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Everything posted by marylander1940

  1. From having an ad on Seeking to escorting.... is not much of a difference. At least RM is more direct.
  2. Alex Grant playing with one of his toys!
  3. OP note: will the law accept reality of use? Can we finally have a serious study on the effects of pot? US poised to ease restrictions on marijuana in historic shift, but it'll remain controlled substance APNEWS.COM In a historic shift, the U.S. moves to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug, AP sources say.
  4. Thank you for your honest post! We're glad to know you kept your word and remain grateful to those who helped you. I do disagree with you that "ghosting" in this cases doesn't happen out of embarrassment but is part of the plan. Sad but true! One more time, thank you for being such an honest poster!
  5. Do you rim the twinks you hire? I certainly would, they're young, smooth and in great shape. Now picture yourself when you were young rimming older possibly out of shape men? Think about that. Again, if some providers do it for $, good for them and good for the clients too.
  6. First of all, I know that coming from you is not a personal attack! Repulsive? Disgusted? Those are strong words and I'm sorry you perceive it that way. In my honest opinion escorts find seriously unappealing 1/4 of their clients, unfortunately those gentlemen won't even truthfully describe themselves before the appointment and just show up. Obviously not everybody has the state of mind to become an escort. I am simply saying in shape good looking clients might happen 2 or 3 times per year, I don't think that's a way to insult "the vast majority or people who post on here". "Rim me or I won't hire you" to me sounds like slavery, a high paying slavery no doubt but slavery. I'm glad to know some providers don't mind doing it.
  7. we're talking about ass eating.... it doesn't get more personal than that. I know escort who might do it 2 or 3 time per year if the client is surprisingly good looking (in shape and young) and also prepared for that. Not only showering but soap and not just one time. Picture yourself when you were young engaging in such act with someone you're not attracted to. Now everybody will talk about their amazing experiences getting rimmed by everyone they ever met. There's so much bragging in this forum....
  8. No bidet? C'mon maybe you caught him unprepared.
  9. and you tend to fire them if they're late, something that unfortunately happens way too often.
  10. Exactly not all clients are desirable enough or in condition to be rimmed. Besides most of them click "rimming" because there's no "getting rimmed" choice.
  11. Sorry but that's waaaay too personal to be "on the table" or a MUST do. I'm glad you get rimmed most of the time.
  12. Picture courtesy of @56harrisond
  13. Sorry to hear that! I would have make him pay for your services without him spending a penny.
  14. sorry to hear that! You got scammed! When it comes to escorts is "pay as you go", he needed money... hire him several times a week or for overnights and pay him after the deed is done, never before. Are you considering getting a lawyer?
  15. Ask your straight friends about it. .
  16. Yes, is a blue city in a purple state. This issue occasionally comes up. Last time it was about guys hiring young women at a highway motel through a shady website. What can possibly go wrong? I know of at least 3 escorts who got arrested in Las Vegas for prostitution. I don't know of any other place where someone was arrested. @José Soplanucas (under his old name) tried to warn us about Honolulu but I can't find the thread. Unfortunately, he didn't provide any kind of details. hookups (free sex) involve no legal problems but when dealing with strangers we always take risks.
  17. We live in a bidetless society.... talk about taking risks. I know escorts who might do it once or twice per year if they find the client surprisingly good looking, in shape and young, but when asked upfront simply say they don't because is way too personal and just can't commit to do it. If a client has to ask about it, it's because he can't even get it for free by the guys he dates and that's something he should consider.
  18. It's always expensive unless you book the 2nd half of January. I've done it a few times with family to avoid lines while going to all attractions. Hotels are really pushing it lately to make it up for the lost revenue and Airbnb. You can also stay in Brooklyn and Astoria but you'll spend the whole day in Manhattan anyways.
  19. I visited an escort staying at a Sonder Waterfront in DC and it was very nice, perfect hybrid between hotel and Airbnb. Thanks for the tip. I'm surprised they're still available after the crackdown. At least in this town they have the same prices as hotels.
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