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Posts posted by Funguy

  1. Thank you for the info. As for the 85 out of 100,000, I pulled that from two different Internet articles. One was on eMedicine.com which is usually pretty reliable. It's a juggling act about the Meloxicam. I am on Prilosec which can increase Meloxicam's levels and on Diovan HCT for control of blood pressure. Meloxicam might antagonize the diuretic in the Diovan and might injure the kidney in combination with the angiotensin receptor blocker. Luckily while my BP is high it's not super high. I decided today to not take the BP med (luckily my BP med isn't one with rebound hypertension if you stop it). I'll monitor my BP -again my BP is usually in the 150's over 90's without meds not talking 160's over 110 or anything-and I took 7.5 mg of the Meloxicam along with only 20 mg instead of 40 mg of my Prilosec.


    I fell/slipped out of the bed this morning (I have sleep apnea and sleep at the edge of the bed for convenience). While I've had low back pain-I have it now-the back of my left leg hurts. Hopefully I just strained it when I fell and it's not my entire back that is off.


    Another wonderful thing, I don't have insurance or Medicaid, don't ask me why. But I'm not looking forward to an MRI Bill.




    Two things, Gman, in case you don't know - always look up drug pricing on Goodrx.com. Coupons often lower pricing considerably depending on medication.

    Is there a Gay-Lesbian Health Center near you? It often can help with physician and even other cost discounts (that MRI you dread).

  2. My first procedure was an L3-S1 decompression. They removed a large synovial cyst at L3-L4 that was protruding into the spinal canal and causing lots of pain. They excised the intervertebral ligament at L4-L5, did a discectomy at L5-S1 and did lateral recess and foraminal decompression at all levels.


    18 months later, I had a L4-S1 anterior-posterior fusion.


    I'm in fabulous shape now - I have a rock solid core. I can't say that I'm completely pain-free, but close to it. I haven't taken anything stronger than tylenol since about a month after the fusion procedure.


    I may be developing adjacent segment disease because I have developed a mild scoliosis that I never had before. My spine has a slight, but noticeable, lateral S-curve.


    Adjacent segment disease will get you every time!

    And you are right in making that core as strong as possible. I discovered Pilates after I had a rotator cuff reconstruction. First i needed range of motion that Pilates took care of and then proceeded with core strength improvement which Pilates is known for.

  3. I won't say I would never have another spine surgery, but I sure don't want another one. I had a L4-S1 fusion procedure four years ago. I've worked extremely hard to rehab from it. I wasn't going to settle for anything less than being pain-free, most of the time. I've substantially achieved that, after four years of constant work.


    I had L3-4 fusion 19 years ago when the anterior approach was still in it's infancy. Since the stress then went to the next level down, I tore the disc at L4-L5. Rehab PT was not very helpful until I found a trainer who specialized in rehabbing backs. Then 3 days a week for 2 solid years (I missed about 3 appointments) - I had a great body then and was "relatively" pain free.

    Who knew chronic degenerative arthritis was then going to be a problem?

    Would i have surgery again? YES - given the problem (spondylolisthesis - slipping vertebrae). But since the arthritis I am in some degree of pain all the time; I've had numerous pain management procedures, each helps a bit, and I accept it. I simply live life not allowing the pain to control me but the other way around.

  4. As Rudynate said, "Been there, done that!" Fusion, later on a discectomy for torn disc. Albeit lower spine but the principle is all the same.

    I would do ANYTHING to avoid surgery. It is extremely common, usually resolves with meds such as Meloxicam. Having also gone the route of gabapentin (Neurontin) I would try to stay away from that as well - a great propensity to screw up your memory while on the medicine at the higher dosages.

    I would also consider rest, heat, even ultrasound. If having an acute episode, consider ice to the neck, followed 24 hours or so later with heat.


    As i see a pain management specialist for chronic pain, I am well-versed in the options and, from experience, tho pain relievers do relieve the pain, they do not get to the root of the problem - nerve irritation. You need the anti-inflamatories. Sometimes if Meloxicam at 15 mg does not work, also try adding a muscle relaxer such as Flexeril or Soma (carisoprodol) - either may make you drowsy so please do not operate heavy machinery. Always let your doctor prescribe for you.


    If symptoms continue you may consider specialized physical therapy with traction to reduce to compression.


    Good luck Gman - I do feel for you.



  5. As I said, wowzer!


    Actually, I'm going to stick with my Japanese Clovers, tho 2 pair, cross-connected like an "X", not looped, could be extreme fun!


    Nips can be so tasty. I'm afraid if I get too hungry, esp. with a nippy-niner, with the magnetic balls I might then have to go to the DENTIST for a removal. And what dentist, WG, would be that discrete as to not laugh when the problem is explained?

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