :-)


    Boston Bill


    All the way with that crew - won't give them turn around time either. Well, turn around, but not turn-around. Can't wait to see the uniforms; open air?

  5. Having just lost a great deal of weight and I am NOT sagging too much anywhere from that loss, I think I actually look better naked than with a speedo - the speedo just draws attention directly to your abdomen above the line and your ass if it doesn't fill it out (and something else but we're not really talking about that). Especially a red speedo!

  6. I hear someone in West Hollywood with a fair amount of experience with all types of wonderful men is doing outcalls again. :-)




    Since that person in West Hollywood is doing outcalls again, I would HIGHLY recommend him. A more wonderful and more giving man you could not find. By the way - Rod truly is a compassionate guy and i think your friend would have a great time!



  7. Removal? This guy will just keep adding more!




    At least he doesn't have to worry about being denied entrance to a restaurant because he's shirtless.

    On a more serious note the risk of hepatitis C is still out there with tattooing if the wrong place is used and, of course, the risk increases exponentially the more tats you get.

    We as clients don't usually consider spread when our little heads are playing, but if you are with a guy covered in tats it deserves thought.

    No vaccine, no cure.

  8. Hey Unicorn, you can send any of them my way. I would love to show each of them a good time, but if I have to pick, it would have to be Jonathan Campos and Mario Kaufman. Both have beautiful bodies and they know how to pick their swim suits to show off their equipment too! :) Great faces, hot bodies and I can imagine what a great time we could have if I could get the two of them together with me for an evening....... I would have a non-fiction story for funguy !!


    Dream about it and let me know some details you would like…there will be a 3-some in the future posts!

  9. Rabbi Hy had traif last nite. His first uncut, and now he loves it. No more need to search for that Jewish escort. With that under his belt, he is now going to delve into the darker arts: a bit of BDSM - a little bondage, some restraints, a bissel rope, some nipple with the lights on … there's no sending him back!



  10. There have been toooo many of these you tubes, Leno's, Sacha Baron Cohens, and the like to ignore. This is middle America, as distressing as it may be. I see high school kids in my office, with their parents, and neither the kid nor the parent can figure out how many feet 61 inches is. Pretty poor showing!

  11. Hilarious......but sadly it is what many Americans actually think...even college grads. You should see Jay Leno's street interviews on college campuses. It's laugh-out-loud stuff to watch...but at the same time, very sad.


    It's also even sadder to think that we Americans think we have/are the best in everything but when it comes down to it, things such as education, infant mortality (of all things), and other criteria mark us as really a second-class country! We really need to fix these things. Just look at the shit we are going thru just to get everyone to have the benefits of health insurance!

  12. I dont they got part right about that area to the north of us it is unihabitated aint it. I have heard tell of people from there but they all talk funny with an accent.


    Is n't this the same map the Republican party uses.


    I also heard tell that those people to the North who talk funny are also noted to be exceedingly polite.

  13. Also…in all seriousness…why don't people in the cold climes have portable generators? We use them here when there are outages (tho short-lived). And yes, I know they run on gasoline, so have some available when the weather service says, "Brrrrr."

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