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Everything posted by marylander1940

  1. We live in a bidetless society.... talk about taking risks. I know escorts who might do it once or twice per year if they find the client surprisingly good looking, in shape and young, but when asked upfront simply say they don't because is way too personal and just can't commit to do it. If a client has to ask about it, it's because he can't even get it for free by the guys he dates and that's something he should consider.
  2. It's always expensive unless you book the 2nd half of January. I've done it a few times with family to avoid lines while going to all attractions. Hotels are really pushing it lately to make it up for the lost revenue and Airbnb. You can also stay in Brooklyn and Astoria but you'll spend the whole day in Manhattan anyways.
  3. I visited an escort staying at a Sonder Waterfront in DC and it was very nice, perfect hybrid between hotel and Airbnb. Thanks for the tip. I'm surprised they're still available after the crackdown. At least in this town they have the same prices as hotels.
  4. That's why I don't hire escorts who do PNP or "roids" (steroids). I would also add not hiring at 11 PM or even after midnight. I wouldn't like to see a guy who's been partying with friends or drunk. I would also behave in a responsible way like you! Non of my escort friends ever had that kind of issue but that's more likely to happen considering the age and physical condition of some clients.
  5. Most escorts know they'll see overweight or obese clients. I'm glad you actually told them upfront, it possibly saved you from a bad experience. Especially here in the USA but it's always appropriate to tell in advance especially if the client wants to travel, not all massage tables/beds are design to stand a determined amount of weight on top.
  6. You're not alone! One of the bests things about aging is more and more guys becoming younger. Same! Especially considering so many guys I found hot when they were in their 20's or low 30's simply stopped taking care of themselves or didn't age well.
  7. Can we please blend all threads about this subject?
  8. Tattoos are more common among in shape younger guys, most pornstars have tattoos unless you only watch BelAmi. Obsessed? Is just an observation.
  9. I would personally be happy if I see more diversity when it comes to guys who don't have tattoos. Is that even possible nowadays?
  10. Exactly! Especially considering most clients aren't their type. Do you tip them? usually when the client cums it's over, well time for little chat, cuddle, etc. Gentlemen: it's a business, let's put ourselves in their place. How much Viagra can someone take daily.... providers also have personal lives.
  11. That's why they assume you are uncut, just like I would assume someone from Europe is very likely to be uncut.
  12. Do you speak English with an accent? If you don't I would assume you were born here and therefore you're cut.
  13. As I said before I don't ignore on here. Did you read it? Again, I don't ignore. Besides most of the times I agree with folks who used those words on here on other subjects. Back to subject, I think ignoring is wrong, but I understand why others do it.
  14. I searched those 3 words, and nothing came up and it's a sad day when grownups call themselves words like that. Searched for 'Chunky, older & queeny' in All Content (companyofmen.org) back to subject, I used to ignore 3 members, but I think it's childish and sometimes you can't follow a conversation if you can't read their posts or when they're quoted.
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