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Posts posted by DERRIK

  1. . A year is a long time. Last year at this time I was wondering if the Mets would have a winning season. This year, I am wondering if the Mets will have a season. It will not be the same but it will be a lot more the same than it is now.



    good possibility that the METS will be tied for first place in the fall :)

  2. I expect some industries will recover faster than others. i hope to fly to Tokyo in December. I expect to stay in a hotel before year end. I suspect I will be going to the movies at sometime. Some industries will have a steeper climb like the car business.


    In 2019 - nineteen million cars were manufactured globally. In 2008 when we had the auto bailout - eight million were manufactured. I doubt congress will be jumping up and down for another car bailout. Car companies are heavily leveraged - thus this sector / suppliers / employees will have a rough period.

  3. We are using it. It is not a miracle drug but it is the best we have along with Tocilizumab. Notice what is not in that sentence? Plaquenyl (hydroxycloroquine). While still in use it is generally felt to offer little in the overall treatment and so Dr. Fauci appears to have been right when he warned at the WH press conference that the drug's effectiveness was only anecdotal. This drug does have good initial scientific evidence of effectiveness. Hopefully some people will learn that the science matters.

    Problem with Remdesivir is that manufacturing of it is very limited right now, the chemicals needed to make it are hard to come by and most of them are held in large part by China.



    it's good to know we have someone speaking from the front lines. PC - thank you for your service

  4. I have met some famous guys but probably should not detail the circumstances (you can probably figure it out)


    Sherman Maus

    Danny Cruz

    Adre Future

    Benjamine Nicholas

    Legendary Dave

    Hunter Lee

    Lance Navarro

    Mike Gaite

    Oliver Saks

    Peter Hung

    Simply Adam

    Victor Powers

  5. I expect a steep V curve on hospitality, travel


    A rapid plummet - a rapid rise when situation is resolved (pent up demand)


    i assume it fairly easy to assume they continue to fall


    There might be guesswork to predict when we turn the corner


    Trump ADMIN may try a bailout but expect nothing to help hourly works busting their ass cleaning rooms and airplanes

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