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Everything posted by goosh69

  1. Romanian is DEFINITELY an ethnic group apart from the nation of Romania. It’s strangely ignorant of you to ignore the difference between nationality and ethnicity- which has DEFINED 200 years of European or even World history. Since you value Wikipedia as a source - “The Romanians (Romanian: români pronounced [roˈmɨnʲ] or—historically, but now a seldom-used regionalism—rumâni; dated exonym: Vlachs) are a Romance[52] ethnic group and nation native to Romania, that share a common Romanian culture, ancestry, and speak the Romanian language, the most widespread spoken Eastern Romance language which is descended from the Latin language. According to the 2011 Romanian census, just under 89% of Romania's citizens identified themselves as ethnic Romanians.” “ Today, estimates of the number of Romanian people worldwide vary from 26 to 30 million according to various sources, evidently depending on the definition of the term 'Romanian', Romanians native to Romania and Republic of Moldova and their afferent diasporas, native speakers of Romanian, as well as other Eastern Romance-speaking groups considered by most scholars as a constituent part of the broader Romanian people, specifically Aromanians, Megleno-Romanians, Istro-Romanians, and Vlachs in Serbia (including medieval Vlachs), in Croatia, in Bulgaria, or in Bosnia and Herzegovina.[1][2][3][55][56]” Look up Hungarian next, and see how many of them (and Germans and others) live in Romania.
  2. Platonic would be a deal breaker on rentmen or Match.com too.
  3. I’ve also heard some women claim this. I think half of them are lying about it being purely platonic, but no doubt it happens. But even when it does, it ends for the women after the guys get too many blue balls.
  4. “ Seeking Active lifestyle Flexible Schedule Rent Assistance Travel with You Tuition & School Support Vacations Looking for a humble yet confident [platonic at first] companion to live with and travel the world. Let’s Go! ” All this and PLATONIC.
  5. Our friend Wikipedia tells us 20% of Nationality-Romanians speak another language - Hungarian, various Southern Slav language Turkic, etc. Moldavians ARE Romanian linguistically and culturally. The Soviets drew an arbitrary border. Etc. But anyway your anecdotes don’t prove that all or most or even a plurality of “thugs” are Romanian or anything else. Just weird racist vitriol.
  6. Also nationality and ethnicity can be and are distinct. The history of Europe for the last two hundred years was all about irredentism! Like ALL the European wars since Napoleon! There are lot of ethnic Hungarians in Romania and visa versa. Ethnic Poles in Lithuania, Russians in Latvia, Swedes in Finland, etc. All dating back to long before the EU. The Balkan wars have all been about this - as were (in part) both World Wars. Outside of Europe it’s been the cause of all kinds of wars in our lifetime. Nationality is not the same as ethnicity. Period. But back to the topic at hand - unless you speak Romanian you can’t be sure. And even then it’s pretty racist to say that all these “thugs” are of any ethnicity. Or nationality.
  7. Hollywood actresses have been shaving years of their ages since the silent era. Don’t be a moron and act like it’s NOVEL that men like Youth.
  8. You mean ROMA not ROMANIANS. And it’s racist that you don’t know the difference and that you’d even wrote that.
  9. Also the guy who’s pictures he uses lives full time in Insrael and is an Instagram star. And MAY not want this escort using his photos. Come to think of it I’m going to ask the actual model if he minds.
  10. Most French people I have ever spoken to who are NOT from Paris ALSO say Parisians are rude even to other French people or Francophones. Like 9/10 French people I have asked. Or who have said this on their own. It’s SORT of like New Yorkers and other Americans, only worse.
  11. In DeMoines, Milwaukee, San Francisco or Manhattan. Seems like some might be worth more than others.
  12. If your a sugar daddy or want to be, $80 is not a lot.
  13. Sorry, but you lie like a rug. The guy who met me never at ANY POINT IN TIME could possibly have been the guy in those ads. Fake fake fake. And he kept calling and texting me for hours and then days asking if I was sure I didn’t want to hook up. Avoid.
  14. I guess Atlas shrugged one too many times.
  15. Definitely fake. Avoid.
  16. WRONG. They want to meet because so many guys are fake and catfishes. They want to meet to not waste there time “getting to know” someone who is fake. I NEVER waste time getting to know someone. We either meet in person in short order or not. So many guys use fake or outdated pictures, its pathetic.
  17. Right?!?! Like FOR REAL I can and do hang out with hot straight guys platonically. Platonic is not what a dating site is about.
  18. It’s delicate. Some guys I’ve met REALLY don’t want to be thought of in any way shape or form as rent boys, and legitimately say they want richer, older boyfriends. 75% of those same guys I’ve met are ALSO all about “taking it slow.” An awfully high correlation for this to be mere coincidence. Most gay men (and really most MEN) want something if not full on sex within the first few dates. Basically a base every date or every other date at least. Hell, when I dated WOMEN they wanted to move much faster than these “go slow” SA guys. So I’ve lost patience and moved on a couple of times. And in each of those times, after I dumped the guy, they called or texted asking for something that would cost me money afterwards if not flat out money...to which I always reply that I WOULD be genuinely generous to an actual boyfriend...maybe that makes me a Chris Hardwick type but daddy has his needs...I feel terrible, like Muriel.
  19. Actually almost a success on almost SA.
  20. TOP sounds weird frankly. He KNOWS he can block a number but won’t because reasons. Sounds like he wants to be the victim and likes drama. I’d have blocked the guy after the third or fourth text after my first “no.”
  21. Unless you actually meet or at least Skype, there is a big chance of catfishes.
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