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Everything posted by Funguy

  1. and a drop or two from the other nipple?
  2. I could happily get into this ass!
  3. "...when i was not looking..." Hmmmm, blindfolded we we?
  4. How do these guys not get hard while they are doing this? By the time I'm doing the touching, I'm like a rock!
  5. God, I'm hard just thinking about all of this!
  6. First I underwent hypnotherapy as a patient for relaxation and pain control. Part of the therapy was learning/being taught to auto (or self) hypnosis. Once that was mastered I can do it whenever I want and give myself post-hypnotic suggestions. As far as just "one-way" I rarely use the hypnosis but i use what I have learned in order to simply "go with the flow." When with someone i can go into a state of total relaxation and even "inside of myself" in order to increase the sensations. My goal has been to achieve a "total body orgasm" which I have done only once, without pushing and stressing for it to happen.
  7. I especially love these pix - I just LOVE shower sex! It's the closeness, the relaxing, the watery cascades, the just closing the eyes ... God! I love it.
  8. IMHO - I have used hypnosis therapeutically (mostly for pain control) and am a big advocate. I also know and use self-hypnosis for many different reasons, including sexually. BUT (and this is a big BUT), the indiscriminate use of and for especially sexual situations by someone who may or may not be trained and licensed is playing with a loaded gun - not just Russian Roulette as all chambers are loaded. There is a lot of damage which can occur and be caused in this sort of situation. If he is trained and licensed this is a strange way to proceed. I think it panders to those who have much greater expectations of gratification than are realistic and can be dangerous. Remembering, even hypnosis CANNOT make you do things you would normally not do, but it can release some inhibition, esp. with post-hypnotic suggestion, and really fuck you up! Again, IMHO.
  9. Oh! God! I have another month to wait?!!!
  10. Yes - you may twist my arm (the short one) for #49. His maturity only adds exponentially!
  11. Note to gentlemen: I love, LOVE playing in the shower.
  12. Oh, sorry - Tristan Baldwin. He is TB for short. For most of us most of the time he is as smooth as it gets because he dances. But, on occasion, a lucky few of us get him au natural between gigs - and he is hotter than the BBQ at 1000 degrees!
  13. Interestingly, TB in his present hirsute form will give these guys a run for their money!
  14. Oh! LADoug! But it does! Right here inLA!!
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