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Everything posted by gallahadesquire

  1. That armoire has GOT to go! Keep the hunk with the ass. He needs to lose the ring, though. I remember ironing an escort's shirt and pants before we went to Symphony in Boston. (He was from out of town). I was amazed how small his shirt (medium) was ... I'm used to xl to 2xl. Of course, we ran into a couple that I know ... who were kind enough never to say anything. And the Ovation was something by Schubert or Liszt, piano 4 hands, that was better than the concert.
  2. Apologies, no attitude intended. I was more pondering the thought.
  3. Actually, the Proper Thing to Do is put BOTH seats down (assuming there is a lid) after making sure the seat is Dry and Clean. We do that in my Household, and it's two men. And why is this in the Funnies?
  4. At his age, I was anesthetizing people for their open heart surgery.
  5. The a Tour at Universal Studios, Hollywood had something like this. The tour bus would pull up to a water crossing, and then there would be mechanical sounds. As I dis remember it, two walls came up to just under the water level,then the water would be drained between the walls, to allow the bus to cross. It was cool.
  6. It's there. I think it's making a resurgence. Always available at Amazon. I know Wegman's and Price Chopper, here inNew England, carry it.
  7. Not to hoist my own petard, but multiple people have told me how young I look. I was fooling around with some neigh 30 years ago, and I noticed how soft and smooth his skin was. "what do you use for soap?" I asked. "Tone soap." I've used it for years, and fully agree with Funguy.
  8. DAY AT THE STORE It was a Nice spring day, so Farmer and Mrs. Brown decided to go into town and do their monthly shopping. Since they were going to be gone the whole day, Farmer Brown decided to take the opportunity to varnish the toilet seat. When they came home they heard the worst caterwauling coming out of the upstairs bathroom. They want upstairs, and found the servant girl Nan stuck to the toilet seat. Normally, she never got a chance to try the fancy toilet in the fancy bathroom. Farmer and Mrs. Brown thought they'd see if they could get Nan lives from the seat. Farmer Brown got behind, and Mrs. Brown gottin' front, and they tried a-pushing and a-shovin', and a-pullin' and a-tuggin, but she were stuck there fast. So Farmer Brown went down and got a screwdriver and unscrewed the toilet seat from the toilet and they decided to put her in the wagon and take her down to the hospital. The new intern was on duty. He took one look at this and excused himself to go laugh for a moment or two. He then got the charge nurse and she got in front, and he got behind, and they tried a-pushing and a-shovin', and a-pullin' and a-tuggin, but she were stuck there fast. The new intern didn't know what else to do so he called his attending, Doc Green. Doc Green arrived and assessed the situation. "Ever see anything like this before?" said the intern. "Ah-yup," said Doc Brown,"but I've never seen one in a frame before."
  9. PRO: Snowballing. It kind of grossed me out, then I discovered it, then i discovered the guy I was with really liked it. CON:Felching Position: bareback missionary. I wanna see everybody.
  10. Johnny Carson, Dickie Smothers, and Redd Fox kept interrupting Tommy Smothers, who was trying to tell a joke. They would insert random punch lines, such as: "So's mine," says the second Parrot to the first, "Maybe it's the sea air?"; "Oh, THAT," she said, "I learned that from squirrels!"; and "Well, why don't you back in, and go as a Parker House roll?" The actual jokes were left as an exercise for the Audience.
  11. It's S-day minus 3 hours 26 minutes. I wish I had someone here to kiss.
  12. Tristan Baldwin used to advertise that kissing took place in all his encounters. That's not on his webpage anymore
  13. Along with the Crisco and non-latex gloves?
  14. Thank you, Gentlemen, for the reinforcement. I found it a bit odd at first, but after awhile, it seemed as natural as swallowing cum after a blowjob.
  15. Not just for escorts, but for everybody: After the initial lip lock, and some time together, has anyone else found kissing to be more of a bonding than a sexual gesture? And I do mean, tongue in full gear, no holds bar, not-just-a-peck-on-the-cheek. Raison d'être: A recent experience. And it was fabulous. Kind of like talking, but without the words.
  16. Welcome, Sandlapp. Hot avatar. I had an appointment with a Very Hot, Very Muscular man who has the highest reviews here. For me: Nothing. Not worse than nothing, but nothing. And he was just my type. On the other hand, I've had two five-day trips with someone that I probably never would have hired except for recommendations from this site. we just seem to mesh.
  17. I like the larger jets, where they can board at the second left door, so first class is to the left, and everybody else, to the right. If I'm in first, I can have my pre-flight drink in relative peace and quiet. Unfortunately, larger jets tend not to fly domestic routes anymore, and I hate the 737. I don't think anyone mentioned: It takes a virtual police squad to make sure that, if boarded rear-to-front, that people don't take a more-forward seat's luggage space on their way back to the lav.
  18. Sigh. Why don't we ever have anything like that here in New England?
  19. From SeanCody.com: Kurt and Doug in Hawaii
  20. I have a question: What makes an ass "juiciest"? Syphylis? Gonnorhea? Chlamydia?
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