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Posts posted by tyro

  1. "Never spawned" in the past tense? A few days ago, I learned that with the right medications/surgery, women can carry a pregnancy (using someone else's eggs) indefinitely. The eggs age, but the reproductive system itself does not.


    However, I'm 43. The baby boat has long since sailed away. I'm actually considering getting my tubes tied to better enjoy any last hurrahs before menopause.


  2. Niiice!


    My buddy Enrique and I crossed paths with George Takei and his husband exiting a theater in downtown LA. I am so shy but Enrique isn't, so while Mr. Takei dealt with my friend I gave a subtle yet warm pat on his shoulder. So yeah, I touched Sulu!!


    We should all look so amazing at 80.



  3. I hate dreads, braids, etc. on white guys irrespective of whether they look good or not. White people ripped black people out of their homes and now hairstyles created by the latter for cultural and aesthetic reasons (because black hair and haircare are totally different) have become the latest accessory for a classless, entitled white singer? No thanks.


    There isn't the same association with slavery, but I can't stand it when Kpop stars and their stylists rip off black hairstyles either. They're not indigenous to Korea, the styles don't address issues Koreans have with their hair, and it's disrespectful. It makes videos by some of my favorite artists hard or impossible to watch.

    Is it really that big a deal? Maybe he just likes the look.


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