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Everything posted by gallahadesquire

  1. http://www.rentboy.com/Listing.aspx?lid=577452&iid=505395&scid=142154333&sp=1&pos=0&locid=&type=escort
  2. 211 Long Distance 411 Information 611 Telephone repair Station-to-station or person-to-person? You could choose your long-distance carrier, and this was a big issue!
  3. I do eat like my grandparents. They lived to upper 80's, all of them, save my paternal grandfather. I come from a very long-lived family. My great-great-great-great grandfather fought in the Revolutionary war. (I have the history and I'm eleventh generation, from arrival in 1630). I'm curious as to one's thoughts on coconut oil.
  4. Anyone know what video this is from? The guy on the right looks like Connor or Dawson from Corbin Fisher, but the set isn't ... it's more like Sean Cody. Any hints?
  5. Sigh. Thanks, you super-sleuths. I'll forgo the event, and continue my Never Ending Search to try to arrange something with the erstwhile Escort of the Year, Tristan Baldwin.
  6. Anyone have any input on this dude? http://www.rentboy.com/Listing.aspx?lid=571253&iid=500775&scid=131349047&sp=1&pos=1&locid=1503&type=escort[/url]
  7. Unlike the way I like my men, I like smooth and natural: no added anything.
  8. He does have "escort" listed with the green bucks icon.
  9. Randomly: In the past two years, I have received four (4) letters from the Gas Company telling me that, in comparison to my neighbors of similar-sized houses, I'm #100 on the list of using too much gas. Of course, that I'm home almost 24/7 and like it at 70 rather than 68 [three months indoors one winter re-set my comfort zone] might have something to do with it. New boiler might help ...
  10. "colder than a witch's tit in a brass brassier on the shady side of an iceberg"
  11. No surprise there. Aquarius is not a water sign. Cancer here.
  12. Ben Browder Michael Shanks Daniel Craig
  13. As far as raising money and watching for "entitlements": Could someone explain to me why there's a cap on the amount of income that is taxed for Medicare and Social Security? Roughly $110,000 seems a very low ceiling for cessation of paying taxes. Why not just make it on the entire amount earned? My financial adviser says that would cure the Social Security debt / collapse.
  14. His most recent was May, 2012. Felony / battery.
  15. I'm going to be violently ill. And I love bacon! Can they make it with caramel?
  16. Some of his photographs match this fellow: http://male.muscleboykanan.com/NBlizzard/ but the first three at M4RN are not otherwise on the web.
  17. Would you possibly have some Grey P ... oops ... a link so we can see this specimen?
  18. Alternatively, "Say goonight, Dick" but under those circumstances, that might not have been a good idea
  19. I hate to ruin this frivolity Long ago, I was introduced to a book of manners: The Unexpurgated Code: A Complete Manual of Survival & Manners by J.P. Donleavy He used a term "Pukka" puk·ka also puck·a (pk) adj. 1. Genuine; authentic. 2. Superior; first-class. [Hindi pakk, cooked, ripe, from Sanskrit pakva-, from pacati, he cooks; see pekw- in Indo-European roots.] The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. pukka, pucka [ˈpʌkə] adj (esp in India) 1. properly or perfectly done, constructed, etc. a pukka road 2. genuine pukka sahib [from Hindi pakkā firm, from Sanskrit pakva] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003 One of his examples: On the occurance of smelling a Fart in a close elevator: [Goofus]: I want outta here, Pronto!; or, in Pukka, [Gallant]: I say, that is uncommonly foul.
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