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Posts posted by poolboy48220

  1. SO many characters I have not read the books so usually I need to see the person to realize who they are. With the squire who poisoned Robert Baratheon, I did not recognize him as they either changed actors or he got a lot hunkier. Anyway it wasnt until Cerce (sp) described him did I recognize him as one of the religious zealots.

    Agreed. That is Lancel Lannister, it's the same actor, but in the first season or two, he had awful long hair and much different mannerisms. I think the long hair was to make him look a bit like Jaime, which was why Cersei took him to bed. Once they cut his hair & had him join the Sparrows, and show a bit more chest :-), he was much hotter.

  2. http://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/scalefit_630_noupscale/570291bc1500002a000b3f41.jpeg?cache=3h3h5xk49f









    This is awesome, and I definitely fall into the dog parent category more than dog lover. But she rarely wakes me up. She likes sleeping more than I do.

  3. 12924541_893128337175_5472819217307181568_n.jpg?oh=ab88c2cf461d05cc206b434d6c1c65f3&oe=577B95FE

    When I was a kid I read the Richard Blade stories - science fiction with a hunky hairy hero who got a LOT of sex. The parents would have freaked if they'd known what was really in the books. No gay action that I ever found, but I remember one line in particular: "his enormous lingam a tower upthrust". Another where his hard-on burst through his flimsy leather breeches.

  4. [spoiler alert] - I was pretty excited when browsing around the game of thrones wiki (a bad habit for spoilers) when I read that there was another surviving Targareyan baby; he'd be Dany's nephew, but about her age. I think the show is skipping that storyline.

  5. I'm very excited. I am making my way through the books (nearly done with book 3, but it's slow going), and re-watched nearly all of it during the marathon on HBO in December or January. There are so many characters & plotlines that I got a lot more out of it on the second viewing.

  6. Jesus and Moses are sitting in a boat fishing when Jesus says to Moses, "I want to do a miracle so we can feel like the good old days." Moses says "Yeah sure." He takes up his staff, strikes it on the surface of the lake, and the waters part. Moses strolls to the shore and back and climbs back into the boat.


    Jesus gets up and says "I think I'll walk on the water, that was always a good one." Jesus walks over to the edge of the boat, steps into the water, and sinks like a stone. Moses drags Jesus back into the boat, revives him, and says "I think it's the holes in your feet!"

  7. This may be more about legit massage - where no advertising or discussion of "mutual touch"has been discussed - but I thought I'd add to the general direction of the conversation:


    My standard MO is the be laying face down, have my hands on the side of the table, cupping around the edge. This just feels most natural for me - very gently gripping around the table's edge. Otherwise my hands feel almost unconformable open palms flat down, or palms flat up.


    I must admit i do this for every massage pretty much, even at full on legit spa/hotel/resort places. And even if my hands are under a drape. You can kinda deduce where the masseur is most of the time, and I may ever so gently adjust my hands here and there if i feel it may position them a bit closer to the masseur's crotch. Then it's up to the masseur to drop some hints. Sometimes it's only 10 minutes in and I'm feeling a throbbing bulge directly on my hand. .OK.. .that's a VERY clear message. I've had massages where it never went any further than that. I feel his cock- through his pants, .,rub it, massage it... but he goes no further.. still i like that connection and intimacy (especially as part of a good massage in the first place - it's a small but very nice extra) I;d actually rather be rubbing his dick here and there while he gives a good massage, and have nothing else. than the sitaution where there is NO intimate touch for 55 minutes, then a very perfunctory hand job at the end. .that feels so disconnected and un-nurturing.


    Often the crotch-brush-against-the-hand is the first signal form the masseur to hte client that "yes, we can a do a bit more " and most of the time it proceeds to at least a happy ending for me. If the masseur grabs my ass or dick, or whips his dick out, then I feel comfortable reciprocating, and of course backing off if he indicates it's off limits.


    It's a bit of a dance. .especially at legit places.. he's kinda cautious about crossing a line, and I'm making sure I'm not being a hands perv of a client. But it's a dance I love and I admit, even someitmes contacting a guy on massagem4m or masseurfinder, I WONT have an explicit converstaion because I want to enjoy the testing of boundaries.


    Every now and them a masseur will deftly take my hand and place it next to my body, AWAY from the edge of the table. I may gradually work my hand out to the side again, and if he puts it back next to my body a second time. I interpret that as OK.. message received. Nothing extra at all.. and that's OK


    Again, this is for legit places. If a masseur ADVERTISES mutual touch, then i feel you should be comfortable gently and respectfully initiating contact and seeing if it's permitted (some mutual touch MUST be permitted) or if he terminates the contact.


    I'd be interested in others' input here.

    Another upvote for this post, especially the "enjoy the testing of boundaries" bit. It reminds me of a description I wrote in another forum years ago, in response to a guy who wondered if anything ever started in the steamroom of the gym, and how to initiate it. Always very subtle advances and an awareness of how they were being received, and proceeding (or stopping) based on that reception.


    when I was first coming out, I had a massage from a guy who started with you on your back, then moved to you being face down, opposite of how most massages go. It wasn't until I was face down that he started rubbing his crotch against my hand, and it went where you would expect.

  8. Or the old Sam Kinison routine, "it's a good thing THESE <grabs his crotch> are attached. Because if they weren't, once you got married, <he pops the microphone off its cord>. If you want these, they'll be in my purse or in the refrigerator."

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