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Posts posted by DERRIK

  1. When i see new guys - the first thing I do is check out who wrote the review. Sometimes review written by someone i recognize as making other reviews - thus I get a sense of what they liked before and this ads creditability. If it someone never reviewing before I also take that into account.

  2. I have flown escorts to Vegas and elsewhere. I come up with a ball park for airfare and agree on a rate for his time. Once we come to agreement we confirm the date and I send him airfare. Its his job to make reservations and confirm. This gets me out of the BS of his real name for reservations. It also gives him to option to pocket the cash and use his frequent miles to travel -- it none of my business which he does. Plus is a little too much micro management for me to buy the ticket directly. Once we meet up - the transaction for his time is handled in the usual manner.


    Obviously i only do this with known providers. I guess I've done this 10 times in last 5 years - not been burned yet.

  3. A sobering thread but worthy of discussion


    Suicide rates increased in 49 of 50 states from 1999 to 2016, with an increase greater than 20% in more than half of those states, the FCC says. Rates are higher across several at-risk populations, including veterans and LGBT communities.


    the FCC recently approved 988 as a suicide hotline nationwide


    this will automatically connect the caller with 170 centers in the US

  4. I’ve read a little regarding military that die overseas


    the process includes going through personal belongings and typically includes removal of porn as well as not appropriate pictures of that would not be returned to spouse


    I would not be surprised if intimidate pictures/letters not appropriate for the spouse. - these items discreetly to the right person.

  5. I am sure many think what daddy does for the forum and the review website is easy - something to do casually. I and others can assure you is FULL TIME activity


    It really is a mission or labor of love on his part


    Cash is king


    He. DEserves your support

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