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Posts posted by Socalguy

  1. Robster is packing and soon we'll be on the road heading home. :( Every year seems to outdo the year prior and this year was no different. To say we had an amazing time would be a huge understatement. If you have the chance to attend next year, jump at it. This year's unexpected cherry on the top was seeing Jennifer Holliday perform in a tiny venue and getting a picture with her afterwards.


    Could you recommend a good pot shop near Canyon Club, my Rasta brother?



    Hope you don't mind me butting in but there are a couple that I like that are good but a little bit off the beaten path (about a 15-20 minute ride from the club). One is Desert Organic Solutions in North Palm Springs and the other is Desert's Finest in Desert Hot Springs. A great resource is weedmaps.com Just type in Palm Springs and you can pull up a list of pot shops in the area along with full menus and reviews if you'd like to get a feel for the places before visiting one. It also gives you a list of the prices which vary a lot in the desert.

  3. In the "romantic zone" there is a Building to the right of the Blue Chairs, it used to be called the Blue Seas but they recently changed the name. At the ground level, beach side, there is a massage studio. The guys are trained so the massages are good as are the endings ;)

    A good massage followed by a happy ending from a hot Latino? Count me in!!

  4. So just to pull my intentionally sexy rhetoric back a little bit I will now be very literal and say this.


    If there is something that I would describe as the emotional center of this weekend, for me, it is a sense of community and openness and warmth. What I cherish about it the intimacy and friendship shared with many people - some of whom I know very well, and some of whom I see only rarely but have an abiding affection for. That's it.


    ^ This sums it up beautifully for me. Doesn't matter if you're fat or skinny, young or old, gorgeous or homely, you will feel accepted and loved. :)

  5. In regards to marijuana shops, I know of one that is fully licensed with the city (C.A.P.S.) but it is pretty far from the hotels (it's near the airport). I have no idea what the scene will look like once they legalize it for recreational use . That's why I rely on Weedmaps.com for the most up to date information :) Regardless, like a good scout, I always come prepared and have a tendency to over-pack for my trips. ;)

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