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Everything posted by goosh69

  1. I believe he is a Spanish model. But no one is coming to NYC in a pandemic.
  2. so many of the less dense places are not taking this seriously AND have few tests in hospitals. So in the end Oklahoma, West Virginia, and Texas will get hit much harder than places like SF or NY or the entire state of Ohio. This post will age well. I will reply in a month.
  3. too much period. Too much nonsense too. But I’d note that Chinese stocks have fallen over 50% from their 2015 peak - 4/5 of that since before 2020. So the Shanghai composite had a lot less to fall.
  4. I amend my above - I’d guess no events until July. All of you thinking about going anywhere are deluding yourselves. Every county on Earth is implementing draconian lock downs. Even if the Federal government in the US doesn’t, the states are one by one. California included. What’s more, you should stay at home as much as possible period.
  5. COVID 19 outbreak from Miami White party. Zero chance any events in CA will be allowed until May. https://www.washingtonblade.com/2020/03/16/attendee-at-lgbtq-dance-fundraiser-in-miami-tests-positive-for-coronavirus/
  6. He’s suspending LA version. For sure NYS will follow suit soon. I’d just assume strip clubs generally will be closed nationwide.
  7. he claims to be straight but he does think most people including women are beneath him. So if you’re into arrogant, it works. If not, it won’t.
  8. No where is “collapsing”. It’s not the zombie apocalypse. It could highly disruptive but we won’t be riding around in fire breathing SUVs mad-max style.
  9. I think I the rich man who will both support them AND be the boss. It’s not just better half. It’s superior half.
  10. Never pay even A penny deposit! Ever! You’ve learned the hard way.
  11. You get “wasp” from “ Castor Feretti?”
  12. Just go and ask. 75% say yes in my experience. Don’t PM and ask who. Just read-read what I wrote.
  13. Just go and ask. 75% say yes in my experience. Don’t PM and ask who. Just read-read what I wrote.
  14. Standing one is smaller. His brother has a slightly concave chest If you see him sideways or in person. So he looks better if he is directly opposite you. They both rotate cities when not in school.
  15. The both do privates. Smaller one will get naked but not kiss or do anything “sexual “ so just really Hard R rated. So...
  16. It’s pretty obvious that TOP has an issue being specific with these guys up front. You need to say exactly (not in code words) what you expect before you meet. No?
  17. It means USNW list of top colleges. If I remember correctly though his was more like #27 but whatever. He was a good student he means.
  18. He looks like his photos. Only maybe 5 years older. He’s orange tinted blond, barely strawberry. He’s gay. Any more sounds like a review but his ad is accurate.
  19. I blocked him so he must have been terrible, Muriel.
  20. NO ONE actually considers Washington Heights part of Harlem. EVER. You’ll never find a single map ANYWHERE made by ANYOne saying that. The rest, sure. You’re mixing up “upper Manhattan “ with “Harlem”, in which case you’d add Inwood. But all versions of Harlem end at 155th or lower. See this NYT article which discusses the MAXIMUM area ever considered Harlem: https://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/06/nyregion/06harlem.html
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