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Everything posted by big-n-tall

  1. Let's see... after meeting with Michael Vincenzo, on my way out of the hotel, I walked by Arpad Miklos. He appeared to be staying at the same hotel Michael was. He looked so good. He had a black tee on (showing his arms) and red shorts. I saw Billy and Seth Santoro walking by as my friend and I ate ice cream waiting to go to the movies. Low and behold they happened to sit directly in front of us at the movies. Although he escorted briefly, porn actor Mike Mann was waiting for a friend at a movie theater. That was one tall sexy dude. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-s2HBv_DMgxY/UmlgMzwftQI/AAAAAAAAFS8/ON_lUXlh-CY/s1600/photo-Big-Dick-114021228.jpg I've walked past a few Sean Cody guys (at different times) who ended up escorting while visiting San Diego various times throughout the years. Although this wasn't really bumping into... I had lunch with Johnny Hazzard because we have a mutual friend.
  2. No knock on your faith, but I always likened the Bible to a game of telephone. You know one kid says something to the next kid, the next kid repeats it, and so it goes down the line of kids until it reaches the end. Often times the message is different from what it was from the start... lost in translation and all that. The bible has been translated, rewritten, and edited by various people. The original message has been altered methinks. I believe the bible should be a guide and way to possibly help keep the faith, but not to be taken literally. But that's just me.
  3. +1 For me, it ultimately depends on the crime and how recently and frequently it occurred.
  4. He may be requesting that much because he was on Sean Cody. I can't tell you what he's offering otherwise.
  5. I haven't met any of the guys, but if I were in your shoes I'd go for Deboxer. He does porn under the moniker Manuel Deboxer. He seems to enjoy the work. I think he's sexy as hell. I'd definitely take one for the team. Lol!
  6. Oh my god he was so hot. He has a very sexy voice. between the whimpering and moaning as I talked dirty to him and the very vocal orgasm... it was just wow!!!! I hope I can meet him in person, and soon.
  7. There is this guy on RM who caught my eye while perusing the site. https://rent.men/MasculineJason Reading his ad copy intrigued me and the pics well sold me. I haven't met him in person... yet. I did however do a skype show with him. Let's just say... I want him bad... real bad. He looks like a bad boy, but he actually rather smart and sweet. To top that off, he's a professed nerd/geek. He's my catnip. Attractive, built, nice hands and feet, smart, geeky, big ahem... personality. PM me for details. Why does he have to be so far away. I'm trying to convince him to come to my area.
  8. The sexy Vin Marco doing something he loves...
  9. My choice would be @ajirons09. You can't go wrong with that guy. https://rent.men/AJIrons Although I have never met him @Amir, would probably be my 2nd choice, but it looks like he'll be in LA until April 9. I don't know if that fits your schedule. https://rent.men/Amir
  10. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-vuu5hu3Tq34/UWgUL8nVkxI/AAAAAAAEH5M/q9Ympx44NNA/s1600/004.jpg
  11. Now on topic... To the OP, as some have said, you haven't rattled the hornet's nest... yet. However, except for a few particular escorts, most guys have their cheerleaders and detractors. Throwing out a blanket statement about who I should avoid kinda doesn't benefit you at all. Someone I might dislike, you might favor. You won't know until you meet that guy. Just do your research if someone interests you. If you're not sure give us a name and if anyone knows they'll chime in one way or another and let you know.
  12. Get a room you two... oh wait you already are. To be fair, the supposed controversies are more about some of his cheerleaders feeling the need to belittle fellow forum members on his behalf (not about the man himself). Everything else is typical forum chatter... where people praise (how great he is physically) or complain (his rates) about things. Every working guy on here has run into that to some degree. You should encourage him to participate. He doesn't have to write a lot. A thoughtful/positive remark here or there can change a lot of attitudes. As I tell most people who start posting here... some people can be annoying, some are great, but really and truly the only people's opinions you should be concerned about are the ones who know you. Besides most people's bark is far worse than their actual bite.
  13. Well he was never unreachable... just selective.
  14. No worries. I was just messing with ya.
  15. Uhm... I provided a link in this very topic post last May. See above.
  16. So I guess I'll have to make more membership cards and get more decoder rings to pass out for the Tristan Baldwin Fan Club.
  17. Not the chinchillas... NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Besides we discussed this... muscled, fat, skinny or covered with honey and duck feathers... hooked on TB for life!!! <3
  18. Uhm... maybe you are right. @tristanbaldwin has done it all!!! P.S. I had absolutely nothing to do with this picture, I swear. I found it doing a search in google.
  19. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-_H0sfWk6dsk/U6MuJ3z7c5I/AAAAAAAACgo/zhblVVoRta8/s1600/RUFSKIN+2014.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-cWWvrcGOHjE/U2kEwSiWdzI/AAAAAAAACbM/XKhYH-km3B4/s1600/ROMEO+FAENA+RICHARD+GERST.jpg
  20. big-n-tall

    Ryan Steel

    Good on you. There is no hostility...well... except one person feeling the need to demean clients/forum members and a particularly well liked escort. My point is, there is somebody for everyone. There is no need to put someone down because they can't afford to or don't want to pay $500 a pop. Don't put someone down because they want to be fair, affordable or whatever you want to call it when dealing with their clients. Ryan is clearly hot as hell. People who like/love him... great!!! We all have our faves for various reasons. Anyway, I won't say any more. Big man sleepy... go night night. Back to the subject at hand... Ryan
  21. big-n-tall

    Ryan Steel

    I'll take "Petty" for $500 Alex. You do realize paying more doesn't necessarily mean you get better service. Do you have anything constructive to add to this forum post other than demean everyone who isn't in this supposed big spender league gamechanger or seaworld are in? It's all good though. You enjoy Ryan and pay the fee he wants. As I have said, if he can get whatever... more power to him. I don't know Ryan personally, but from client posts and brief interactions (I had years ago) he seems like a good guy. He's not for everyone, just like not everyone is interested in him because of his muscles. I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate you demeaning people (i.e. potential clients) in his honor.
  22. big-n-tall

    Ryan Steel

    Well when I contacted him, he was non-specific about what exactly he would or wouldn't do. You got a little further than I did. I guess it was because he was new to the game and I was an unknown. I think he also said a high number for a half hour... not even an hour. So that coupled with the non-committal response was a turn off. I have to give @RexB props for his philosophy he posted elsewhere. Whether I can afford to see a guy or not, not meeting him was probably a blessing in disguise. Again Ryan, seems like a nice guy. He does, what he does, and makes that money. More power to him. However, I much rather see someone... that if we do muscle worship, I want the option to do more and get some reciprocation. I don't know if I could ever get that with him.
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